Richmond  Lattimore         Chicago Homer

iliad  19


              _  _  | _     .    . | _    *       .   | _ . . | _ .    . |_ *          00:19   (Stratakis)

 1           Ηὼς μὲν κροκόπεπλος  απ' Ωκεανοῖοροάων

             Dawn          yellow-robed     from   Ocean’s     river


              _     .      .  |_  .  . | _  *     . | _   .    .  |_ .     .  | _ *

 2          ρνυθ', ‘ν' αθανάτοισι  φοως φέροι ηδὲ βροτοῖσι :

        was-rising          to immortals     light  could-carry   and  to men .

                      impf.                                                         op.

              _    _   |_  .   .| _  *   . | _   .   .  | _   .    . | _    *

 3          δ' ες νῆας ‘κανε  θεοῦ πάρα δῶρα φέρουσα .

and she-Thetis  was-coming  to ships   carrying  god’s-Hephaistos  gifts .

                                               impf.                                                 part.

              _   .   . | _     _  | _    .   .| _  .    .  | _   .   .   | _ *

 4         ερε δὲ Πατρόκλῳ  περικείμενον ‘ν φίλον υιὸν

         she-found    in the arms of Patroklos      her beloved son

                       ao.                                     perf. part.

              _    _ |_  .  . | _      .  . | _     _ | _      .    . | _  *

 5         κλαίοντα λιγέως:  πολεες δ' αμφ' αυτὸν ῾εταῖροι

            lying   crying shrill,  and  companions  about him


              _    _     | _   _  | _  *     . | _   .   . |_ .  . |_  *

 6         μύρονθ': ‘ δ' εν τοῖσι  παρίστατο δῖα θεάων ,

       mourning .  She  amongst them  was-standing glowing  goddess .

                     pres.                                           impf.

              _    .   .  | _  _  | _ *   . | _     .   .   | _   .   . | _ *

 7          ν τ'ρα ‘οι φῦ χειρι  επος τ'φατ' κ τ'ονόμαζε :

         She clung to her son's hand   and called him by name and spoke to him:

                                           ao.                              impf.            impf.

             _    .   .| _     _ | _     *    .| _ .   .   | _ .   . | _    *

 8        τέκνον εμὸν τοῦτον μεν  εάσομεν αχνύμενοί περ

           'My child, now, though we grieve for him, we must let this man lie

                                                                          fut.             part.

              _     .   . | _   _  | _    *     . | _  ..| _ .   . | _    *

 9         κεῖσθαι, επεὶ δὴ πρῶτα  θεῶν ιότητι δαμάσθη :

           dead, in the way he first was killed through the gods' designing.

                                                                                                 ao. p

              _  _    | _  _  | _  *     . | _    .   .  | _  .  . | _ *

 10        τύνη δ' Ἡφαίστοιο  παρα κλυτὰ τεύχεα δέξο

           Accept rather from me the glorious arms of Hephaistos,

                                                                                                   ao. imp.

              _  .     .     | _  _  | _    *    .| _   _ | _  .    . | _ *

 11       καλὰ μάλ', ο' ο πώ τις  ανὴρ μοισι φόρησε .

         so splendid, and such as no man has ever worn on his shoulders.'



             | _  _  | _     .    . | _    * . | _ . . |   _ . . | _ .    . |_ *   | _ . . |       

 1            Ηὼς μὲν κροκόπεπλος      απ' Ωκεανοῖοροάων

             | _     .      .  |_  .  . | _  * . | _ . . | _   .    .  |_ .     .  | _ * | _ . . |

              ώρνυθ', ‘ίν' αθανάτοισι        φοως φέροι ηδὲ βροτοῖσι :

             | _    _   |_  .   .| _  * . | _ . . | _   .   .  | _   .    . | _    * | _ . . |

              ‘ὴ δ' ες νῆας ‘ίκανε        θεοῦ πάρα δῶρα φέρουσα .

             | _   .   . | _     _  | _ . . | _ .   .| _  .    .  | _   .   .   | _ * | _ . . |

             ῾εῦρε δὲ Πατρόκλῳ        περικείμενον ‘ὸν φίλον ῾υιὸν

             | _    _ |_  .  . | _ . . | _ .  . | _     _ | _      .    . | _  * | _ . . |

              κλαίοντα λιγέως:     πολεες δ' αμφ' αυτὸν ῾εταῖροι

             | _    _     | _   _  | _  * . | _ . . | _   .   . |_ .  . |_  * | _ . . |

             μύρονθ': ‘ δ' εν τοῖσι       παρίστατο δῖα θεάων ,

             | _    .   .  | _  _  | _ * . | _ . . | _     .   .   | _   .   . | _ * | _ . . |

              έν τ'άραοι φῦ χειρι          επος τ'έφατ' έκ τ'ονόμαζε :

             | _    .   .| _     _ | _     * . | _ . .| _ .   .   | _ .   . | _    * | _ . . |

             τέκνον εμὸν τοῦτον μεν        εάσομεν αχνύμενοί περ

             | _     .   . | _   _  | _    * . | _ . . | _  ..| _ .   . | _    * | _ . . |

             κεῖσθαι, επεὶ δὴ πρῶτα       θεῶν ιότητι δαμάσθη :

             | _  _    | _  _  | _  * . | _ . . | _    .   .  | _  .  . | _ * | _ . . |

             τύνη δ' Ἡφαίστοιο        παρα κλυτὰ τεύχεα δέξο

             | _  .     .     | _  _  | _    * . | _ . .| _   _ | _  .    . | _ * | _ . . |

             καλὰ μάλ', ῾οῖ' ού πώ τις        ανὴρ ώμοισι φόρησε .





              _  .  .  | _   _ | _  *     . |_  .   . | _   .  . | _ *                       1:24

 12       ὡς ρα φωνήσασα  θεὰ κατὰ τεύχε' θηκε

           The goddess spoke so, and set down the armour on the ground

                                       ao. part.                                            ao.

                _    _  |_ _ |  _       .     .| _   .   .  | _    .  .  | _   *

 13      πρόσθεν Αχιλλῆος:  τα δ'ανέβραχε δαίδαλα πάντα .

           before Achilleus, and all its elaboration clashed loudly.


              _   .   . | _      .   .  | _    *     . | _   .    .   | _   .   .  | _ *

 14      Μυρμιδόνας δ' ρα πάντας  ελε τρόμος, ουδέ τις τλη

           Trembling took hold of all the Myrmidons. None had the courage

                                                          ao.                                       ao.

              _  _  |_ .  . | _     _   |_  .    .    |  _  .    . | _   *

 15       ντην εισιδέειν,  αλλ' τρεσαν.  αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς

            to look straight at it. They were afraid of it. Only Achilleus

                         ao. inf.                       ao.

              _    _    | _    _  | _    .    .| _   .    .   | _  .    . | _   *

 16       ‘ως εῖδ',  ‘ώς μιν μᾶλλον εδυ χόλος, εν δέ ‘οι όσσε

             looked,   and as he looked the anger came harder upon him

                    ao.                                       ao.                                      dual

              _   .    . | _    .    . | _      _   |_   .   .  |_ .  . | _   *

 17       δεινὸν ‘υπὸ βλεφάρων  ως ει σέλας εξεφάανθεν :

            and his eyes glittered terribly under his lids, like sunflare.

                                                                          ao. p

              _   .   . | _      _ | _    *   . | _     .   .  | _  .  . | _  *

 18       τέρπετο δ' εν χείρεσσιν  εχων θεοῦ αγλαὰ δῶρα .

            He was glad, holding in his hands the shining gifts of Hephaistos.

                impf.                                          part.

              _   .   .| _      .   .  | _ *    . | _   .  .  | _   .   .  | _      *

 19       αυτὰρ επεὶ φρεσὶν ‘σι   τετάρπετο δαίδαλα λεύσσων

              But when he had satisfied his heart with looking at the intricate

                                                         ao.                                   part.

              _  .  . | _  .   .  | _   .  . | _   .   . |_  .     .  | _    *                    2:12

 20        αυτίκα μητέρα ‘ν  επεα πτερόεντα προσηύδα :  

              armour, he spoke to his mother and addressed her in winged words:


              _  .   .| _   .    .   | _   *     . | _   .   .   | _   . . |_ *

 21       μῆτερ εμὴ τὰ μὲν ‘πλα  θεὸς πόρεν ‘οῖ' επιεικὲς

           'My mother, the god has given me these weapons; they are such


             _   .    .  | _  .  . | _      _ | _   .     .  | _    .    . | _    *

 22       ργ' μεν θανάτων,  μηδὲ βροτὸν νδρα τελέσσαι .

            as are the work of immortals. No mortal man could have made them.

                     inf.                                                                            ao. inf.

              _     _ | _   .    .| _    _  | _ .    .   | _  .     .  | _  *

 23       νῦν δ' τοι μὲν εγὼ  θωρήξομαι: αλλὰ μάλ'αινῶς

         Therefore now I shall arm myself in them. Yet I am sadly


              _  _  | _   _ | _    *      . | _  .  .  | _  .   .  | _ *

 24       δείδω μή μοι τόφρα  Μενοιτίου λκιμον ‘υιὸν

             afraid, during this time, for the warlike son of Menoitios


              _ _ | _   _  | _    .   . | _    .   . | _     _| _  *

 25       μυῖαι καδδῦσαι  κατα χαλκοτύπους ωτειλὰς

           that flies might get into the wounds beaten by bronze in his body

                       ao. part.

              _  _   |_  _ | _    *    . | _ _ | _  .   .  | _   *

 26        ευλὰς εγγείνωνται,  αεικίσσωσι δὲ νεκρόν ,

           and breed worms in them, and these make foul the body, seeing

                              subj.                 ao. subj.

              _   _  | _   .    . | _     .   .  | _    .   . | _    .    . | _ *

 27       εκ δ' αιὼν πέφαται,   κατα δὲ χρόα πάντα σαπήῃ .

            that the life is killed in him, and that all his flesh may be rotted.'

                                perf.                                                     ao. subj. p


             | _  .  .  | _   _ | _  * . | _ . . |_  .   . | _   .  . | _ *  | _ . . |                    

 12        ὡς άρα φωνήσασα        θεὰ κατὰ τεύχε' έθηκε

             | _    _  |_ _ |  _  . . | _ .     .| _   .   .  | _    .  .  | _   * | _ . . |

          πρόσθεν Αχιλλῆος:      τα δ'ανέβραχε δαίδαλα πάντα .

             | _   .   . | _      .   .  | _    * . | _ . . | _   .    .   | _   .   .  | _ * | _ . . |

            Μυρμιδόνας δ' άρα πάντας       ελε τρόμος, ουδέ τις έτλη

             | _  _  |_ .  . | _     _   |_  .    .   | _ . . |  _  .    . | _   * | _ . . |

             άντην εισιδέειν,  αλλ' έτρεσαν.          αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς

             | _    _  | _ . . | _    _  | _    .    .| _   .    .   | _  .    . | _   * | _ . . |

            ως εῖδ',         ώς μιν μᾶλλον εδυ χόλος, εν δέοι όσσε

             | _   .    . | _    .    . | _ . . | _  _   |_   .   .  |_ .  . | _   * | _ . . |

             δεινὸνυπὸ βλεφάρων       ως ει σέλας εξεφάανθεν :

             | _   .   . | _      _ | _    * . | _ . . | _     .   .  | _  .  . | _  * | _ . . |

             τέρπετο δ' εν χείρεσσιν         εχων θεοῦ αγλαὰ δῶρα .

             | _   .   .| _      .   .  | _ * . | _ . . | _   .  .  | _   .   .  | _      * | _ . . |

             αυτὰρ επεὶ φρεσὶνῇσι         τετάρπετο δαίδαλα λεύσσων

             | _  .  . | _  .   .  | _ . . | _ .  . | _   .   . |_  .     .  | _    *  | _ . . |                

             αυτίκα μητέραὴν         επεα πτερόεντα προσηύδα :  

             | _  .   .| _   .    .   | _   * . | _ . . | _   .   .   | _   . . |_ * | _ . . |

            μῆτερ εμὴ τὰ μὲνόπλα        θεὸς πόρενοῖ' επιεικὲς

            | _   .    .  | _  .  . | _ . . | _  _ | _   .     .  | _    .    . | _    * | _ . . |

            έργ' έμεν αθανάτων,        μηδὲ βροτὸν άνδρα τελέσσαι .

             | _     _ | _   .    .| _ . . | _  _  | _ .    .   | _  .     .  | _  * | _ . . |

             νῦν δ' ήτοι μὲν εγὼ         θωρήξομαι: αλλὰ μάλ'αινῶς

             | _  _  | _   _ | _    *   . | _ .    . | _  .  .  | _  .   .  | _ * | _ . . |

             δείδω μή μοι τόφρα  Μενοιτίου άλκιμονυιὸν

             | _ _ | _   _  | _ . . | _ .   . | _    .   . | _     _| _  * | _ . . |

            μυῖαι καδδῦσαι        κατα χαλκοτύπους ωτειλὰς

             | _  _   |_  _ | _    * . | _ . . | _ _ | _  .   .  | _   * | _ . . |

              ευλὰς εγγείνωνται,        αεικίσσωσι δὲ νεκρόν ,

             | _   _  | _   .    . | _ . . | _ .   .  | _    .   . | _    .    . | _ * | _ . . |

             εκ δ' αιὼν πέφαται,        κατα δὲ χρόα πάντα σαπήῃ .




              _    _ | _  .    . | _  *    . |_   .   . | _  .    . | _ *                2:53

 28       τὸν δ'ημείβετ' έπειτα  θεὰ Θέτις ᾱργυρόπεζα :

            In turn the goddess Thetis the silver-footed answered him:


              _   _  | _   _ | _   *     . | _    .   . | _  .   . | _    *

 29       τέκνον μή τοι ταῦτα  μετὰ φρεσὶ σῇσι μελόντων .

            'My child, no longer let these things be a care in your mind.


              _   .   . | _   _  | _   *   . | _    _  | _  . . | _ *

 30       τῷ μὲν εγὼ πειρήσω  αλαλκεῖν γρια φῦλα

            I shall endeavour to drive from him the swarming and fierce things,

                                    fut.             ao. inf.

              _  _  | _   .    .  | _   *     .| _ .  . | _     .   . | _   *

 31       μυίας, ‘α ρά τε φῶτας  αρηϊφάτους κατέδουσι :

         those flies, which feed upon the bodies of men who have perished;


              _   _  | _    . . | _   *    . | _   .    .   | _  . . |_  *

 32       ν περ γὰρ κεῖταί γε  τελεσφόρον εις ενιαυτόν ,

            and although he lie here till a year has gone to fulfilment,


              _ _ | _    _  | _    _    | _  .    .   | _   .   . | _  *

 33         αιεὶ τῷ γ'σται χρως μπεδος,  καὶ αρείων .

              still his body shall be as it was, or firmer than ever.


              _   .   .  | _     .  . | _     .   . | _    _| _  .   . | _  *

 34        αλλὰ σύ γ'εις αγορην  καλεσας ‘ρωας Αχαιοὺς

          Go then and summon into assembly the fighting Achaians,

                                                  ao. part.

              _  .   .| _ _| _      .  . | _    .  . | _   .   . | _  *

 35       μῆνιν αποειπων  Αγαμέμνονι ποιμένι λαῶν

            and unsay your anger against Agamemnon, shepherd of the people,

                      ao. part.

              _   .    . | _    .   . | _     _ | _    . .  |  _   . . | _     *

 36        αψα μάλ'ες πόλεμον θωρήσσεο,  δύσεο δ'αλκήν .  

          and arm at once for the fighting, and put your war strength upon you.'

                                                    imp.             ao. imp.



             | _    _ | _  .    . | _  * . | _ . . |_   .   . | _  .    . | _ *   | _ . . |            

 28        τὸν δ'ημείβετ' έπειτα        θεὰ Θέτις ᾱργυρόπεζα :

             | _   _  | _   _ | _   * . | _ . . | _    .   . | _  .   . | _    * | _ . . |

             τέκνον μή τοι ταῦτα       μετὰ φρεσὶ σῇσι μελόντων .

             | _   .   . | _   _  | _   * . | _ . . | _    _  | _  . . | _  * | _ . . |

             τῷ μὲν εγὼ πειρήσω         αλαλκεῖν άγρια φῦλα

             | _  _  | _   .    .  | _   * . | _ . .| _ .  . | _     .   . | _   * | _ . . |

             μυίας, ‘αί ‘ρά τε φῶτας       αρηϊφάτους κατέδουσι :

             | _   _  | _    . . | _   * . | _ . . | _   .    .   | _  . . |_  * | _ . . |

             ήν περ γὰρ κεῖταί γε        τελεσφόρον εις ενιαυτόν ,

             | _ _ | _    _  | _    _    | _  .    . | _ . . | _   .   . | _  * | _ . . |

               αιεὶ τῷ γ'έσται χρως έμπεδος,         ὴ καὶ αρείων .

             | _   .   .  | _     .  . | _ . . | _ .   . | _    _| _  .   . | _  * | _ . . |

              αλλὰ σύ γ'εις αγορην      καλεσαςήρωας Αχαιοὺς

             | _  .   .| _ _| _ . . | _ .  . | _    .  . | _   .   . | _  * | _ . . |

             μῆνιν αποειπων     Αγαμέμνονι ποιμένι λαῶν

             | _   .    . | _    .   . | _     _ | _    . . | _ . . |  _   . . | _     * | _ . . |

              αῖψα μάλ'ες πόλεμον θωρήσσεο,          δύσεο δ'αλκήν .  





              _   .  .  | _  _ | _   .     . | _     .  . | _     .   .| _ _                 3:38

 37       ς ρα φωνήσασα  μενος πολυθαρσὲς ενῆκε ,

           She spoke so, and drove the strength of great courage into him;

                             ao. part.                                                          ao.

              _     _  | _     _    | _    .    . |_    _  | _   .    . | _   _

 38        Πατρόκλῳ δ' ατ' αμβροσίην  και νέκταρ ερυθρὸν

            and meanwhile through the nostrils of Patroklos she distilled


              _   .    . | _  _  |_     .  . | _     _   | _   .   .   |_ _

 39       στάξε κατὰρινῶν,  ιναοι χρὼς έμπεδος είη .

             ambrosia and red nectar, so that his flesh might not spoil.

               ao.                                                                                           op.

              _   .     . | _   .    .  |_  .    . | _    _   | _ .  . | _   _

 40        αυτὰρ ‘ βῆ παρὰ θῖνα  θαλάσσης δῖος Αχιλλεὺς

           But he, walked along  by  sea-shore   brilliant Achilleus,


              _      .  . |_ .. | _     _ | _      _  | _  .   . | _  _

 41       σμερδαλέ ιάχων,  ρσεν δ'‘ρωας Αχαιούς .

           crying his terrible cry, and stirred up the fighting Achaians.

                                 part.           ao.

              _       _  | _    .     . | _    .    . | _   .   . | _ .   . | _   _

 42       καί ‘ρ' ‘ο περ τὸ πάρος γε  νεῶν εν αγῶνι μένεσκον

            And even those who before had stayed where the ships were assembled,


              _   .   . | _   _ | _     .  . | _  _ |_..| _ _

 43        ‘ο τε κυβερνῆται  καὶ χον οιήϊα νηῶν

           they who were helmsmen of the ships and handled the steering oar,


              _   .  . |_   .   .  | _    .   .| _   _ | _ .   . | _  _

 44       καὶ ταμίαι παρὰ νηυσὶ  σαν σίτοιο δοτῆρες ,

              they who were stewards among the ships and dispensers of rations,


              _    _   | _  .  . | _       .  . | _   .  .    | _   .   .  | _   _

 45       καὶ μὴν ‘ο τότε γ'εις   αγορὴν σαν, ‘ονεκ' Αχιλλεὺς

           even these came then to assembly, since now Achilleus


              _ .   . | _   _ | _    .     . | _   .   . | _     .   . | _  _                   4:31

 46         εξεφάνη, δηρὸν δὲ  μάχης επέπαυτ' αλεγεινῆς .

           had appeared, after staying so long from the sorrowful battle.

                ao. p                                                     plp.

              _   .   . | _    _ | _  .     . | _   .  . | _   .  .  | _   _

 47       τὼ δὲ δύω σκάζοντε  βάτην ρεος θεράποντε

          And there were two who came limping among them, henchmen of Ares

                                part. dual       dual                            dual

              _  . .| _   .    . | _   .   . | _    _  |_ .   . | _     _

 48       Τυδεΐδης τε μενεπτόλεμος καὶ δῖος Οδυσσεὺς

             both, Tydeus' son the staunch in battle, and brilliant Odysseus,


              _  .  . | _  .  . | _    . . | _    .   .  | _   . . | _   _

 49       γχει ερειδομένω:  τι γὰρ χον ‘λκεα λυγρά :

              leaning on spears, since they had the pain of their wounds yet upon them,

                        part. dual                            impf.

              _    .    . | _    _  |_   .  . |_  _| _  .   . | _  _

 50       κὰδ δὲ μετὰ πρώτῃ  αγορῇ ‘ζοντο κιόντες .

             and came and took their seats in the front rank of those assembled.


              _  .     . | _   .    .  | _   .     . | _    _ | _      .  . | _    _

 51       αυτὰρ ‘ δεύτατος λθεν  ϝάναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων

              And last of them came in the lord of men Agamemnon


              _   .   .| _      _   | _     .    .| _   .   . | _   _ |_ _

 52       λκος χων: καὶ γὰρ τὸν  ενὶ κρατερῇ ‘υσμίνῃ

           with a wound on him, seeing that Koön, the son of Antenor,


              _  .   . | _   _  | _ .  . | _     _  | _ . . | _  _

 53       οῦτα Κόων Αντηνορίδης  χαλκήρεϊ δουρί .   

              had stabbed him with the bronze edge of the spear in the strong encounter.





              _   .   .| _   _  | _    .     .| _  _ | _  .    . | _ _          5:04

 54       αυτὰρ επεὶ δὴ πάντες  αολλίσθησαν Αχαιοί ,

            But now, when  all the Achaians were in one body together,

                                                       ao. p

              _  .    . | _   .  . | _     .  . | _   .    .   | _  .   . | _    _

 55       τοῖσι δ'ανισταμνος  μετέφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :

             Achilleus of the swift feet stood up before them and spoke to them:

                               part.                impf.

              _  ..| _ _ | _  .     .  | _   .  . | _  .  .| _  _

 56       ατρεΐδη ρ τι  τόδ'αμφοτέροισι ρειον

              'Son of Atreus, was this after all the better way for


              _  .  . | _     .  . | _     .   . | _ .    .   | _  .   . | _   _

 57       πλετο σοὶ καὶ εμοί,  τε νῶΐ̈ περ αχνυμένω κῆρ

            both, for you and me, that we, for all our hearts' sorrow,

                                                     dual           part. dual

              _   .   . | _  .  . |_   .  . |_ .   .   | _ .   . | _    _

 58        θυμοβόρῳ ριδι  μενεήναμεν ‘ενεκα κούρης ;

             quarrelled together for the sake of a girl in soul-perishing hatred ?


              _   .   . | _     _ | _ .    . | _   .   .   | _  .   . |_ _

 59        τὴν φελ' εν νήεσσι  κατκτάμεν ρτεμις ι

               I wish Artemis had killed her beside the ships with an arrow

                     ao.                                  ao. inf.

              _  .  . | _    .   .| _    .  . | _    _   | _    .    . | _   _

 60         ματι τῷ ‘τ' εγὼ  ελόμην Λυρνησσὸν ολέσσας :

            on that day when I destroyed Lyrnessos and took her.

                                                                 ao.                                 ao. part.

              _    _   | _     .   . | _  .  . | _    .  .   | _   .   .   | _  _

 61        τώ κ'ου τόσσοι Αχαιοὶ  οδὰξ ‘λον σπετον οδας

            For thus not all these too many Achaians would have bitten


              _    .  . | _   .   .  | _   .    . | _   .   . | _ _| _  _

 62       δυσμενέων ‘υπὸ χερσὶν  εμεῦ απομηνίσντος .

           the dust, by enemy hands, when I was away in my anger.

                                                                ao. part.

              _   .  . | _    _   | _    .    . | _    .  .  | _   .    . | _  _

 63       Ἕκτορι μὲν καὶ Τρωσὶ  τὸ κέρδιον: αυτὰρ Αχαιοὺς

             This way was better for the Trojans and Hektor; yet I think


              _   .   . | _    _  | _    .  .| _     _  | _    .   .|_ _

 64       δηρὸν εμῆς καὶ σῆς  ριδος μνήσεσθαι οΐω .

              the Achaians will too long remember this quarrel between us.

                                                            fut. inf.        pres.

              _  .   .  | _       .  . | _    .    .|_ .    .  | _  .   . | _    _

 65       αλλὰ τὰ μὲν προτετύχθαι  εάσομεν αχνύμενοί περ

             Still, we will let all this be a thing of the past, though it hurts us,

                                    perf. inf.                  fut.                 part.

              _   .   .| _  _  | _  .     . | _    .   . | _    .   . | _   _

 66       θυμὸν ενὶ στήθεσσι  φίλον δαμάσντες ανάγκῃ :

            and beat down by constraint the anger that rises inside us.

                                                          ao. part.

              _    _ | _    .  .  | _     _  |_  .   .    | _  .   . | _   _

 67       νῦν δ'τοι μὲν εγὼ  παύω χόλον, ουδέ τί με χρὴ

             Now I am making an end of my anger. It does not become me

                                             pres.                                            pres.

              _   .  . | _  _| _   .  . |_ .    .   | _   .   .  | _     _

 68        ασκελέως αιεὶ  μενεαινέμεν: αλλ' γε θᾶσσον

              unrelentingly to rage on. Come, then! The more quickly


              _  _  | _    .   . | _   .     . | _   .   . | _   .   . | _   _

 69         τρυνον πόλεμόνδε  κάρη κομόωντας Αχαιούς ,

             drive on the flowing-haired Achaians into the fighting,

              ao. imp.                                                  part.

              _   .    .| _     _   | _    _ | _  .    .  | _ .  . | _   _

 70        φρ' τι καὶ Τρώων  πειρήσομαι αντίον ελθὼν

              so that I may go up against the Trojans, and find out

                                                   fut.                            ao. part.

              _   .   . | _    .   . | _    .   .|_   _  | _   .  .   |_ _

 71        α κ'εθέλωσ' επὶ νηυσὶν  ιαύειν: αλλά τιν' οω

              if they still wish to sleep out beside the ships. I think rather

                        subj.                                                                 pres.

              _   .   . | _  _ | _      .   .  | _     _   | _   .     . | _ _

 72        ασπασίως αυτῶν  γόνυ κάμψειν, ‘ς κε φύγῃσι

             they will be glad to rest where they are, whoever among them

                                                   fut. inf.                       ao. subj.

              _ . .  | _   .   . | _  .    .  | _   . .  | _ .  . | _ _

 73        δηΐου εκ πολέμοιο  υπ'έγχεοςημετέροιο.

             gets away with his life from the fury of our spears' onset.'





          _    .  . | _      .   . | _  .     . |_ _ | _  .  . | _  _                       6:40    

 74    ς φαθ'‘ο δ'εχάρησαν  εϋκνήμδες Αχαιοὶ  

  He spoke, and  they were-glad-to-hear him   the strong-greaved Achaians

                   impf.                       ao. p

          _   .   . | _   _  | _    .   . | _  _   | _  . .|_  _

 75    μῆνιν απειπόντος  μεγαθύμου Πηλεΐωνος .

    and how the great-hearted son of Peleus unsaid his anger.

                         ao. part.

          _  .  .  | _    .  . | _  .    . | _   _ | _      .  . | _     _

 76   τοῖσι δὲ καὶ μετέειπεν  ναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων

 among them     spoke forth    the lord of men Agamemnon


          _  .    .  | _   _| _       _   | _   _   | _  .  . | _    _

 77    αυτόθεν εξ ‘δρης,  ουδ' εν μέσσοισι αναστάς :

      from the place   of-seat ,    and  not standing up among them:

                                                                             ao. part.

          _   .   . | _ _ | _    .  . | _   .  . | _    .   . | _  _

 78    φίλοι ‘ρωες  Δαναοὶ θεράποντες ρηος

    'Fighting men and friends, o Danaans, henchmen of Ares:


          _   . . | _    _  | _   .   . | _  .   .    | _  .   . | _  _

 79    εσταότος μὲν καλὸν ακουέμεν,  ουδὲ ϝέϝοικεν

    it is well to listen to the speaker, it is not becoming

            perf. part.                                      inf.                          perf.

          _   _   | _     .   . | _      .    . | _   .  . | _     .    . | _ _

 80    υββάλλειν: χαλεπὸν γὰρ  επισταμνόν περ εόντα .

    to break in on him. This will be hard for him, though he be able.

                                                               part.                          part.

          _    _   | _     _   | _    .  . | _     _   | _    .   . | _   _

 81   ανδρῶν δ'εν πολλῷ  ομαδῳ πῶς κέν τις ακούσαι

    How among the great murmur of people shall anyone listen

                                                                                      ao. op.

          _ _ | _        .   . | _   .   . | _     .   . | _  .  . | _  _

 82     εποι ;  βλάβεται δὲ λιγύς περ εὼν αγορητής .

    or speak either ?  A man, though he speak very clearly, is baffled.

             ao. op.        pres.

          _   . .| _   .   . | _    _ | _  .   .   | _   .     . | _  _

 83    Πηλεΐδῃ μὲν εγὼν ενδείξομαι: αυτὰροι άλλοι

    I shall address the son of Peleus; yet all you other


          _     _  | _   _ |_     _| _      _   | _  .   .| _   _

 84   σύνθεσθ'Αργεῖοι,  μῦθόν τ'ε γνῶτε ‘καστος .

    Argives listen also, and give my word careful attention.

             ao. imp.                                                   ao. imp.

          _    .  . | _   _   | _   .    . | _  _ | _  .    .| _  _

 85   πολλάκι δή μοι τοῦτον  Αχαιοὶ μῦθον ειπον

 This is the word the Achaians have spoken often against me


           _   .   .  | _  _ | _  .     . | _      _   | _ . .  |_ _

 86    καί τέ με νεικείεσκον:  εγὼ δ' ουκ ατιός ειμι ,

    and found fault with me in it, yet I am not responsible

                                impf.                                                     pres.

           _  _  | _     _   | _   .      .  |_.  . | _   .  . | _ _

 87     αλλὰ Ζεὺς καὶ Μοῖρα  καὶ ηεροφοῖτις Ερινύς ,

    but Zeus is, and Destiny, and Erinys the mist-walking


           _   .    .  | _   .  . | _    .    . | _  .   .   | _  .  .  |_ _

 88     ‘ο τέ μοι ειν αγορῇ  φρεσὶ μβαλον γριον την ,

    who in assembly caught my heart in the savage delusion


           _  .  . | _    .   . | _  _| _   .   .  | _   .   . | _     _

 89      ματι τῷ ‘τ' Αχιλλῆος γέρας αυτὸς απηύρων .

    on that day I myself stripped from him the prize of Achilleus.


           _   .   . | _    _ | _  .    . | _   . . | _    .   . | _  _

 90     αλλὰ τί κεν ‘ρέξαιμι ; θεὸς διὰ πάντα τελευτᾷ .

    Yet what could I do? It is the god who accomplishes all things.

                                 ao. op.                                               pres.

           _      .   . | _   .   . | _    _| _  _ | _    .    . |_ _

 91    πρέσβα Διὸς θυγάτηρ  τη, ‘ πάντας αᾶται ,

      the elder daughter of Zeus,    Delusion who deludes all;


           _   .  . | _   _  | _     .     . | _    .   .    | _    .     .  | _  _

 92     ουλομένη: τῇ μέν  θ'‘απαλοὶ πόδες: ου γὰρ επ' οδει       

     the accursed         her      delicate  feet        and not   on  firm earth


           _   .    .  | _    .   .  | _  .     . | _       _   | _   .  .  | _  _                8:12

 93     πίλναται, αλλ' ρα ‘ γε  κατ' ανδρῶν κράατα βαίνει

        they step ,   but she walks the air above men's heads

              pres.                                                                                    pres.

           _        _   | _    _  | _        .   .  |  _    .  . | _     .   . | _  _

 94    βλάπτουσ' ανθρώπους:  κατὰ δ'ον‘τερόν γ'επέδησε .

    and leads them astray. She has entangled others before me.

                part.                                                                                     ao.

           _   _   | _   .     . | _  _   |_  .  .  | _      .   . | _   _

 95    καὶ γὰρ δή νύ ποτε Ζῆν' σατο, τόν περ ριστον

    Yes, for once Zeus even was deluded, though men say


           _     _   |_  .   . | _    _   | _  .   .   | _   .    .  | _   _

 96     ανδρῶν ηδὲ θεῶν φασ' μμεναι: αλλ' ρα καὶ τὸν

    he is the highest one of gods and mortals. Yet Hera


           _ _ | _   .   . | _  .     . | _   .    . | _   .   . | _ _

 97    Ἥρη θῆλυς εοῦσα  δολοφροσύνῃς απάτησε ,

    who is female deluded even Zeus in her craftiness

                                  part.                                                ao.

           _   . . | _    .   .| _   .    . | _ _| _   _ |_ _

 98      ματι τῷ ‘τ' μελλε  βίην Ἡρκληείην

 on that day when in strong wall-circled Thebe Alkmene


           _    _ | _  _| _    .   .|_   .   . | _  .  . | _  _

 99     Αλκμήνη τέξεσθαι  εϋστεφάνῳ ενὶ Θήβῃ .

    was at her time to bring forth the strength of Herakles. Therefore

                             fut. inf.






            _  .    . | _    .  . | _     .   . |_    _  | _  .    .|_  _              8: 54

 100     τοι ‘ γ'ευχομνος  μετεφη πάντεσσι θεοῖσι : 

    Zeus spoke forth and made a vow before all the immortals:

                                    part.                impf.

            _   .   . | _      _  | _   .    . |_  _  | _  .    . |_  _

 101    κέκλυτέ μευ πάντές τε  θεοὶ πᾶσαί τε θέαιναι ,

               "hear     me,    all you gods      and all you goddesses: 

               ao. imp.

            _     _ | _   .    . | _   .    . |_  _  | _   .  . | _  _

 102    φρ' επω τά με θυμὸς  ενὶ στήθεσσι ανώγει .

            while i-speak forth  what the heart within my breast urges.

                      ao. subj.                                                              pres.

            _   .   .   | _   .     . | _   .     . | _    .   .   |_  _| _ _

 103    σήμερον νδρα φόωσδε  μογοστόκος Ειλείθυια

 This day   Eileithyia of women's child-pains a man to the light 


            _   .   .   | _     _  | _  .    . | _ . . | _   .  .| _  _

 104    εκφανεῖ,  ὸς πάντεσσι περικτιόνεσσι ανάξει ,

 shall bring forth   who, among many men will-spring of-progeny

                   fut.                                                                      fut.

            _     _  | _      .  . |_     _ | _     .    .  | _ .   .  | _ _

 105    τῶν ανδρῶν γενεῆς   ‘οι θ' ‘αματος εξ εμεῦ εισί .

                                      race         who are  from  me blood ."






            _   .    . | _   .    . | _   .     .  | _    _  | _   . . | _  _               9:23

 106   τὸν δὲ δολοφρονέουσα  προσηύδα πότνια Ἥρη : 

    then in guileful intention the lady Hera said to him:

                                 part.                       impf.

            _     _ | _      _   | _  .    . | _   _ | _  .  . | _  _

 107   ψευστήσεις, ουδ' ατε  τελος μύθῳ επιθήσεις .

    "you will be a liar,   not put fulfilment on what you have spoken.

                     fut.                                                                          fut.

            _     .   . | _     .  . | _      .    . | _    . . | _   .    .   | _   _

 108     ει δ' γε νῦν μοι μοσσον Ολύμπιε καρτερὸν ‘ρκον ,

 come, then, lord of Olympos, swear   to-me         a strong   oath

                                            ao. imp.

            _   _  | _      _ | _  .     . | _ . . | _   .  . | _  _

 109     μὲν τὸν πάντεσσι  περκτιόνεσσι ανάξειν

    that he shall be lord over all those dwelling about him

                                                                            fut. inf.

            _    .   . | _  .  . | _  .     .  | _  .   . | _     .   . | _  _

 110   ς κεν επ'ματι τῷδε  πεσῃ μετὰ ποσσὶ γυναικὸς

           who              this day    would-fall  between the legs of a woman,

                                                   ao. subj.

            _    _   | _     _ | _     _ | _  .   .  | _ .   . | _  _

 111   τῶν ανδρῶν ‘ο σῆς  εξ ‘αματός εισι γενέθλης .

            that man who is born of the blood of your race ."


            _   .  . | _     _   | _    .     . | _   .    . | _   .  . |_ _

 112   ὼς έφατο: Ζεὺς δ'ού τι  δολοφροσύνην ενόησε ,

   So she-spoke. And Zeus was entirely unaware   of her falsehood,

                      impf.                                                                      ao.

            _     .  . | _    .    .   | _   .     . |_   .    .  | _    .    . |_  _

 113    αλλ' μοσεν μέγαν ‘ρκον,  επειτα δὲ πολλὸν αάσθη .

                  but swore a great oath,     and therein  lay all his deception .

                         ao.                                                                               ao. p

            _  _  |_ _|_  .    . | _   .  .  | _   _ | _  _

 114    Ἥρη δ' αΐξασα  λιπε ‘ρίον Ουλύμποιο ,

    But Hera  flashing    left  the horn of Olympos

                          ao. part.       ao.

            _    .  . | _     .   . | _     .   . | _ .   .   | _    .   . |_  _

 115   καρπαλίμως δ'‘κετ'ργος  Αχαιϊκόν, νθ' ρα δη

            and rapidly      came  to Argos of Achaia,   where    she knew

                                        ao.                                                          plp.

            _ _ | _   .  . | _        .  . | _     _  | _ .. | _ _

 116     ιφθίμην λοχον  Σθενελου Περσηϊάδο .

                mighty   wife    of-Sthenelos,   daughter of Perseus.


            _    .   . |_  .   .  | _  .    . |  _     .    .   | _   _| _   _

 117    δ' εκύει φίλον ‘υιόν, ‘ δ' ‘βδομος ‘εστήκει μείς :

      and she-was-carrying  a-son,   and this  was the seventh month for her,

                      impf.                                                                plp.

            _     .   . | _   .      . | _   .     .  |_ .  . |_   .   .| _ _

 118    εκ δ' γαγε πρὸ φόωσδε  και ηλιτόμηνον εόντα ,

    but she brought him sooner into the light, and made him premature,

                        ao.                                                                         part.

            _    _ | _     .   . | _    .     . | _      .   .  |  _   _ | _ _

 119    Αλκμήνης δ'απέπαυσε  τοκον, σχέθε δ'Ειλειθυίας .

    and stayed the childbirth of Alkmene, and held back the birth pangs.

                                         ao.                               ao.

            _  _ |   _   .  . | _  .     . |_   .   . |_  .      . | _    _

 120    αυτὴ δ' αγγελεούσα  Δία Κρονίωνα προσηύδα : 

    She went herself and spoke the message to Zeus, son of Kronos:

                              fut. part.                                                impf.





            _     .   .   |_   .  . | _   .   . | _   .    . | _    .    . | _  _            10:29

 121   Ζεῦ πάτερ αργικέραυνε  επος τί τοι εν φρεσὶ θήσω :                       Ζεῦ ,   θήσω  τί  έπος εν τοι φρεσὶ

    "Father Zeus  shining bolt,    I will put some words in your φρεσι .             " Zeus ,    i-will-put some  words in your heart.


            _  .  . | _    .    .|    _    .       . | _    _ |_ .  . | _ _

 122     δη ανὴρ γέγον' εσθλὸς   ος Αργείοισι ανάξει                              ήδη  εσθλὸς ανὴρ γέγονε , ‘ὸς  ανάξετι  Αργείοισι

 already  an-exellent man has-been-born, who will-lord over-Argives,        already  an-exellent man has-been-born,    who will-lord   over-Argives,

                                perf.                                                        fut.

            _   _   | _       .   . | _ .    . | _   _  |_ .. | _ _

 123    Ευρυσθεὺς Σθενέλοιο  παϊς Περσηϊάδαο                                     Ευρυσθεὺς  πάϊς  Σθενέλοιο Περσηϊάδαο

    Eurystheus, son of Sthenelos, of the seed of Perseus,                              Eurystheus, son of Sthenelos,  of the seed of Perseus,


            _     .   .|  _    .  . | _ .     . | _   .    .   | _  _| _ _

 124   σὸν γένος ούοι α εικὲς  ανασσέμεν Αργείοισι .                       σὸν γένος :   ουκ αεικὲς   ‘οι ανασσέμεν Αργείοισι .

    your generation. It is not unfit for-him  to-rule   Argives."                            your generation. It is not unfit  for-him  to-rule  Argives."


            _     .  .  | _     .     .  |_ .     . | _   .    .  | _  .    . | _ _

 125   ς φάτο, τὸν δ'χος οξὺ  κατὰ φρένα τύψε βαθεῖαν :                ‘ὼς φάτο, δε  οξὺ  άχος  τύψεδ  τὸν  κατὰ  φρέναν :

    She spoke, and the sharp sorrow struck at his deep φρένα.                 She spoke,  and the sharp sorrow    struck  him   at   φρένα.

                    impf.                                                                   ao.

            _  .  .  | _     _ | _    .   . | _    .   . | _    .   . | _ _

 126    αυτίκα δ'‘εῖλ' Άτην  κεφαλῆς λιπαροπλοκάμοιο                        δε  αυτίκα εῖλεδ   Άτην    by  λιπαροπλοκάμοιο κεφαλῆς

  at-once  he-caught   Delusion’s  head  by shining hair                           at-once    he-caught     Delusion   by  the  hair    head


            _  .  . | _      .   . | _ .      .  |_  .   . | _    .   .   | _   _

 127    χωομνος φρεσὶ ‘σι,  και μοσε καρτερὸν ‘ρκον                    χωομνος ‘ῇσι φρεσὶ ,  καὶ ώμοσεδ καρτερὸν ‘όρκον

     angering  to-his φρεσὶ,       and swore    a strong oath,                               angering  to-his  φρεσὶ,    and   swore      a strong    oath, 

                 part.                                                     ao.

            _     .    . | _    _  | _    .     .  | _  .   .   | _  .   . | _ _

 128    μή ποτ'ες Ολυμπόν τε  και ουρανὸν αστερόεντα                      μή ποτ'ες Ούλυμπόν τε  καὶ ουρανὸν ᾱστερόεντα

        that never   to Olympos               and starry sky.                              that never    to Olympos and the starry sky. 


            _   .  . | _   _  | _   _| _    _ | _     .   .|_ _

 129    αῦτις ελεύσεσθαι  Ατην, ‘η πάντας αᾶται .                                 αῦτις ελεύσεσθαι  Άτην,  ‘ὴ  αᾶται πάντας .

 to-come back    after this might Delusion, who deludes all,                             to-come back       Delusion, who deludes all,

                            fut. inf.                                              pres.

            _   _ | _    _ | _  .   . | _     .    .   | _ .   . | _ _

 130    ς ειπὼν ρρψε  απ'ουρανοῦ αστερόεντος                          ‘ὼς ειπόντ  περιστρέψας  χειρὶ :   έρριψαδ   απ'ουρανοῦ

       So speaking,   slung    out of the starry heaven,                                    So speaking, whirling-about in hand      slung     out of-heaven,

                    ao. part.       ao

            _   .   . | _   _  | _      .   . | _    .  . | _     _| _      _

 131    χειρὶ περιστρέψας:  ταχα δ' ‘ίκετο έργ' ανθρώπων .                         δε   τάχα  ‘ίκετο  ανθρώπων  έργα .

 whirling-about in hands     and presently she-came to-people's works.             and presently she-came  to-people’s  works .

                          ao. part.                         ao.

            _    _|_   .   . | _         .   . | _  .   .   |_  .   . | _  _

 132    τὴν αιεὶ στενάχεσχ'   οθ'‘εὸν φίλον ‘υιὸν ‘ορῷτο                       αιεὶ στενάχεσχεδ        ‘όθ' ‘ορῷτο  ‘εὸν φίλον ‘υιὸν

     always was-grieving over her   when he saw his dear son         would forever grieve over her each time     that he saw his dear son

                                 impf.                                                         ao.

            _   .   .  | _ .   . | _  .     . |  _    _  | _ .  .  | _  _

 133    ργον α εικὲς χοντα  υπ'Ευρυσθῆος α έθλων .                              έχοντα  αεικὲς  έργον   αέθλων ‘υπ'Ευρυσθῆος.

    doing some shameful work of-tasks under Eurystheus .                         having  some shameful work   of-tasks  under Eurystheus .


            _     .   . | _  .  . |   _   .    . | _    .   . | _  .   .  | _    _

 134    ς καὶ εγώ,‘τε δ'ατε  μεγας κορυθαίολος Ἕκτωρ                  ‘ὼς καὶ εγώ,     δε  ‘ότε αῦτε   Ἕκτωρ

    So I in my time,      when  again tall Hektor of the shining helm                             so   even  I            when  again   Hektor


            _   _ | _   .  . | _   .   . | _    _   | _ .   . | _ _

 135    Αργείους ολέκεσκε   επὶ πρυμνῇσι νέεσσι ,                                ολέκεσκεδ   Αργείους  επὶ νέεσσι πρυμνῇσι ,

 was forever destroying the Argives   on  vessels  sterns ,                    was forever destroying   Argives   against  vessels  stern,


            _   .   . | _     .   . | _      _| _   _ |  _     .   . | _  _

 136    ου δυνάμην λελαθέσθ'  Ατης ‘ πρῶτον αάσθην .                      ου δυνάμην λελαθέσθ'  Άτης   ‘ῇ πρῶτον αάσθην .

    could not forget Delusion, the way I was first deluded.                                  unable       to-forget  Delusion,       the way I was first deluded.

                      impf.            ao. inf.                                                ao. p

            _     .   . |_ .  . | _     _  | _      .     .  |_ .  . |_    _

 137    αλλ' επεὶ αασάμην  και μευ φρένας εξέλετο Ζες ,                      αλλ' επεὶ  αασάμην   καί  Ζεύς  εξέλετο  μευ  φρένας ,

    but since I was deluded and Zeus took my wits away from me,               but since  I was deluded  and Zeus   took     my  φρένας ,

                                  ao.                                                ao.

            _   .  . | _  .  . | _      .   . | _   .   . | _  .   . | _  _

 138    ψ εθέλω αρέσαι,  δομεναί τ'απερείσι' ποινα :                         εθέλω αρέσαι  ὰψ ,     τε   δόμεναί  απερείσι' άποινα :

 again i-am-willing  to-make  all-good and to-give  abundant   ransoms          I am willing to-make-all-good  again  and  to-give   abundant. ransoms 

                                 pres.           ao. inf.

            _    _ | _    .    . | _   .     .  | _    _   | _  .  . | _   _

 139   αλλ' ρσευ πόλεμόνδε  και λλους ρνυθι λαος .                       αλλ'  όρσευ   πόλεμόνδε     καὶ όρνυθ’ άλλους  λᾱούς .

    Rise up, then, to the fighting     and rouse other people.                           but  arouse ,    to the fighting   and rouse    other  people.

                     ao. imp.                                                     imp.

            _   .    . | _   .  .  | _    .     . | _     _  | _   .     . | _  _

 140   δῶρα δ'εγὼ ‘δε πάντα  παρασχεῖν ‘σσά τοι ελθὼν                      δε  εγὼ  παρασχεῖν πάντα  ‘όδε  δῶρα   τοι ‘όσσά ελθόντ

                      I,  all these gifts   to-give       as many   wishing  to-you                          I,       to give       all      these  gifts,  to-you  as many   wishing

                                                           ao. inf.                            ao. part.

            _   .   . | _  .  . |_ .   . | _   .  .  | _ .   . | _    _

 141   χθιζὸ σενὶ κλισίῃσι  υπέσχετο δῖος Οδυσσεύς .                            δῖος Οδυσσεύς   χθιζὸς       ‘υπέσχετο   ενὶ κλισίῃσι  .

    went and to tent  promised    as yesterday brilliant Odysseus                as brilliant Odysseus   yesterday   promised   in  tent  .


            _    .  . | _    .  . | _   .    . | _  .   . | _    .     . | _ _

 142     ει δ'εθέλεις, επίμεινον  επειγομένος περ Άρηος ,                      δε  ει  εθέλεις, επίμεινον  περ επειγομνος  Άρηος ,

     if you will, hold back, though you lean hard into the battle,                   Or if    you will,   wait ,  though     staying   of-Ares  ,

                       pres.            ao. imp.              part.

            _   .    .  | _   .   . | _     .   . | _     .   .  | _ .   . | _   _

 143    δῶρα δέ τοι θεράποντες  εμῆς παρὰ νηὸςελόντες                    δέ θεράποντες   ‘ελόντες  δῶρα  εμῆς παρὰ νηὸς οισόντι  τοι ,

    while my followers take the gifts from my ship having-come                       henchman             taking   gifts        from my ship      will-bring    to you,

                                                                                       ao. part.

            _    _     | _   .  .| _ .    . | _   .   . |_ . .  | _  _

 144     οσουσ', φρα δηαι  ο τοι μενοεικέα δώσω .                          όφρα   ίδηαι  ‘ό  δώσω τοι μενοεικέα.

    to you, so you may see what I give to comfort your spirit.'                    so      you may see    what  i-will-give     to comfort your spirits .'

                fut.                      ao. subj.                                       fut.





            _     .   . | _   .  . | _       .    . | _    .   .   | _  .   . | _    _               12:34            

 145   τὸν δ'απαμειβομνος  προσεφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :                   δε  απαμειβομένος  τὸν προσέφη Αχιλλεύς :

          then in answer to him spoke Achilleus of the swift feet:                                        then    answering     him    spoke Achilleus :

                                  part.                      impf.

            _   ..| _   _| _  .   . | _   _  | _      .  . | _   _

 146    Ατρεΐδη κύδιστε  αναξ ανδρῶν Αγάμεμνον                                      Ατρεΐδη   κύδιστε     άναξ ανδρῶν Αγάμεμνον

    'son of Atreus, most lordly and king of men, Agamemnon,                           'son of Atreus,  most-lordly  king  of-men, Agamemnon,


            _   .     .  | _   .  . | _    .     . | _    .    .   | _   .  .  |_  _

 147   δῶρα μὲν α κ'εθέλῃσθα  παρσχέμεν, ‘ως επι εικές ,                  δῶρα μὲν αί κ'εθέλῃσθα   παρᾱσχέμεν,  ‘ως επιεικές ,

     the gifts are yours to give if you wish,            as  proper,                               the gifts   if you wish           to give,           as   proper,

                                        subj.                    ao. inf.

            _   .  . | _     .   .  | _      _  | _   _   | _  .  .   | _    _

 148     τ'εχέμεν παρὰ σοί:  νυν δὲ μνησώμεθα χάρμης                          εχέμεν παρὰ σοί:   δὲ  νῦν    μνησώμεθα  χάρμης

    or to keep with yourself. But now let us remember our joy in warcraft,      or     to-hold with you.  But now    let us remember    joy in warcraft,

                      inf.                                                    ao. subj.

            _   .    . | _     _  |  _       .   . | _   _  | _ .    . | _ _

 149    αψα μάλ'ου γὰρ χρὴ  κλοτοπεύειν ενθάδ'εόντας                     αῖψα μάλ':      γὰρ  ου χρὴ   κλοτοπεύειν    εόντας  ενθάδε

       immediately,   for it is not fitting to stay here and waste time                immediately,   for it is not fitting   to-waste-time    being       here  

                                              pres.                                           part.

            _   .   . |_ _| _     . . | _     .   . | _   .   . | _   _

 150    ουδὲ διατρίβειν:  ετι γὰρ μέγα ργον ρεκτον :                          ουδὲ διατρίβειν:    γὰρ  ετι  μέγα έργον άρεκτον :

              nor delay,          since there is still a big work to be done.                nor        delay,          since  there is still a big work    to be done.


            _   .    .  | _    .  . | _ .   . | _    _  |_   .  | _ _

 151   ς κέ τις ατ' Αχιλῆα  μετὰ πρώτοισι δηται                                 ‘ώς κέ τις  ίδηται   αῦτ' Αχιλῆα    μετὰ πρώτοισι

 So can a man see once more Achilleus among the front fighters               so  anyone  can-see    once more Achilleus   among    the front fighters

                                                                            ao. subj.

            _  . .| _    _|_     _   | _  . . | _   .    . | _    _

 152    γχεϊ χαλκείῳ  Τρωων ολέκοντα φάλαγγας .                           χαλκείῳ  έγχεϊ    ολέκοντα  Τρώων φάλαγγας .

    with the bronze spear wrecking the Trojan battalions.                         with bronze spear     wrecking    Trojan    battalions.


            _  .    .  | _ _| _     _ | _  .    .  | _   .    . | _    _

 153    ῶδέ τιςυμείων  μεμνημένος ανδρὶ μαχέσθω .                       ‘ῶδέ τις ‘υμείων  μεμνημένος μαχέσθω  ανδρὶ  .

   thus  any of-y’all     having-remembered  fight   with the man .          thus  any of-y’all     having-remembered  fight   with the man .'

                                              perf. part.                        imp.






             _     .    . | _   .   . | _      .    . | _   .    . | _ .    . | _    _                   13:22

 154   τὸν δ' απαμειβόμενος  προσεφη πολύμητις Οδυσσεύς :                              δε απαμειβόμενος  τὸν πολύμητις Οδυσσεύς  προσέφη :   

               answering  him            spoke resourceful Odysseus:                                                  answering     him     resourceful    Odysseus    spoke  :

                                part.                      impf.

            _     _   | _    .  . | _      .      . | _    . . |_ .    .  | _  _

 155    μὴ δ'‘οτως, αγαθός περ    εών, θεοείκελ' Αχιλλεῦ                                         δε      ούτως, περ  εών αγαθός , Αχιλλεῦ

 'Not that way, good fighter that you are, godlike Achilleus.                                                          thus    being   good ,         O Achilleus.


            _    .  . | _  _ |_      .   . |_.  .  | _ .   . | _  _

 156    νήστιας τρυνε  προτι λιον ‘υας Αχαιῶν                                              μὴ  ότρυνε  υῖας Αχαιῶν  μαχησομένους  Τρωσὶ  Ίλιον    προτὶ  νήστιας 

    Do not drive  sons of Achaians on Ilion when they are hungry,              Do not stur-up   sons of-Achaians   to-be-fighting   Trojans  at-Ilion    on-side-of  hunger,


            _    .    . | _   .  . | _      .    . | _    .  .| _     .     .  | _  _

 157   Τρωσὶ μαχησομένους,  επει ουκ ολίγον χρόνον σται                                   επεὶ ουκ ολίγον   έσται χρόνον φύλοπις,

    to fight against the Trojans, since not short will be the time                                         since not short    will-be  time  of battle,

                                fut. part.                                                                  fut.

            _   .   .   | _    _  | _      .     . | _ _| _  .    . | _   _

 158    φύλοπις, ετ' ν πρῶτον  ομιλήσωσι φάλαγγες                                          εῦτε   ὰν   πρῶτον  φάλᾱγγες  ανδρῶν  ‘ομιλήσωσι ,

      of battle,    once the massed formations of men have encountered                                 when             first         phalanx     of men    would-encounter ,

                                                              ao. subj.

            _      _   | _   .   . | _      _  | _   .   .  | _   .  . | _  _

 159    ανδρῶν, εν δὲ θεὸς  πνευσῃ μένος αμφοτέροισι .                                  δε  θεὸς  πνεύσῃ μένος   εν αμφοτέροισι .

    together, with the god inspiring fury in both sides.                                                     and  god   would-inspire   fury     in  both sides.

                                                 ao. subj.

            _   .    . | _     .   . | _   .     . |_  .  . |  _   .  . | _   _

 160    αλλὰ πάσασθαι νωχθι  θοῇς επὶ νηυσὶ Αχαιοὺς                            αλλὰ πάσασθαι άνωχθι  επὶ   θοῇς  νηυσὶ Αχαιοὺς   σίτου καὶ ϝοίνοιο: 

    Rather tell the men of Achaia here by their swift ships,                                  but   to-tell      the men    of Achaia here by their swift ships,  to take food and wine,

                           ao. inf.        perf. imp.

            _  _  | _   _ | _  .    .  | _     .   .  | _  .   .  | _  _

 161    σίτου καὶ ϝονοιο:  το γὰρ μένος εστὶ καὶ αλκή .                                      γὰρ   τὸ    εστὶ   μένος  καὶ αλκή .

    to take food and wine, since these make fighting fury and warcraft.                      for  these    are      fury   and warcraft.


            _    .    . | _      .     . | _   .      . | _.  .| _  .   . | _   _

 162    ου γὰρ ανὴρ πρόπαν ῆμαρ   ες ηέλιον καταδύντα                     γὰρ ανὴρ   ου   δυνήσεται  μάχεσθαι  άντα     πρόπαν ῆμαρ 

    For a man will not have strength to fight his way forward all day                        For a man    is-not-able   to fight     face-to-face   all day

                                                                                   ao. part.

            _  _ | _   _| _ .     . |_  .   .  | _  .    . | _   _

 163    άκμηνος σίτοιο  δυνήσεται άντα μάχεσθαι :                                  ες ηέλιον καταδύντα         άκμηνος σίτοιο  :

 long until the sun goes down if he is starved for food.                                            sun goes-down            fasting  for food.


            _    _  | _     _ | _   .    . | _  _|_   .  . | _  _

 164     εί περ γὰρ θυμῷ γε  μενοινάᾳ πολεμίζειν ,                                       γὰρ  εί περ θυμῷ γε    μενοινάᾳ πολεμίζειν ,

    though in his heart he be very passionate for the battle,                              for  even   though   in-heart   passions  to-battle,






            _   .   . | _   _  | _  .    . | _ .   .   | _ .  . | _ _

 165    αλλά τε λάθρῃ γυῖα  βαρύνεται, ηδὲ κιχάνει                                  τε  αλλά   ηδὲ  λάθρῃ      γυῖα    βαρύνεται,    τε     δίψα  καὶ λιμός  κιχάνει ,  

 yet without his knowing it his limbs will go heavy, and hunger                                    yet   without  knowing it   limbs get-heavy,   and   hunger and thirst   catch up    

                                                      pres.                   pres.

            _  .    . | _  _ | _       .    . | _   .   . | _    .   . | _ _

 166    δίψά τε καὶ λιμός,  βλαβεται δέ τε γούνατ'ιόντι .                                  δε   βλάβεται  γούνατ' ιόντι .

and thirst will catch up with him and cumber his knees as he moves on.                             and  hinder   knees going .

                                                 pres.                                  part.

            _    .    . | _    _| _  .   . | _    .   . | _     .   .| _  _

 167    ς δέ κ'ανὴρ ονοιο  κορεσσαμνος καὶ εδωδῆς                              δέ  κε  ανὴρ  ‘ὸς κορεσσαμένος  οίνοιο καὶ εδωδῆς

    But when a man has been well filled with wine and with eating                           But  man who    being-well-filled   with wine and food

                                                                     ao. part.

            _    .   .  | _    .  . | _  .    . | _ .   . | _  .   . |_ _

 168    ανδράσι δυσμενέεσσι  πανημέριος πολεμίζῃ ,                                     πολεμίζῃ      δυσμενέεσσι ανδράσι  πανημέριος ,

    and then does battle all day long against the enemy,                                          would-battle    against               men     all day long ,


            _    .   . |_   .    . |_  .    . |_   .   .   | _  .   . | _ _

 169   θαρσαλέον νύ ‘οι τορ  ενὶ φρεσί, ουδέ τι γυῖα                                       νύν  ενὶ φρεσί  ῆτορ  ‘οι  θαρσαλέον  ,  

    why, then the heart inside him is full of cheer, nor do his limbs                             now   then the heart inside him    is full of cheer,  


            _      _  | _    _   | _     .   . | _ _| _    .   . | _ _

 170   πρὶν κάμνει πρὶν πάντας  ερωῆσαι πολέμοιο .                                    ουδέ τι γυῖα   κάμνει    πρὶν  πάντας  ερωῆσαι πολέμοιο .

 get weary, until all are ready to give over the fighting.                                     and  not any limbs   get weary, until    all    are ready to give over  to-battle .

                        pres.                             ao. inf.

            _    .   . | _  _ | _       .   . | _     _  | _     .   . | _    _

 171    αλλ' γε λαὸν μὲν  σκεδασον καὶ δεῖπνον νωχθι                                  αλλ' άγε   σκέδασον μὲν  λαὸν     καὶ  άνωχθι  ‘όπλεσθαι  δεῖπνον :

    Come then, tell your men to scatter and bid them get ready                                    but-come , tell  people to scatter   and  drive-them   to-ready   a meal;

                                                 ao. imp.                                 perf. imp.

            _    _  | _    .    . | _   .    . | _   _  | _     .   . | _    _

 172    πλεσθαι: τὰ δὲ δῶρα  αναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων                          δὲ   άναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων   οισέτω τὰ δῶρα      ες μέσσην  αγορήν, 

    a meal; and as for the gifts, let the lord of men Agamemnon                               and   let the lord of men Agamemnon  bring   gifts  things   to middle of assembly  


            _  .   . | _   _  | _    .   . | _   .  .  | _    .   . | _  _

 173    οισέτω ες μέσσην  αγορήν,‘να πάντες Αχαιοὶ                                ‘ίνα πάντες Αχαιοὶ   ίδωσι  οφθαλμοῖσι  , 

 bring them to the middle of our assembly so all the Achaians                                           so all  Achaians  can-see   with-eyes,   


            _   _   | _  . .| _  .      . | _     .   .  | _  . .| _  _

 174    οφθαλμοῖσι δωσι,  συ δὲ φρεσὶ σῇσι ιανθῇς .                                  δὲ  σὺ  σῇσι φρεσὶ   ιανθῇς .

 can see them before their eyes, so your own heart may be pleasured.                and  you   for-your gut   would be pleased .

                                 ao. subj.                                        ao.subj. p

            _   . . | _   .   .  | _    .     .  | _  _ |_ .  . | _   _

 175    ομνυέτω δέ τοι όρκον  εν Αργείοισι ανᾱστὰς                                   δέ   αναστὰς  εν Αργείοισι      ομνυέτω  ‘όρκον   τοι

 And let him stand up before the Argives and swear an oath to you                             and  standing-up  before  Greeks     swear    oath   to-you


            _    .   . | _   _ | _    .  . | _ .    . | _ .  . | _  _

 176    μή ποτε τῆς ευνῆς  επιβήμεναι ηδὲ μιγῆναι :                                      μή ποτε  επιβημέναι τῆς ευνῆς  ηδὲ μιγῆναι :

    that he never entered into her bed and never lay with her                                    never  to-have-entered her bed     nor  to-have-made-love

                                                   ao. inf.                   ao. inf. p

            _  .   . | _  .  . | _     _ | _      _  | _  .   . | _    _

 177   θέμις εστὶ  ναξ   η τ'ανδρῶν τε γυναικῶν :                                 ‘ὴ  εστὶ  θέμις   άναξ    τε  ή ανδρῶν   τε ή γυναικῶν :

    as is natural for people, my lord, between men and women.                                          which  is  natural , my lord,   between men  and women.


            _   .     .  | _  _ | _   .    . |_   .    . |_ .  .  | _  _

 178   καὶ δὲ σοὶ αυτῷ θυμὸς  ενὶ φρεσὶ ‘λαος στω .                                καὶ δὲ αυτῷ   θυμὸς  έστω  ενὶ  σοὶ φρεσὶ  ‘ίλαος .

 And by this let the spirit in your own heart be made gracious.                                        and by this     let  spirit  be   in your heart    be  gracious.


            _   .   . | _   .   .  | _  .  . |_   .  . |_  .  . | _    _

 179    αυτὰρ πειτά σε δαιτὶ  ενὶ κλισίῃς αρεσάσθω                                   αυτὰρ έπειτά  ενὶ κλισίῃς    αρεσάσθω σε    πιείρῃ  δαιτὶ ,

    After that in his own shelter let him appease you                                                      but       then     in   shelter     let him appease you    with a fine meal, 

                                                                          ao. imp.

           _ _| _  . .  | _  .    .| _   . . | _   .  . | _   _

 180   πιείρῃ,‘ίνα μή τι  δικης επιδευὲς έχῃσθα .                                            ίνα   έχῃσθα  μή τι   δικης επιδευὲς .

 with a generous meal,  so you will lack nothing of what is due you.                                   so   you-may-lack  nothing  of what is due you.


            _  . .| _   .     . | _  .    . | _ . . | _     .   . | _    _

 181    Ατρεΐδη σὺ δ'έπειτα  δικαιότερος καὶ επ'άλλῳ                                   δε  σὺ   Ατρεΐδη       έπειτα  δικαιότερος καὶ επ'άλλῳ έσσεαι.

    And you, son of Atreus, after this will-be more righteous to another                       And you, son of Atreus,      then   will-be more righteous to another man.


            _   .  .  | _   _   | _    .   . | _   _ | _    .  . | _ _

 182    έσσεαι. ου μὲν γάρ τι  νεμεσσητὸν βασιλῆα                                      μὲν ου τι  νεμεσσητὸν  γάρ  βασιλῆα  απαρέσσασθαι  άνδρα

                     For there is no fault when even one who is a king                                           not any   blame          for a king  to-appease  a man,      


            _     .    . | _    _  | _     . .  | _     .  . | _     .   . | _ _

 183    άνδρ'απαρέσσασθαι  οτε τις πρότερος χαλεπήνῃ .                            ότε τις πρότερος χαλεπήνῃ .

     appeases a man,       when the king was the first one to be angry.'                           when-ever  the king   was  first one to be angry.'

                              ao. inf.                                                      ao. subj.





            _    _   | _   .    . | _  .   . | _    _  | _     .   . | _    _

 184   τὸν δ'ατε προσέειπε   αναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων :                  τὸν δ'αῦτε προσέειπε   αναξ ανδρῶν Αγαμέμνων : 

    Then in turn the lord of men Agamemnon answered him:                                        Then in turn the lord of men Agamemnon answered him:


            _   _   | _    _ |_ .  .| _    _  | _   .   . | _   _

 185    χαίρω σεῦ Λαερτιάδη   τον μῦθον ακούσας :                                  χαίρω σεῦ Λαερτιάδη   τὸν μῦθον ακούσας :

 son of Laertes, I am pleased with you.  'Hearing what you have said,                son of Laertes, I am pleased with you.  'Hearing what you have said,

                                                                          ao. part.

            _   _  | _  _   | _    .    .|_. . | _    .  . | _ _

 186    εν μοίρῃ γὰρ πάντα  διίκεο καὶ κατέλεξας .                                        εν μοίρῃ γὰρ πάντα  διίκεο καὶ κατέλεξας .

    Fairly have you gone through everything and explained it.                                    Fairly have you gone through everything and explained it.

                                                    ao.                     ao.

            _   .    . | _  .  . | _    .  . | _     .  . | _   .   . | _   _

 187   ταῦτα δ'εγὼ εθέλω  ομοσαι, κέλεται δέ με θυμός ,                            ταῦτα δ'εγὼ εθέλω ομόσαι, κέλεται δέ με θυμός ,

 And all this I am willing to swear to,    and my heart urges me,                              And all this I am willing to swear to,    and my heart urges me,

                                   pres.       ao. inf.         pres.

            _   .   . |_ _ | _       _   | _   .    .   | _   .    . | _   _

 188   ουδ' επιορκήσω  προς δαίμονος. αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς                          ουδ' επιορκήσω  πρὸς δαίμονος. αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς

 and I will not be foresworn before the gods.    Let Achilleus                                      and I will not be foresworn before the gods.    Let Achilleus


            _   .   .  | _  .  . | _   .     . | _  .   . | _     .    . | _  _

 189    μιμνέτω αθι τέως περ  επειγομνος περ ρηος :                       μιμνέτω αῦθι τέως περ  επειγόμενός περ Άρηος :

  stay here  while, though he lean very hard toward the work of war god,           stay here  while, though he lean very hard toward the work of  war god,

                imp.                                                   part.

            _   .   . | _    _  | _     .    .| _  .  .  | _   .   .  | _   _

 190    μίμνετε δ'λλοι πάντες  αολλέες, φρά κε δῶρα                            μίμνετε δ'άλλοι πάντες  αολλέες, όφρά κε δῶρα

    and remain the rest of you all here assembled,   until the gifts come                  and remain the rest of you all here assembled,   until the gifts come


            _   .   . |_  _ | _ .     .  | _  . . | _   .    . | _   _

 191    εκ κλισίης έλθῃσι  καιόρκια πῑστὰ τάμωμεν .                                εκ κλισίης έλθῃσι  καιόρκια πῑστὰ τάμωμεν .

    back from my shelter and while we cut our oaths of fidelity.                               back from my shelter and while we cut our oaths of fidelity.

                               ao. subj.                                         ao. subj.

            _    _   | _   .   . | _   . . | _  .    .   |_  .   . | _  _

 192   σοὶ δ'αυτῷ τόδ'εγὼ  επιτέλλομαι  ηδὲ κελεύω :                                   σοὶ δ'αυτῷ τόδ'εγὼ  επιτέλλομαι  ηδὲ κελεύω :

 And for you yourself,  this  I give  errand       and  order,                                             And for you yourself,  this  I give  errand       and  order,

                                                        pres.                     pres.

            _   .  . | _     _  |_   .    . | _ _ | _   .   . | _  _

 193   κριναμένος κούρητας  αριστῆας Παναχαιῶν                                        κριναμένος κούρητας  αριστῆας Παναχαιῶν

    that you choose out excellent young men of all the Achaians                                  that you choose out excellent young men of all the Achaians

               ao. part.

            _   .  . | _     .  .  | _  .   . | _ .    .    | _      .  . |_ _

 194   δῶρα εμῆς παρὰ νηὸς  ενεικέμεν, ‘σσ'  Αχιλῆϊ                                       δῶρα εμῆς παρὰ νηὸς  ενεικέμεν, ‘όσσ'Αχιλῆϊ

    and bring the gifts back here from my ship,  all that you promised                      and bring the gifts back here from my ship,  all that you promised

                                                         ao. inf.

            _   .    . | _  _ | _     _  | _    . . | _    .   . | _   _

 195   χθιζὸνυπέστημεν  δωσει, αγέμεν τε γυναῖκας .                                   χθιζὸνυπέστημεν  δωσει, αγέμεν τε γυναῖκας .

 yesterday to Achilleus,    and bring the women back also.                                              yesterday to Achilleus,    and bring the women back also.

                                                  ao.               inf.

            _    .  . |_   .    .  | _  .    . | _      .    .  | _  .    . | _  _

 196   Ταλθύβιος δέ μοι κα  κατὰ στρατὸν ευρὺν Αχαιῶν                             Ταλθύβιος δέ μοι ῶκα  κατὰ στρατὸν ευρὺν Αχαιῶν

      And   let Talthybios     for me,  in wide host of-Achaians                                       And   let Talthybios     for me,  in wide host of-Achaians 


            _    .     . | _  .   . | _    .   . | _  . .| _  .  .|_  _

 197   κάπρον ετοιμασάτω  ταμεειν Διΐ τ' Ηελίῳ τε .                                κάπρον ‘ετοιμασάτω  ταμεειν Διΐ τ' Ηελίῳ τε .

       make-ready  a boar        to-dedicate    to Zeus and Helios.'                            make-ready  a boar        to-dedicate    to Zeus and Helios.'

                                  ao. imp.          ao. inf.




            _     .    . | _   .   . | _       .   . | _    .   .   | _  .   . | _    _

 198   τὸν δ' απαμειβομνος  προσεφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :                τὸν δ' απαμειβομένος  προσεφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :  

           then in answer to him       spoke Achilleus of the swift feet:                                         then in answer to him       spoke Achilleus of the swift feet:

                                  part.                       impf.

            _   . .| _  _ |_   .   . | _   _  |  _     .  . | _   _

 199     Ατρεΐδη κύδιστε  αναξ ανδρῶν Αγάμεμνον                                    Ατρεΐδη κύδιστε  αναξ ανδρῶν Αγάμεμνον

   son of Atreus, most lordly  king of men,  Agamemnon,                                     son of Atreus, most lordly  king of men,  Agamemnon,


            _   .  . | _     _  | _    .     . | _   .  .  | _   .   . | _    _

 200    λλοτέ περ καὶ μᾶλλον  οφέλλετε ταῦτα πένεσθαι ,                              άλλοτέ περ καὶ μᾶλλον  οφέλλετε πένεσθαι  ταῦτα ,

    at some other time rather        y’all busy yourself about these things,                   at some other time rather        y’all get-busy   to-make-ready  these things,


            _    .  . | _   .   . | _    _ | _    .   . | _ .   . | _ _

 201   οππότε τις μεταπαυσωλὴ  πολεμοιο γένηται                                        οππότε τις    μεταπαυσωλὴ   γένηται  πολέμοιο

    when there is some stopping point in the fighting, at some time                                when there is some   stopping point      would-become   in-battle

                                                                            ao. subj.

            _   .    .  | _   .    .  |_ .     . |_  _ | _    . .| _  _

 202   καὶ μένος ου τόσον σι   ενὶ στήθεσσι εμοῖσι .                                         καὶ ου τόσον  μένος  ῇσι ενὶ  εμοῖσι στήθεσσι.

    when there is not so much fury inside of my heart.                                                              when there is not so much  fury  would-be  in  my heart.


            _      _   | _   .  . | _   .   . | _ .   .   | _    .  . | _    _

 203   νῦν δ' ‘ο μὲν κέαται  δεδαϊγμένοι, ‘ος εδάμασσε                                        δε  νῦν   ‘οὶ μὲν κέαται δεδαϊγμένοι,  

       But now as things are they lie there torn    whom the son of Priam                                 But now     as things are they lie there torn   

                                    pres.         perf. part.                            ao.

            _   _   | _  .  . | _      . .  | _    _   | _  .   . | _  _

 204   Ἕκτωρ Πραμίδης,  οτε ‘οι Ζεὺς κῦδος δωκε ,                              ‘οὺς    Ἕκτωρ εδάμασσε    ,  ‘ότε Ζεὺς  δκεδ ‘οι  κῦδος ,

    Hektor has beaten down, since Zeus was giving him glory,                                   whom     Hektor    beat down,     when  Zeus    gave him glory,


            _   _   | _      _   | _   _| _   .   .  | _    .   . | _  _

 205     υμεῖς δ' ες βρωτὺν  οτρύνετον: τ' ν γωγε                                  ‘υμεῖς δ' ες βρωτὺν  οτρύνετον:   

    and then you urge a man to eating. No, but I would now                                               and then you urge a man to eating.   


            _     .   . | _  _ | _      .  . | _ _   |_  .   .| _  _

 206   νῦν μὲν ανώγοιμι   πτολεμίζειν ‘υας Αχαιῶν                           τε    ὰν έγωγε  νῦν μὲν ανώγοιμι  ‘υῖας Αχαιῶν    πτολεμίζειν   νήστιας ακμήνους, 

    drive forward the sons of the Achaians into the fighting                          since    I   could now      drive-forward   sons of Achaians to-battle   hungry  and unfed,    

                           perf. op.

            _    .  . | _  _ | _        .  .  | _ . . | _  .  . | _  _

 207    νήστιας ακμήνους,  αμα δ'ηελίῳ καταδύντι                                    δε   άμα     ηελίῳ καταδύντι

    starving and unfed, and afterwards when the sun sets                                      and afterwards the sun sets

                                                                         ao. part.

            _  _  | _    .  .  | _     .      .| _    _| _  .   .  | _   _

 208   τεύξεσθαι μέγα δόρπον,  επὴν τισαίμεθα λώβην .                         τεύξεσθαι μέγα δόρπον,     επὴν τισαίμεθα  λώβην .

    make ready a great dinner, when we have paid off our defilement.               make ready a great dinner,   when we have paid off   the-disrespect.

             fut. inf.                                                       ao. op.

            _        _  | _      .   .| _  .     . | _    .   .  | _   .   .|_ _

 209   πρὶν δ' ο πως ν μοιγε  φιλον κατὰ λαιμὸν ιείη                       δε  ού πρὶν    έμοιγε  πως  ὰν    ου πόσις      ουδὲ βρῶσις  ιείη κατὰ    φίλον λαιμὸν  

    But before this, for me at least, neither drink nor food shall                       But not before   for me at least,       no drink  nor meat   may-go down   my very throat,


            _    .   . |  _  _ |  _    .    . | _   _  | _  _ | _ _

 210    ου πόσις ουδὲ βρῶσις  εταίρου τεθνηῶτος                           εταίρου τεθνηῶτος

    go down my very throat, since my companion has perished                           companion has perished

                                                                      perf. part.

            _    .  . |_   .  .|_   .   . |_   .  .   |_ .. | _   _

 211   ς μοι ενὶ κλισίῃ  δεδαϊγμένος οξέϊ χαλκῷ                                  ‘ός  κεῖται  ενὶ μοι κλισίῃ    δεδαϊγμένος οξέϊ  χαλκῷ

    and lies inside my shelter torn about with the cutting  bronze,                         who  lies  in my shelter   having-been-slashed    by cutting  bronze,

                                                perf. part.

            _  .   . |_    .    . | _     _ |  _    .   .    | _  .     . | _  _

 212   κεῖται ανὰ πρόθυρον  τετραμμένος, αμφὶ δ'‘εταῖροι                               ανὰ πρόθυρον  τετραμμένος,  

    and turned against the forecourt           while my companions                                         turned against the forecourt          

              pres.                                            perf. part.

            _  _  | _   .    .   | _  .    . | _    .   . | _   .    . | _ _

 213   μύρονται: τό μοι ού τι  μετὰ φρεσὶ ταῦτα μέμηλε   ,                δε  αμφὶ ‘εταῖροι  μύρονται:     τό μοι ού τι μετὰ φρεσὶ ταῦτα μέμηλεν ,

    mourn about him.   Food and drink mean nothing to my heart                    while my companions  mourn about.    Food and drink mean nothing to my heart

                pres.                                                                                     perf.

            _   .    . | _   .     .  | _  .     .  | _   .  . | _    .   .   | _    _

 214    αλλὰ φόνος τε καὶ ‘αῖμα  και αργαλέος στόνος ανδρῶν .                  αλλὰ φόνος τε  καὶ ‘αῖμα           καὶ ᾱργαλέος  ανδρῶν  στόνος .

    but blood does, and slaughter, and the groaning of men in the hard work.'           but   slaughter  and  blood ,      and the groaning of men   in the hard work.'






            _     .    . | _   .   . | _      .    .  | _   .   . | _ .   . | _     _   

 215   τὸν δ' απαμειβομένος  προσεφη πολύμητις Οδυσσεύς :                  δε απαμειβόμενος  τὸν   πολύμητις Οδυσσεύς  προσέφη :

    Then in answer to him spoke resourceful Odysseus:                                                answering             him   resourceful Odysseus   was-speaking : 

                                  part.                      impf.

            _   . . | _   _  | _      _ |_  .  .  | _    .    . | _  _

 216     Ἀχιλεῦ Πηλέως  ‘υιὲ μέγα φέρτατ' Αχαιῶν ,                                     υιὲ Πηλέως  Αχιλεῦ      μέγα φέρτατ' Αχαιῶν ,

    'Son of Peleus, Achilleus, far greatest of the Achaians,                                      'Son of Peleus, Achilleus,      far greatest    of-Achaians,


            _       _   | _  . . | _     _  | _    .   .   | _   .  . | _    _

 217   κρείσσων εις εμέθεν  και φέρτερος ουκ ολίγον περ                       εσσι   κρείσσων  εμέθεν    καὶ φέρτερος   ουκ ολίγον περ  έγχει, 

    you are stronger than I am and greater by not a little                                           you-are   stronger   than-I       and   greater    by not a little      with-spear,


            _  .    . | _  .    . | _  .    . |_ .  . | _   .     . | _   _

 218    γχει, εγὼ δέ κε σεῖο  νοήματί γε προβαλοίμην                                    δέ  εγὼ  κε προβαλοίμην  σεῖο νοήματί γε πολλόν, 

 with the spear, yet I in turn might overpass you in wisdom                                        yet I     in turn might overpass    your  mind  by far,

                                                                             ao. op.

            _    .     . | _     .   . | _      .  . | _     _  | _   .  .  | _ _

 219   πολλόν, επεὶ πρότερος  γενομην καὶ πλείονα οῖδα .                             επεὶ   γενόμην  πρότερος   καὶ  οῖδα πλείονα .

    by far, since I was born before you and have learned more things.                              since   I was born   before     and  i-know   more .

                                                            ao.                                       perf.

            _   .  . | _ _  | _     .   . |_  _| _  .  . | _ _

 220   τώ τοι επιτλήτω  κραδιη μύθοισι εμοῖσι .                                             τώ    τοι κραδίη  επιτλήτω  εμοῖσι  μύθοισι .

    Therefore let your heart endure to listen to my words.                                                 Therefore    let your heart   be-patient  to my stories .


            _  .    . | _   .  . | _     .   . | _   .   .   | _    _  | _  _

 221    αῖψά τε φυλόπιδος  πελεται κόρος ανθρώποισι ,                                τε φυλόπιδος  ανθρώποισι  αῖψά πέλεται κόρος ,

    When there is battle men have suddenly their fill of it                                                    and   in-tough-battle     men    suddenly become  satiety


            _   _  | _     _   | _      .   . | _       .  .  | _    .   . | _  _

 222    ς τε πλείστην μεν  καλαμην χθονὶ χαλκὸς χευεν ,                       τε  ‘ῆς   χαλκὸς   πλείστην μὲν καλάμην χθονὶ  έχευδ ,

  when the bronze scatters on the ground the straw in most numbers                       which the bronze scatters on the ground the straw in most numbers


            _ _ | _     .  . | _   .      .| _    _  | _ .   . | _  _

 223     μητος δ' ολίγστος,  επὴν κλίνῃσι τάλαντα                                   δε  άμητος ολίγῑστος,  επὴν κλίνῃσι τάλαντα Ζεύς,

    and the harvest is most thin, when Zeus may-lean his balance,                           and the harvest is most small, when Zeus  may-lean his balance, Zeus,

                                                             ao. subj.

            _        _  | _     _   | _      .  . | _   .   . | _ .  . | _  _

 224    Ζεύς, ‘ς τ' ανθρώπων  ταμιης πολέμοιο τέτυκται .                                           τε   ός    ταμίης  ανθρώπων  τέτυκται πολέμοιο.

    Zeus, who is administrator to men in their fighting.                                                   who is administrator of-men   has-been-cause  of-battle .


            _   .  . | _        _   | _ .    . | _    _  | _  .    . | _  _

 225   γαστέρι δ' ο πως στι  νεκυν πενθῆσαι Αχαιούς :                                 δε  έστι  ού πως  Αχαιούς   πενθῆσαι νέκυν    γαστέρι :

 There is no way the Achaians can mourn a dead man by denying  the belly.             There is no way the Achaians   intend-to-mourn     a dead man   hungry .

                                              pres.                   ao. inf.

            _ _  | _     _  | _     .   . | _  .   .  |_ .   .  | _   _

 226     λίην γὰρ πολλοι  και επήτριμοι ματα πάντα                                  γὰρ  λίην πολλοὶ   πίπτοντι  καὶ ήματα   επήτριμοι πάντα  : 

    Too many fall day by day, one upon another,                                                             Too many             fall       day by day, one upon another,


            _     _ | _    .  .  | _    .    . | _    _ | _ .   . | _ _

 227    πίπτουσι: πότε κέν τις  αναπνεύσειε πόνοιο ;                                 πότε κέν τις αναπνεύσειε πόνοιο ;

    and how could anyone find breathing space from his labour ?                             how could anyone   find breathing space   from labour ?

                  pres.                                           ao. op.                                                                                                       respite

            _  _ | _     _  | _     .   . | _     _   | _  .    . | _ _

 228    αλλὰ χρὴ τὸν μεν  καταθάπτειν ‘ς κε θάνῃσι                             αλλὰ χρὴ τὸν μὲν  έχοντας  νηλέα θυμὸν   

    No, but we must harden our hearts and bury the man who                                       but  it’s- necessary   holding  pity   to-heart   

                     pres.                                                              ao. subj.

            _   . . | _   .   . | _   .      . | _  .  . | _  _  | _    _

 229    νηλέα θυμὸν έχοντας   επ'ήματι δακρύσαντας :                          καταθάπτειν    ‘ός κε θάνῃσι  δακρυσντας  επ' ήματι   :

    dies, when we have wept over him on the day, and all those                        to-bury       he-who dies,           weeping    on the day,

                                       part.                                   ao. part.

            _   _  | _      .   . | _  .    . | _   .   . | _ .  . | _     _

 230   σσοι δ' ν πολέμοιο  περὶ στυγεροῖο λίπωνται               δε ‘όσσοι ὰν  λίπωνται περὶ στυγεροῖο πολέμοιο  μεμνῆσθαι  πόσιος καὶ εδητύος,   

 who are left about from the hateful work of war must remember            and all those      would-leave   about  from  hateful  war    to-remember  drink and food ,       

                                                                                ao. subj.

            _   _  | _     .  . |_     .   . | _  . .    | _    .  . | _   _

 231   μεμνῆσθαι πόσιος   και εδητύος, φρ' τι μᾶλλον                              όφρ' έτι μᾶλλον

    food and drink, so that afterwards all the more strongly                                      so that still      more strongly

               perf. inf.

            _   .   . | _    .   . | _ .     . | _   .  .  | _  .    .  | _ _

 232   ανδράσι δυσμενέεσσι  μαχώμεθα νωλεμὲς αιεὶ                                 μαχώμεθα  αιεὶ  νωλεμὲς     δυσμενέεσσι  ανδράσι

    we may fight on forever relentless against our enemies                                                 we-would-fight  always    relentlessly         enemies


            _   .   . | _     .  . | _   .      . | _  . .  | _  .    . | _   _

 233    εσσαμνοι χροῒ χαλκον   ατειρέα. μηδέ τις άλλην                              εσσαμένοι    ατειρέα  χαλκὸν  χροῒ .    

    with the weariless bronze put on about our bodies. Let one not                                   with the      burnt   bronze     on-bodies.

                ao. part.

            _  _  | _  _ | _      .  . | _   .   .  | _  .  . | _  _

 234    λαῶν οτρυντυν  ποτιδεγμνος ισχαναάσθω :                            μηδέ τις   άλλην  οτρυντὺν ποτιδεγμνος ισχαναάσθω  λαῶν :

    wait longing for any other summons to stir on the people.                                    Let   not  any  other summons     wait           to stir      people.

                                              ao. part.                   imp.

            _ .     .  | _   _  | _    .    .  | _  .   .  | _   .   . | _  _ 

 235    δε γὰρ οτρυντυς  κακον σσεται ‘ς κε λίπηται                  γὰρ  ‘ήδε οτρυντὺς   έσσεται  κακὸν  ‘ός κε λίπηται     επι  Αργείων  νηυσὶ:  

    This summons now shall be an evil on anyone left behind                                this  summons     will-be      bad        for-who   would-leave    near Greek ships  .

                                                               fut.                    ao. subj.

            _    .  . |  _   _| _     _   | _   .  .  | _  _ | _   _

 236   νηυσὶ επ'Αργείων:  αλλ' αθρόοι ‘ορμηθέντες                                     αλλ'  ‘ορμηθέντες  αθρόοι

    by the ships of the Argives. Therefore let us drive on together                                     but    driving   together

                                                                      ao. part. p

            _      .   .  | _    .    . | _  .   .| _  .   .   |_  .   . | _ _

 237    Τρωσὶν εφ'‘ιπποδάμοισι  εγείρομεν οξὺν ρηα .                               εγείρομεν  οξὺν  Άρηα     επι  Τρωσὶν   ‘ιπποδάμοισι     .

    and wake the bitter war god on the Trojans, breakers of horses.'                                 let rouse    bitter  war god    on Trojans, breakers of horses.'







            _   _  | _    .    .   | _ .    . | _     .   . | _  .  . | _ _

 238     , καὶ Νέστορος ‘υας  οπάσσατο κυδαλίμοιο                         ῆ, καὶ Νέστορος ‘υῖας οπάσσατο κυδαλίμοιο

    He spoke, and went away with the sons of glorious Nestor,                      He spoke, and went away with the sons of glorious Nestor,


            _  . .| _    .    . | _  .     . | _  .   . | _   . .| _    _

 239   Φυλεΐδην τε Μέγητα  Θοαντά τε Μηριόνην τε                            τε  Φυλεΐδην Μέγητα Θόᾱντά τε Μηριόνην τε

    with Meges, the son of Phyleus, and Meriones, and Thoas,                      with Meges, the son of Phyleus, and Meriones, and Thoas,


            _      _ | _ . . | _     .   . | _  . . | _     .   . | _   _

 240    καὶ Κρειοντιάδην  Λυκομήδεα καὶ Μελάνιππον :                     καὶ Κρειοντιάδην Λυκομήδεα καὶ Μελάνιππον :

 and Lykomedes, the son of Kreion, and Melanippos. These went                        and Lykomedes, the son of Kreion, and Melanippos.


            _     .   . | _    .  . | _    . . | _   .    .   | _ . . |_ _

 241   βὰν δ'ίμε νες κλισίην  Αγαμέμνονος Ατρεΐδαο .                           δε  βὰν ίμεν ες κλισίην Αγαμέμνονος Ατρεΐδᾱο .

    on their way to the shelter of Atreus' son Agamemnon.                                        they-went  to-go  in shelter of Atreus' son Agamemnon.

              ao.          inf.

            _ .   . | _    .    .  | _   .    . | _   .  . | _  .    .  | _  _

 242   αυτίκ' πειθ' ‘μα μῦθος  εην, τετελεστο δὲ ργον :                   έπειτα  αυτίκ' ‘άμα    μῦθος, τετέλεστο    δὲ  έην έργον :

    No sooner was the order given than the thing had been done.                        then   at-once   together  words   had-performed  and  was done

                                                       impf.         plp.

            _   .    .  | _   .  . | _    .    . | _    .    .     |  _     .  . | _   _

 243   επτὰ μὲν εκ κλισίης  τριποδας φέρον,  ούςοιυπέστη ,                έρονδ μὲν  οι  επτὰ τρίποδας εκ κλισίης,   ούςυπέστη ,

 They brought back seven tripods from the shelter, those to-him promised         they-were-bringing  to-him seven tripods from  shelter, those  promised

                                                                   impf.                           ao.

            _  _ | _   .    . | _  .     .|_  .  .  | _   .  .  |  _    _

 244    αθωνας δὲ λέβητας  εείκοσι,  δώδεκα δ'‘ππους :                       δὲ  εείκοσι  αίθωνας λέβητας  ,   δε  δώδεκα ‘ίππους :

         and twenty shining cauldrons,          twelve horses.                                             and twenty   shining    cauldrons,               twelve  horses.


            _    .   .  |  _  .    . | _   .    . | _  .   .  | _   _ | _  _

 245    εκ δ'γο ναψα γυναῖκας  αμύμονα ργ' ειδυίας                         δε  εκ  άγονδ  αῖψα  ‘έπτα  γυναῖκας        ειδυίας αμύμονα  έργα ,

    immediately the seven women the work of whose hands was                         were-bringing back  immediately  seven women     knowing  excellent  work

                       impf.                                                                perf. part.

            _   .    . |  _  . . | _      _ |_ . .  | _    .   .  | _  _

 246   πτ'ατὰρ ογδοάτην  Βρισηΐδα καλλιπά ρηον .                              ατὰρ  ογδοάτην  Βρισηΐδα  καλλιπάρηον .

    blameless, and the eighth of them was Briseis of the fair cheeks.                             but   the eighth   Briseis     of fair cheeks.




            _    _   | _   _ | _     .   . | _      .  .  | _    .    . | _  _   20 40

 247   χρυσοῦ δὲ στήσας  Οδυσεὺς δέκα πάντα τάλαντα                         δὲ  Οδυσεὺς    στήσας   δέκα πάντα τάλαντα   χρυσοῦ ῆρχεδ,

 Odysseus weighed out ten full talents of gold and led them                                      Odysseus  standing      ten      full     talents      of gold       first ,

                                 ao. part.

            _       .  .  | _      _ | _   .     . | _     _  | _  .   . | _  _

 248   ρχ',  μα δ' λλοι δῶρα  φερον κούρητες Αχαιῶν .                               δε ‘άμα  κούρητες  Αχαιῶν  φέρονδ  άλλοι δῶρα .

    back,      and the young men of the Achaians carried the other gifts.                                and  together   young men of-Achaians carried  other gifts.

            impf.                                                 impf.

            _   .    .   | _    _ | _   .  . | _  .    .     | _     .   . | _    _

 249   καὶ τὰ μὲν εν μέσσῃ  αγορῇ θέσαν,  αν δ'Αγαμέμνων                            καὶ    θέσανδ     τὰ μὲν  εν μέσσῃ  αγορῇ, 

    They brought these into the midst of assembly, and Agamemnon                                 They-brought these   into  midst of assembly,


            _  .   .   | _    .  . | _   .    . |_  .  . | _ .  .  | _  _

 250    ‘ίστατο:  Ταλθύβιος δε  θεῷ εναλίγκιος αυδὴν                       δε  αν  Αγαμέμνων   ‘ίστατο:   δὲ Ταλθύβιος   αυδὴν εναλίγκιος θεῷ

    stood up,    and Talthybios in voice like an immortal                                          and Agamemnon   was-standing ,   and Talthybios  voice  like  a     god


            _    .    .| _   _ | _  .     . | _   .  .  | _   .  . | _  _

 251   κάπρον έχω εν χειρὶ  παρίστατο ποιμένι λαῶν .                            παρίστατο ποιμένι λαῶν   έχων κάπρον εν χειρὶ .

 stood beside the shepherd of the people with the boar in his hands.                     was-standing-beside  shepherd of-people holding  boar in hand.

                         part.                             impf.

            _  . .| _    .    .| _    .    .| _     _ | _   .   .  | _   _

 252    Ατρεΐδης δὲ  ερσσαμνος  χειρεσσι μάχαιραν ,                            δὲ    Ατρεΐδης  ερῡσσαμένος  μάχαιραν  χείρεσσι ,

    Atreus' son laid hands upon his work-knife, and drew it                                                Atreus' son           drawing          knife,     to-hands 

                                         ao. part.

            _  _ | _     .  . | _    .  .  | _    .  .  | _ .  .| _  _

 253    ‘οι πὰρ ξίφεος  μεγα κουλεὸν αιὲν ωρτο ,                                   ‘οι  άωρτο  αιὲν πὰρα μέγα κουλεὸν     ‘ή    ξίφεος  ,

    from where it hung ever beside the great sheath of his war sword,                                it  hung    ever beside  great sheath   of his war  sword,


            _      .    . | _   .   .   | _   .  . | _     . . | _  .   . |  _    _

 254    κάπρου απὸ τρίχας αρξαμνος  Διῒ χεῖρας ανασχὼν                 αρξαμένος  τρίχας απὸ  κάπρου   ανασχὼν  χεῖρας  Διῒ :  εύχετο

   and cut first hairs away from the boar,     lifting his hands up  to Zeus,            cutting-first   hairs away-from  boar,     lifting  hands up   to Zeus,  was-praying,

                                                   ao. part.                           ao. part.

            _  .   .   | _     .   .  | _     .    . | _    .   .  | _ . .  | _ _

 255    εχετο:  τοὶ δ' ρα πάντες  επ'αυτόφιν ‘εατο σιγῇ                             δε  τοὶ  άρα πάντες  Αργεῖοι   ‘είατο σiγῇ επ' αυτόφιν

 prayed, while all the Argives stayed fast at their places                                                              while             all      Argives     stayed  quiet  at their place

               impf.                                                                         impf.

            _   _| _    . . | _    .    . | _   _ | _   .   . | _ _

 256    Αργεῖοι κατὰ μοῖραν  ακουόντες βασιλῆος .                                         κατὰ μοῖραν    ακούοντες βασιλῆος .

    in silence and in order of station, and listened to their king.                                           according  to-part     listening  to-king.


            _   .  . | _     .   . | _  .    .| _    _  | _   .   .   | _  _

 257    ευξαμνος δ'ρα επεν  ιδὼν εις ουρανὸν ευρύν :                         εῖπεν   ευξαμνος   άρα  δε ιδὼν    εις ευρύν ουρανὸν :

    He spoke before them in prayer gazing into the wide sky:                                              He spoke     praying      and   gazing   into   wide    sky:

                ao. part.                    ao.     ao. part.

            _  _  | _     _   | _     .     . | _   .   . | _    .   . | _  _

 258     στω νῦν Ζεὺς πρῶτα  θεῶν ‘πατος καὶ ριστος                         Ζεὺς πρῶτα νῦν  ίστω ‘ύπατος   θεῶν  καὶ άριστος

    'Let Zeus first be my witness, highest of the gods and greatest,                              'Let Zeus first  now  be   witness, highest   of-gods and greatest,

         perf. imp.

            _   .    .  |_ . . |_    .   . |_  .  .   | _      .   .  | _  _

 259    Γῆ τε καὶ Ηέλιος  και Ερινύες,  ‘α θ' ‘υπὸ γαῖαν                    τε  Γῆ καὶ Ηέλιος καὶ Ερῑνύες, τε αί ‘υπὸ γαῖαν   τίνυνται  ανθρώπους ,

    and Earth, and Helios the Sun, and Furies, who underground                        and Earth, and  Sun, and Furies,       who underground      punish      men,


            _    _  | _    _ | _   .     . | _    .  . | _  .    .| _    _

 260    ανθρώπους τίνυνται, ‘οτις κ' επίορκον ομόσσῃ ,                             ‘ότις κε   ομόσσῃ   επίορκον ,

    avenge dead men, when any man has sworn to a falsehood,                            when any-one  would-swear  to a falsehood,

                                      pres.                                           ao. subj.

            _    .    .| _    _ | _     _ | _ . . | _    .   . | _ _

 261    μὴ μὲν εγὼ κούρῃ  Βρισηΐδι χεῖρ' επένεικα ,                                  μὴ μὲν εγὼ επένεικα  χεῖραν  κούρῃ Βρῑσηΐδι  ,

    that I have never laid a hand on the girl Briseis                                                       I have not laid  a hand       on the girl Briseis


            _    _ | _      .   . | _     _| _    .  .    | _  .    .  | _   _

 262   οτ' ευνῆς πρόφασιν  κεχρημένος οτε τευ λλου .                     ούτ'  κεχρημένος πρόφασῑν ευνῆς    ούτε άλλου τευ .

    on pretext to go to bed with her, or for any other    reason,                              nor yearning    a-pretext  to-sleep-lie , or for any other reason,

                                                    perf. part.

            _   .   .    | _   .  . | _    .     .|_   .  . |_ . . | _ _

 263   αλλ' έμεν'  απροτίμαστος  ενὶ κλισίῃσι εμῇσι .                             αλλ' έμενεδ  απροτίμᾱστος    ενὶ εμῇσι κλισίῃσι.

   but she remained, not singled out,  in my shelter.                                                 but she-was-remaining, un-singled-out,  in my shelter.


            _   .   . | _     .   . | _  .    . | _   .  . | _  . .  | _  _

 264     ει δέ τι τῶνδ' επίορκον  εμοὶ θεοὶ λγεα δοῖεν                                δέ  ει τι τῶνδε  επίορκον  θεοὶ δοῖεν  εμοὶ πολλὰ μάλ' άλγεα , 

 If any of this is falsely sworn, may the gods give me many  griefs,                            If any of these    a-false-oath, may the gods give me  very many griefs,   

                                                                                   ao. op.

            _    .     .    | _   .   . |  _   .    . |_      .   . | _  .  . | _   _

 265   πολλὰ μάλ', ‘σσα διδοῦσι  οτίς σφ' αλίτηται ομόσσας .                 ‘όσσα ‘ότίς    διδοῦσι  σφι  ομόσσας  αλίτηται .

       all that they inflict on those who swear falsely before them.'                               all that        they-give  to-those   swearing    would-sin .

                                               pres.                        ao. subj.         ao. part.

            _   .    . | _    .   . | _      _ |  _     .   . | _  . . | _   _

 266     , καὶ απὸ στόμαχον  καπρου τάμε νηλέϊ χαλκῷ .                         ῆ,     καὶ νηλέϊ χαλκῷ  τάμε     κάπρου  απὸ στόμαχον .

    So he spoke, and with pitiless bronze he cut the boar's throat.                                      he spoke, and with pitiless bronze  cut    the boar's throat.


            _    _  | _    .  . | _    .  . | _   .  .  | _   .  .  | _    _

 267   τὸν μὲν Ταλθύβιος  πολιῆς ‘αλὸς ες μέγα λαῖτμα                           τὸν μὲν Ταλθύβιος πολιῆς ‘αλὸς ες μέγα λαῖτμα

    Talthybios whirled the body about, and threw it in the great reach                   Talthybios whirled the body about, and threw it in the great reach


            _   .   . |_ _| _      .   . |  _ .   .    | _  .    . | _   _

 268   ρῖψ' επιδνήσας  βοσιν ιχθύσι:  αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς                            ‘ρῖψαδ  επιδῑνήσας βόσιν ιχθύσιν: 

    of the grey sea, to feed the fishes. Meanwhile Achilleus                                         of the grey sea, to feed the fishes.    

              ao.          ao. part.

            _    _   | _  _ |_ .    . | _   .  . | _   .   . | _   _

 269    ανστὰς Αργείοισι  φιλοπτολέμοισι μετηύδα :                             αυτὰρ Αχιλλεὺς  ανστὰς   φιλοπτολέμοισι  Αργείοισι μετηύδα :

 stood up among the battle-fond Achaians, and spoke to them:        Meanwhile Achilleus   stanting-up  among the battle-fond Achaians,    was-speaking  :

             ao. part.                                                              impf.

            _    .    . |  _   .  . | _    _| _   _  | _    .   . | _    _

 270   Ζεῦ πάτερ μεγάλας  ατας νδρεσσι διδοῖσθα :                           πάτερ Ζεῦ        μεγάλας   άτᾱς   διδοῖσθα άνδρεσσι :

    'Father Zeus, great are the delusions with which you visit men.                               'Father Zeus,    surely great   delusions you-give  men.


            _    _   | _   .  .  | _   .    .| _  _  | _  .  . | _  _                22:50

 271    ουκ ν δή ποτε θυμον  ενὶ στήθεσσι εμοῖσι                 Ατρεΐδης  ουκ ὰν δή  ποτε  ώρῑνεδ    θυμὸν  διαμπερές  ενὶ εμοῖσι στήθεσσι , 

    Without you, the son of Atreus could never have stirred so                        Atreus’s-son   was-never   stirring        the heart  continuously     in my breasts  




            _  . . | _  _ |_ .    . | _  .   .    | _  .    .  | _   _

  272   Ατρεΐδης ρνε  διαμπερές,  ουδέ κε κούρην                                     ουδέ κε  γεδ  κούρην εμεῦ    αέκοντος    αμήχανος : 

    the heart inside my breast,        nor taken the girl away from me                                No,  nor  was-leading  the girl  from me   involentarily , helpless.


            _  . . | _   . .| _    .    . | _  .   .    | _   .    . | _   _

 273     ῆγε εμεῦ αέκοντος  αμήχανος:  αλλά ποθι Ζεὺς                                     αλλά ποθῑ Ζεὺς

    against my will, and be in helplessness. No, but Zeus somehow                                    but somehow  Zeus


            _  .   . | _  _| _  .   . | _     .   . | _ .   . | _   _

 274     θελ'Αχαιοῖσι  θανατον πολεσσι γενέσθαι .                                        ήθελεδ    θάνατον    γενέσθαι  πολέεσσι  Αχαιοῖσι .

    wished that death should befall great numbers of the Achaians.                                   was-wishing  death    to-become  many   Achaians.

             impf.                                                                     ao. inf.

            _     _   | _     .  . | _      .      . |_   .  . | _   .   . | _ _

 275   νῦν δ' ρχεσθ' επὶ δεῖπνον,  ιν ξυνάγωμεν ρηα .                          δε   νῦν  έρχεσθαι    επὶ δεῖπνον,  ‘ίν ξυνάγωμεν   Άρηα .

    Go now and take your dinner,    so we-would-lead to-combat                                   and  now    go         to    dinner,      so we may draw   on the battle.'




            _    .    .| _  _ | _     _ | _     .    . | _   _| _   _

 276    ς ρ' εφώνησε,   λυσεν δ' αγορὴν αιψηρήν .                           ‘ὼς άρ' εφώνησε,   δε   αιψηρήν  λῦσεδ   αγορὴν .

    So he spoke, and suddenly broke up the assembly.                                               So he spoke,      and suddenly   broke up    assembly.


            _   .    . |   _  _ | _    .   . | _  .  . | _ .  . | _   _

 277   ‘ο μὲν ρ' εσκίδναντο  εὴν επὶ νῆα ‘καστος ,                                        ‘οὶ μὲν άρ' εσκίδνᾱντο     ‘έκαστος   επὶ ‘εὴν  νῆα,

    Now these scattered away each man to his own ship. Meanwhile                                   these-ones  scattered away    each man to his own ship.


               _    .    . | _     .   . | _    .   . | _  .   .  | _   .   . | _  _

 278     δῶρα δὲ Μυρμιδόνες  μεγαλήτορες αμφεπένοντο ,                           δὲ  μεγαλήτορες   Μυρμιδόνες  αμφεπένοντο  δῶρα ,

    the great-hearted Myrmidons disposed of the presents.                                                        the great-hearted     Myrmidons      disposed         gifts .


                _     .   . | _  .   . | _   .    . | _  _ | _  _ |_ _

 279     βὰν δ'επὶ νῆα φέροντες  Αχιλλῆος θείοιο .                                         δε   βάνεδ  φερόντες  επὶ νῆα        θείοιο  Αχιλλῆος .

    They went on their way carrying them to the ship of godlike Achilleus,                              They-went      carrying    on    ship    of godlike Achilleus,

           ao.                                part.

            _   .    .   | _   .   .|_ .    . | _      .   . | _    .    . | _   _

 280   καὶ τὰ μὲν εν κλισίῃσι  θεσαν,  κάθισν δὲ γυναῖκας ,                        καὶ μὲν θέσαν   τὰ   εν κλισίῃσι ,       δὲ  γυναῖκας κάθισαν ,

    and stowed the gifts in the shelters, and let the women be settled,                               and    stowed   them    in shelters,    and let the women be settled,

                                                        ao.              ao.

            _    _    | _     .  . | _     .  . | _     .   . | _    .   . | _   _

 281    ίππους δ' εις αγέλην  ελασαν θεράποντες αγαυοί .                        δε   αγαυοί   θεράποντες  έλασανδ  ίππους   εις αγέλην .

    while proud henchmen drove the horses into Achilleus' horse-herd.                            proud henchmen    drove            horses   into horse-herd.




            _  _ | _   .     . | _     .  . | _    .    .  | _  _ | _ _             23:35

 282   Βρισηῒς δ' ρ' πειτ'   ικελη χρυσῇ Αφρωδίτῃ                                      δε  άρα  έπειτ' ικέλη   χρυσῇ Αφρωδίτῃ Βρισηῒς

    And now, in the likeness of golden Aphrodite, Briseis                                               And  then  , in the likeness of golden Aphrodite, Briseis


            _  .  . | _    _ | _      .   . | _ .   .   |_ . . | _  _

 283   ως ίδε Πάτροκλον  δεδαϊγμένον οξέϊ χαλκῷ ,                             ‘ως ίδεδ   Πάτροκλον     δεδαϊγμένον   οξέϊ χαλκῷ ,

    when she saw Patroklos lying torn with sharp bronze, folding                          when she saw   Patroklos      lying torn       by-sharp bronze,

                    ao.                                    perf. part.

            _       _| _   .   . | _   *    . | _   . .  | _   .    . | _    *

 284    αμφ' αυτῷ χυμένη λιγ'  εκώκυε, χερσὶ δ'μυσσε                      χυμένη  αμφ' αυτῷ     εκώκυεδ  λίγα    δε  χερσὶ άμυσσεδ  στήθεα

    him in her arms cried shrilly above him and with her hands tore                      folding   around him    shreaked loadly    and  hands  were-tearing   at  breasts

                                 ao. part.                impf.                                impf.

            _   .  . | _      .   . | _      _ | _   . .  | _  .     .  | _   *

 285   στήθεά τ' ηδ' ‘απαλην  δειρὴν ιδὲ καλὰ πρόσωπα .                       τε ηδε  ‘απαλὴν δειρὴν  ιδὲ   κᾱλὰ πρόσωπα .

    at her breasts and her soft throat and her beautiful forehead.                             and     soft      throat     and   beautiful  forehead.


            _  .      . | _    _ | _  *    . | _  ..| _ .   . |_ *

 286     επε δ'ρα κλαίουσα  γυνὴ εϊκυῖα θεῇσι :                                     δε άρα  γυνὴ   εϊκυῖα θεῇσι    κλαίουσα   εῖπεδ :

    The woman like the immortals mourning for him spoke to him:                                   The woman      like goddesses    mourning    spoke :

              ao.                         part.                   perf. part.

            _    .     .  | _   _ | _     _   | _    .   . | _   .  .  | _  *

 287    Πάτροκλέ μοι δειλῇ  πλεῖστον κεχαρῑσμένε θυμῷ                        Πάτροκλε,  πλεῖστον  κεχαρῑσμένε    μοι  θυμῷ  δειλῇ

    'Patroklos, far most pleasing to my heart in its sorrows,                                         'Patroklos,   far most       pleasing        to my heart    in sorrows,

                                                                   perf. part.

            _ _  | _    .  . | _   *    . | _   .  . | _ .   .| _ *

 288   ζωὸν μέν σε λειπον  εγὼ κλισίηθεν ιοῦσα ,                                  εγὼ   λείπον  μέν σε  ιοῦσα  ζωὸν κλισίηθεν ,

    I left you here alive when I left from the shelter,                                                            I       left            you   being    alive       from-shelter,

                                     impf.                                         part.

            _   .     . | _  _  |_ *    . | _  .   .  | _  .  .  | _ *

 289   νῦν δέ σε τεθνηῶτα  κιχάνομαι όρχαμε λαῶν                                 δέ  νῦν  κιχάνομαι    όρχαμε λαῶν       ὰψ ανιοῦσα:   σε  τεθνηῶτα 

I    but now I come back, lord of the people, to find you have fallen.                             I  but now I come back,    lord of-people,     again finding  you  having-died

                             perf. part.             pres.

            _  . . | _      _   | _      .  . | _   .    .  | _   .    .  | _ *

 290   ὰψ ανιοῦσ': ‘ώς μοι  δεχεται κακὸν εκ κακοῦ αιεί .                                ώς   κακὸν   μοι   δέχεται     εκ  αιε  κακοῦ.

                                   So evil in my life takes over from evil forever.                                        So      evil    for-me    follows   from eternal evil .

                    part.                             pres.

            _   .     .   | _ .  . | _     *     .  | _   _   | _  .  . | _  *           24:23

 291   νδρα μὲν ‘ δοσάν με  πατὴρ καὶ πότνια μήτηρ                             άνδρα μὲν ‘ῲ      πατὴρ καὶ  πότνια μήτηρ  δσaνδ  με

    The husband on whom my father and honoured mother bestowed me                       The husband  for-whom   father and   lady   mother   gave  me


            _   _  | _       .  . | _    .  . | _ .   .  | _ .. | _   *

 292     εδον πρὸ πτόλιος  δεδαϊγμένον οξέϊ χαλκῷ ,                                   εῖδον πρὸ    πτόλιος δεδαϊγμένον   οξέϊ χαλκῷ ,

    I saw before my city lying torn with the sharp bronze,                                                      I saw before   city       lying torn      with  sharp bronze,

              ao.                                        perf. part.

            _     .    . | _  _ | _       _   | _    . . | _   .  .  | _  *

 293   τρεῖς τε κασῑγνήτους, τους μοι μία γείνατο μήτηρ ,                            τε  τρεῖς κασῑγνήτους,  τούς μία, μήτηρ γείνατο μοι ‘οὶ κηδείους,  ,

    and my three brothers,           whom one mother bore with me                                   and my three brothers,       whom one mother bore    me    close,  


            _ _ | _     _ | _    *     . | _ .   .  |_  .   . | _    *

 294   κηδείους, ‘ο πάντες  ολέθριον μαρ επέσπον .                                   πάντες  ῆμαρ   επέσπον  ολέθριον .

  and who were close to me, all   one day   chased   destruction.                                all  of-whom    one day   chased   destruction.


            _   .   .  | _   .     . | _   *     . |  _      .    .   |  _  .  . | _   *

 295   ουδὲ μὲν ουδέ μ' έᾱσκες,  οτ' νδρ'εμὸν ωκὺς Αχιλλεὺ        ουδὲ μὲν ουδέ έασκες με κλαίειν, ‘ότε  ωκὺς Αχιλλεὺς έκτεινεδ εμὸν άνδρα,

    And yet you would not let me, when swift Achilleus had cut down               And yet you were not letting me  lament ,      when swift Achilleus  killed  my hu


            _  _| _     _  | _     *     . | _   _ |_ .   . | _  *

 296    κτεινεν, πέρσεν δε  πολιν θείοιο Μύνητος ,                                     δὲ   πέρσεν  πόλιν  θείοιο Μύνητος ,

    my husband, and sacked the city of godlike Mynes, you would not                               and sacked  the city of godlike Mynes,   

               impf.           ao.

            _    _  | _  .    .  | _    *     . | _  _ | _  _|_ *

 297   κλαίειν, αλλά μ'φασκες  Αχιλλῆος θείοιο                                   αλλά   έφασκες   θήσειν  με     θείοιο Αχιλλῆος  κουριδίην  άλοχον ,

    let me sorrow, but said you would make me godlike Achilleus'                                 but you said   to-make   me       godlike Achilleus'  lawful wedded wife,


            _   . . | _  .  . | _     _ | _    _| _     .   . | _   *

 298   κουριδίην λοχον  θησειν, ξειν δ' ενὶ νηυσὶ                                δε   άξειν  ενὶ νηυσὶ   ες Φθίην,

    wedded lawful wife, that you would take me back in the ships                                   to-lead   in ships   to Phthia,

                                               fut. inf.      fut. inf.

            _    _ | _    _ | _    *     . | _    .   .  | _    .   . | _   *

 299    ες Φθίην, δαίσειν δε  γαμον μετὰ Μυρμιδόνεσσι .                        δὲ   δαίσειν  γάμον   μετὰ  Μυρμιδόνεσσι .

    to Phthia, and formalize my marriage among the Myrmidons.                            and to-formalize  marriage  among the Myrmidons.

                                fut. inf.

            _    .    . | _     _  |_   _ | _ .  .  | _  .  .   | _ *

 300   τώ σ' άμοτον κλαίω  τεθνηότα μείλιχον αιεί .                                   τώ   άμοτον κλαίω σε  τεθνηότα      μείλιχον  αιεί .

    Therefore I weep your death without ceasing. You were kind always.'              Therefore I   relentlessly weep you  having-died  .   friendship  always.'

                                       pres.      perf. part.



            _   .  . | _   _  | _       . . | _    .   . | _   .    . | _   *              25:13

 301   ς φατο κλαίουσ',  επι δὲ στενάχοντο γυναῖκες                        ‘ὼς έφατο κλαίουσ',  επὶ δὲ στενάχοντο γυναῖκες

    So she spoke, lamenting, and the women sorrowed around her                    So she spoke, lamenting, and the women sorrowed around her

                     impf.          part.                                 impf.

            _    _ | _        .    . | _       _    | _      _   | _ .   . | _   *

 302    Πάτροκλον πρόφασν,  σφων δ' αυτῶν κήδε' ‘εκάστη .                    Πάτροκλον πρόφασῑν, σφῶν δ' αυτῶν κήδε' ‘εκάστη .

    grieving openly for Patroklos, but for her own sorrows                                            grieving openly for Patroklos, but for her own sorrows each.


            _  _   | _      .   . | _    *    . | _  _  |_ .  . | _   *

 303    αυτὸν δ' μφὶ γέροντες  Αχαιῶν ηγερέθοντο                                        αυτὸν δ' ᾱμφὶ γέροντες Αχαιῶν ηγερέθοντο

    each. But the lords of Achaia were gathered about Achilleus                                       But the lords of Achaia were gathered about Achilleus


            _   .   . | _    _  | _   *     . | _      _ | _    .  . | _  *

 304   λισσόμενοι δειπνῆσαι:  ο δ' ηρνεῖτο στεναχίζων :                               λισσόμενοι δειπνῆσαι:  ‘ὸ δ' ηρνεῖτο στεναχίζων :

    beseeching him to eat, but he with a groan denied them:                                           beseeching him to eat, but he with a groan denied them:

                  part.                 ao. inf.                           impf.              part.



          | _   .    .  | _  .   .| _   *    . | _   .  . | _  .    .  | _    *            25:35

 305   λίσσομαι, ε τις μοιγε  φιλων επιπείθεθ' ‘εταίρων ,                    λίσσομαι,  εί τις    φίλων ‘εταίρων επιπείθεται  έμοιγε ,

              'I beg   if any dear companion will listen      to me,                                         'I beg ,    if anyone  of-dear companions will listen    to me,

                pres.                                                pres.

          | _   _  | _    _ | _ *    . | _  . . | _  .    . | _  *

 306    μή με πρὶν σίτοιο  κελεύετε μηδὲ ποτῆτος                        κελεύετε  μή με   άσασθαι    σίτοιο μηδὲ ποτῆτος   πρὶν φίλον  ῆτορ , 

               stop urging me to satisfy the heart in me                                      stop urging me    to satisfy       food     and     drink      before  dear  heart ,        


          | _  _ | _   .   .  | _  *     . | _    .     .  | _  .   . | _ *

 307   σασθαι φίλον τορ,  επεί μ' χος αινὸν ‘ικάνει :                           επεί   αινὸν άχος ‘ικάνει   με :

   with food and drink,        since this strong sorrow has come upon me.               since  strong sorrow  comes upon me.

               ao. inf.                                                                          pres.

          | _    .       . |_. .| _     .  . |_   _  | _   .   .  | _   *

 308   δύντα δ' ες ηέλιον   μενεω καὶ τλήσομαι μπης .                         δε  μενέω   ες ηέλιον  δύντα  καὶ τλήσομαι     έμπης .

    I will hold out till the sun goes down and endure, though it be hard.'                       I will-wait    till   sun  goes down  and endure,   sorrowfully

            ao. part.                               fut.                    fut.



          | _   _| _    _ | _       *     . | _   .   . | _    .   . | _ *           25:53

 309   ς ειπὼν λλους μεν  απεσκέδασεν βασιλῆας ,                           ‘ὼς ειπὼν    απεσκέδασαδ   άλλους μὲν βασιλῆας    ,

    So he spoke, and caused the rest of the kings to scatter;                                    so  speaking  ,  caused                other            kings      to scatter;

                   ao. part.                                       ao.

          | _ _  | _    . . | _    .  . | _    _  |_ .   . | _     *

 310   δοιὼ δ' Ατρεΐδα  μενετην καὶ δῖος Οδυσσεὺς                                      δε   δοιὼ  Ατρεΐδᾱ   μενέτην καὶ δῖος Οδυσσεὺς

    but the two sons of Atreus stayed with him, and brilliant Odysseus,                            but   two sons of Atreus    stayed  and brilliant Odysseus,

                          dual         impf. dual

          | _     _  |_ .   . | _     *    . | _      _   | _   .   . | _   *

 311   Νέστωρ Ιδομενεύς τε  γερων θ' ‘ιππηλάτα Φοῖνιξ                            Νέστωρ  τε  δομενεύς   τε    γέρων  ‘ιππηλάτα Φοῖνιξ

    and Nestor, and Idomeneus, and the aged charioteer, Phoinix,                                 Nestor, and Idomeneus,  and the aged charioteer, Phoinix,


          | _    _  | _   .  . | _     .  . | _   .   .    | _  .   . | _  *

 312   τέρποντες πυκινῶς  ακαχημένον:  ουδέ τι θυμῷ                                    τερπόντες   πυκινῶς  ακαχημένον : 

    comforting him close in his sorrow,    yet his heart would not                                            comforting   close          in sorrow,   

                  part.                                    perf. part.

          | _   .   .  |   _      .  . | _       .    .  | _  .   .   | _  .  . | _ *

 313   τέρπετο,  πρὶν πολέμου  στομα δύμεναι ‘αιματόεντος .        ουδέ τι   τέρπετο  θυμῷ , πρὶν δύμεναι στόμα ‘αιματόεντος πολέμου .

    be comforted, till he went into the jaws of the bleeding battle.               nothing    was-comforting   to-heart       until  he went into   jaws   of  bleeding battle.

               impf.                                                         ao. inf.

          | _    .   . | _      .   . | _     .  . | _  .  .  | _  _ | _  *

 314   μνησαμένος δ' ‘αδινῶς  ανενείκατο φώνησέ τε :                                  δε  μνησάμενος  ανενείκατο  αδινῶς   τε φώνησαδ :

    Remembering Patroklos he sighed much for him, and spoke aloud:                             Remembering         sighed     much ,    and spoke aloud:

                 ao. part.                                       ao.                  ao.

          | _   .    .  | _    .   .  | _   *     .  | _    .  .  | _    .    .  | _  *

 315     ρά νύ μοί ποτε καὶ συ  δυσάμμορε φίλταθ' ‘εταίρων                  ῆ ‘ρά νύ μοί ποτε καὶ      δυσάμμορε  φίλτατε  ‘εταίρων

 'There was a time, ill fated, o dearest of all my companions,                            'There now  for-me   was a time,   O  ill fated dearest      of-companions,


          | _   .  . | _   . . |_   _ | _     .    . | _      .   . | _  *

 316   αυτὸς ενὶ κλισίῃ   λαρὸν  παρὰ δεῖπνον θηκας            σὺ αυτὸς  θκας   λαρὸν  δεῖπνον ενὶ κλισίῃ παρὰ  αῖψα καὶ οτραλέως,

    when you yourself would set the desirable dinner before me                you  yourself  sat      desirable dinner  in shelter   beside      quickly and expertly,


          | _  .     .  |_  _| _        .   . | _    _  | _  .   . | _ *

 317    αψα καὶ οτραλέως, ‘οποτε σπερχοίατ' Αχαιοὶ                               ‘οπότε    Αχαιοὶ   σπερχοίατε

    quickly and expertly, at the time the Achaians were urgent                                     at the time    the Achaians    were urgent


          | _     .   . | _      .   . | _  *     . | _     .    . | _   .    . | _ *

 318   Τρωσὶν εφ' ‘ιπποδάμοισι  φερειν πολύδακρυν ρηα .                            φέρειν πολύδᾱκρυν Άρηα  επι Τρωσὶ   ιπποδάμοισι .

    to carry sorrowful war on the Trojans, breakers of horses.                                           to carry    sorrowful    war     for  Trojans,    breakers of horses.


          | _    .    .  | _    _ | _    .    .| _ .   .    | _   .   . | _    *

 319   νῦν δὲ σὺ μὲν κεῖσαι  δεδαϊγμένος, αυτὰρ εμὸν κῆρ                                 δὲ νῦν  σὺ μὲν κεῖσαι  δεδαϊγμένος,    

  But now you lie here torn before me,   and my heart goes starved                                      But now you         lie     here torn before me,  

                                      pres.         perf. part.

          | _ _ | _     .  . | _    .   .| _  .  .  | _ .    . | _  *

 320   κμηνον πόσιος  και εδητύος νδον εόντων                      αυτὰρ εμὸν κῆρ άκμηνον πόσιος  και εδητύος ένδον εόντων ποθῇ  σῇ :

 for meat and drink, though they are here beside me, by reason                but my heart    goes starved    of-drink  and  eat ,  being  beside ,   longing for you.


          | _   .    .  | _   _   | _    *    . | _  .   .   | _  .    . | _  *

 321   σῇ ποθῇ:  ου μὲν γάρ τι   κακώτερον λλο πάθοιμι ,                       γάρ  ου μὲν τι      κακώτερον άλλο πάθοιμι ,

    of longing for you. There is nothing worse than this I could suffer,                  There is nothing    more-worse  other   i-may-suffer,

                                                                                       ao. op.

          | _   _  | _    _   | _    *     . | _   .  . | _  .    . | _   *

 322   ουδ' ε κεν τοῦ πτρος  αποφθιμένοιο πυθοίμην ,                            ουδ' εί κεν  πυθοίμην    αποφθιμένοιο  τοῦ πᾱτρὸς  ,

    not even if I were to hear of the death of my father                                                   not even if     I were to hear    of the death   of the father

                                                        ao. part.               ao. op.

          | _    _   | _     _ |_ *   . | _     .  .  | _   .   .  | _ *

 323   ς που νῦν Φθίηφι  τερεν κατὰ δάκρυον εβει                           ‘ός νῦν Φθίηφι  που είβει  τέρεν  δάκρυον  χήτεϊ  τοιοῦδε  ‘υῖος : 

who now, I think, in Phthia somewhere lets fall a soft tear           who now,  I think, in Phthia  somewhere  lets fall a soft tear for bereavement  of such a son


          | _ . . | _  _   | _  *     . | _      .  . | _    . . | _  *

 324   χήτεϊ τοιοῦδ' ‘υος:  ο δ' αλλοδαπῷ ενὶ δήμῳ                              δε   ‘ὸ  αλλοδαπῷ ενὶ δήμῳ

  for bereavement of such a son, for me, who now in a strange land                     who    now in a strange land


          | _  .  .  | _ .   . | _     .  . | _      _  | _    .  . | _ *

 325    εινεκαρῑγεδανῆς  Ἑλενης Τρωσὶν πολεμίζω :                           πολεμίζω  Τρωσὶ      ‘εινεκα    ρῑγεδανῆς  Ἑλένης  :

    make war upon the Trojans for the sake of accursed Helen;                        i-make war upon the Trojans    for the sake   of accursed Helen;


          | _ .   .   | _    _  | _   *    . |_   .   . | _   .   .   | _ *

 326     ηὲ τὸν ‘ς Σκύρῳ μοι  ενι τρέφεται φίλος ‘υιός ,                       ηὲ    τὸν μοι   φίλοςυιός      ‘ὸς   τρέφεται  ένι Σκύρῳ ,

    or the death of my dear son, who is raised for my sake in Skyros                          or    him      my dear son,         who is raised  in Skyros ,


          | _     .   . |_ _ |_  *     . | _  .  . | _     . . |_ *

 327     εί που έτῑ ζώει γε   Νεοπτόλεμος θεοειδής .                                εί γε  θεοειδής  Νεοπτόλεμος   που έτι ζώει  .

    now, if godlike Neoptolemos is still one of the living.                                         if       godlike Neoptolemos     somewhere  still   lives


          | _     _   | _     _  | _   *    .|_   _  | _  .  . | _   *             27:29

 328   πρὶν μὲν γάρ μοι θυμος  ενὶ στήθεσσι εώλπει                                    γάρ  πρὶν μὲν    θυμὸς ενὶ   μοι  στήθεσσι εώλπει

    Before now the spirit inside my breast was hopeful                                                     Before now the heart inside my breast     was hopeful


          | _  .   .| _   _ | _    *     . |  _    .  .  | _  .   . | _ *

 329     οῖον εμὲ φθίσεσθαι  απ'Άργεοςιπποβότοιο                           οῖον εμὲ φθίσεσθαι   απο   ‘ιπποβότοιο  Άργεος   ενὶ Τροίῃ,  

    that I alone should die far away from horse-pasturing Argos                       only    me     to-die     away   from horse-pasturing Argos here    in Troy;

                                fut. inf.

          | _   .   . | _   _ |_     .   .  | _    _| _ .    . | _  *

 330    αυτοῦ ενὶ Τροίῃ,   σε δε τε Φθίηνδε νέεσθαι ,                                  σὲ δέ τε νέεσθαι  Φθίηνδε  ,

            here in Troy; I hoped you  to-depart  to Phthia                                               and  you  to-depart  to Phthia


          | _   _  | _    _  | _   *     . |_   _  |_ .  .  | _  *

 331   ως ν μοι τὸν παῖδα  θοῇ σὺν νηῒ μελαίνῃ                               ‘ως άν  θοῇ σὺν μελαίνῃ νηῒ      μοι παῖδα Σκυρόθεν εξαγάγοις

    so that in a fast black ship you could take my son back                 so that    in a fast black ship      you could take my son back from Skyros to Phthia,


          | _    .   .   |_ .  . | _      _  | _   _ | _ .   .| _   *

 332   Σκυρόθεν εξαγάγοις  καιοι δείξειαςέκᾱστα                             καί   δείξειας  οι   εμὴν  έκᾱστα  κτῆσι

    from Skyros to Phthia, and show him all my possessions,                              and     show     him     my  each     possession

                                   ao. op.                        ao. op.

          | _   .   . | _     _  | _  *     .   |_  .  . | _    .   .  | _  *

 333   κτῆσιν εμὴν δμῶάς τε  καιυψερεφὲς μέγα δῶμα .                     τε  δμῶάς     καὶ  ‘υψερεφὲς μέγα δῶμα .

    my property, my serving men, my great high-roofed house.                                house-slaves,          high-roofed   big house.


          | _ _ | _     _ | _ *     .|_.  . | _  .  .  | _     *

 334     δη γὰρ Πηλῆα  γ'οΐομαι κατὰ πάμπαν                          γὰρ   ήδη    οΐομαι   Πηλῆά γε    κατὰ πάμπαν τεθνάμεν, 

    For by this time I think that Peleus must altogether                                          For always    I think    that Peleus          utterly    to-have-perished,


          | _  .    .    |_   _   | _   *     . | _ _| _    .  . | _    *

 335   τεθνάμεν, που τυτθον  ετι ζωόντ' ακάχησθαι                          ή που          έτι  τυτθὸν   ζώονταν    ακάχησθαι

    have perished, or still keeps a little scant life in sorrow                                             or somewhere  still   a little       living     to-sυffer

              perf. inf.                                            part.           perf. inf.

          | _  . . | _   .   . | _     .   .| _     .  . | _   .   .   | _ *

 336    γήραΐ τε στυγερῷ  και εμὴν ποτιδέγμενον αιεὶ                       τε  στυγερῷ  γήραΐ  καὶ  ποτιδέγμενον αιεὶ   εμὴν  λυγρὴν αγγελίην, 

    for the hatefulness of old age and because he waits ever from me                    for hateful  old age     and     he waits ever    my  evil message,

                                                                  ao. part.

          | _   _   | _  . . | _     .   . | _    .  . | _ .   . | _  *

 337   λυγρὴν αγγελίην,   οτ'αποφθιμένοιο πύθηται .                       ότε   πύθηται     αποφθιμένοιο   .

    the evil message, for the day he hears I have been killed.'                                   when     he-hears     of-death

                                                      ao. part.              ao. subj.



          | _   .  . | _   _  | _    .  . | _   .    . | _   .    . | _   *           28:19

 338   ὼς έφατο κλαίων,  επι δὲ στενάχοντο γέροντες ,                    ‘ὼς έφατο     κλαίων,      επὶ δὲ  γέροντες  στενάχοντο ,

so he-was-saying , mourning, and     elders  lamented on                                             so he-was-saying , mourning, and     elders  lamented on

                    impf.         part.                                  impf.

            | _   .   .  | _   .  . | _    *     .| _  .  . | _  .  . | _  *

 339     μνησαμένοι τὰέκαστος  ενὶ μεγάροισι έλειπε :                     μνησαμνοι ‘έκαστος  τὰ        λείπεδ  ενὶ μεγάροισι :

           remembering each those      he-left behind in palace .                                      remembering each those      he-left behind in palace .

                 ao. part.                                                                         impf.

          | _  .    . | _       .    .  | _     *    .| _   .  . |_ .     .  |_  *

 340    μυρομένους δ' ρα τούς γε  ιδὼν ελέησε Κρονίων ,                δε  Κρονίων  ιδὼν  ελέησαδ    τούς  άρα γε   μυρομένους  ,

The son of Kronos took pity on them as he watched them mourning                      son of Kronos    watching    pityed      them              mourning

                    part.                                         ao. part.     ao.

          | _  .     .  | _  _ |_   .   .|_    .   . | _ .     .  | _    *

 341    αῖψα δ' Αθηναίην  επεα πτερόεντα προσηύδα :                          δε   αῖψα   Αθηναίην  προσηύδα  πτερόεντα  έπεα :

 and immediately  to Athena   winged words          spoke :                                         and immediately  to Athena was-speaking  winged   words   :


          | _   .   . | _    _   | _     *     . | _   . .  | _   .    . | _ *

 342   τέκνον εμόν, δὴ πάμπαν  αποίχεαι ανδρὸς ‘εῆος .                        εμόν τέκνον,    δὴ πάμπαν αποίχεαι   ανδρὸς ‘εῆος .

    'My child,  you utterly abandon the man of your choice                                         'My child,           you utterly abandon    the man   of your choice


          | _  .    .  | _  .  . | _    *     . | _    .   . | _     .     . | _   *

 343    νύ τοι ουκέτι πάγχυ   μετὰ φρεσὶ μέμβλετ' Αχιλλεύς ;                         Αχιλλεύς νύ ουκέτι    πάγχυ μετὰ  μέμβλετε  τοι φρεσὶ  ;

    Is there no longer deep concern in your heart for Achilleus?                       does  Achilleus   now  no longer   utterly have-great concern  for-you  in-heart ?


          | _   .    . | _    .    . | _   *    . | _   _ | _   _  | _ *

 344   κεῖνος ‘ γε προπάροιθε  νεῶν ορθοκραιράων                             κεῖνος  ‘ό γε  ῆσται    προπάροιθε    ορθοκραιράων νεῶν     

    Now he has sat down before the steep horned ships and is mourning                   he sits-down      in-front  of      steep   horned     ships  


          | _    .  . | _   .  . | _    .  . | _    .   .    | _  .    .  | _  *

 345    σται οδρόμενος  εταρον φίλον: ‘ο δὲ δὴ λλοι                                        οδῡρομνος   φίλον ‘έταρον :  

    for his own beloved companion,   while all the others                                                                mourning       beloved companion,  

              pres.             part.

          | _  _ | _   .  .  | _      *      . | _     _  | _    .   . | _    *

 346    οίχονται μετὰ δεῖπνον,  ‘ο δ' άκμηνος καὶ άπᾱστος .           δὲ δὴ ‘οὶ άλλοι οίχονται μετὰ δεῖπνον,  δε ‘ο  άκμηνος καὶ άπᾱστος .

    have gone to take their dinner, but he is fasting and unfed.                           while  the others       go      to  dinner,        but he   without-meat  and taste .


          | _   . . | _   _  | _   *     .  | _    .   . |_  .   . | _  *

 347   αλλ' θι ‘οι νέκτάρ τε  και μβροσίην ερατεινὴν                    αλλ'  ίθι  ‘οι  στάξον  νέκτάρ  ενὶ στήθεσσι  καὶ ερατεινὴν αμβροσίην, 

    Go then to him and distil nectar inside his chest, and delicate                   Go then  to-him  distil       nectar  in  chest,       and delicate ambrosia,      


          | _   .    . |_  _  | _        .  . | _   _  | _  .   .| _  *

 348   στάξον ενὶ στήθεσσ',  ινα μή μιν λιμὸς ‘κηται.                            ‘ίνα μή λιμὸς    ‘ίκηται   μιν .

 ambrosia, so the weakness of hunger will not come upon him.'                  so   weakness-of-hunger    would-not come  to-him.'

             ao. imp.                                                                           ao. subj.





          | _   _| _    _ | _  *     . | _     .   . |_  .  . | _  *               29:19

 349   ς ειπὼν τρυνε  παρος μεμαυῖαν Αθήνην :                                    ‘ὼς ειπὼν ώτρυνε πάρος μεμαυῖαν Αθήνην :

 Speaking so, he stirred Athene, who was eager before this,                                     Speaking so, he stirred Athene, who was eager before this,

                   ao. part.      impf.

          | _     _  | _  ..| _ *    . | _    .  . | _ .  . | _   *

 350    δ' ‘ρπῃ εϊκυῖα  τανπτέρυγ λιγυφώνῳ                                      ‘ὴ δ' ‘άρπῃ εϊκυῖα τανῡπτέρυγῑ λιγυφώνῳ

    and she in the likeness of a wide-winged, thin-crying                                            and she in the likeness of a wide-winged, thin-crying


          | _  .    .  | _  .  . | _    *    .  |_  .   .    | _   .    . | _  *

 351   ουρανοῦ εκκατεπᾶλτο  δι' αιθέρος. αυτὰρ Αχαιοὶ                                 ουρανοῦ εκκατεπᾶλτο δι' αιθέρος.  αυτὰρ Αχαιοὶ

    hawk plummeted from the sky through the bright air. Now the Achaians         hawk plummeted from the sky through the bright air. Now the Achaians


          | _ .  . | _    _  | _   *     . | _     .     .    | _   .   . |_ *

 352   αυτίκα θωρήσσοντο  κατὰ στρατόν: ‘ δ' Αχιλῆϊ                                   αυτίκα θωρήσσοντο κατὰ στρατόν:  ‘ὴ δ' Αχιλῆϊ

    were arming at once along the encampment. She dropped the delicate                  were arming at once along the encampment. She dropped the delicate


          | _   .    .| _  _ | _   *     .  | _    .   . | _ .   . |_  *

 353   νέκταρ ενὶ στήθεσσι  και μβροσίην ερατεινὴν                                    νέκταρ ενὶ στήθεσσι καὶ ᾱμβροσίην ερατεινὴν

    ambrosia and the nectar inside the breast of Achilleus                                                ambrosia and the nectar inside the breast of Achilleus


          | _       . .  | _   _ | _  *     . | _    _  | _     .    .| _ *

 354   στάξ', ‘να μή μιν λιμος  ατερπὴς γούναθ' ‘κηται :                                στάξ', ‘ίνα μή μιν λιμὸς ατερπὴς γούναθ' ‘ίκηται :

    softly, so no sad weakness of hunger would come on his knees,                              softly, so no sad weakness of hunger would come on his knees,

              ao.                                                                             ao. subj.

          | _ _ | _    _   | _     *     . | _   .  . | _   .  . | _    *

 355   αυτὴ δὲ πρὸς πατρος  ερισθενέος πυκινὸν δῶ                                       αυτὴ δὲ πρὸς πατρὸς ερῑσθενέος πυκινὸν δῶ

    and she herself went back to the close house of her powerful                                      and she herself went back to the close house of her powerful


          | _   . .   | _     .    . | _   *    . | _  .  . | _ .    . |_ *

 356    χετο, τοὶ δ' απάνευθε  νεῶν εχέοντο θοάων .                                      ῴχετο,  τοὶ δ' απάνευθε νεῶν εχέοντο θοάων .

    father, while they were scattering out away from the fast ships.                                     father, while they were scattering out away from the fast ships.

               impf.                                                       impf.

          | _      .   . | _    _ |_    .  . | _    . .  | _  .   . | _ *

 357   ως δ' ‘ότε ταρφειαι  νιφαδες Διὸς εκποτέονται                                    ως δ' ‘ότε ταρφειαὶ νιφάδες Διὸς εκποτέονται

    As when in their thickness the snowflakes of Zeus come fluttering                             As when in their thickness the snowflakes of Zeus come fluttering


          | _    _   | _  .    . | _    _ | _   .   . |_    .  . |_ *

 358    ψυχραὶ ‘υπαὶ ‘ριπῆς  αιθρηγενέος Βορέαο ,                                       ψυχραὶ ‘υπαὶ ‘ριπῆς αιθρηγενέος Βορέᾱο ,

    cold beneath the blast of the north wind born in the bright sky,                            cold beneath the blast of the north wind born in the bright sky,


          | _     . . | _    _ | _  .   . | _     _  | _      .   . |_  *

 359   ς τότε τρφειαι  κορυθες λμπρὸν γανόωσαι                          ‘ὼς τότε τᾱρφειαὶ κόρυθες λᾱμπρὸν γανόωσαι

    so now in their thickness the pride of the helms bright shining                               so now in their thickness the pride of the helms bright shining


          | _  _  | _  .   . |_  *     .  | _  .   .  | _   .   . | _  *

 360    νηῶν εκφορέοντο  και ασπίδες ομφαλόεσσαι                                       νηῶν εκφορέοντο καὶ ασπίδες ομφαλόεσσαι

    were carried out from the ships, and shields massive in the middle                   were carried out from the ships, and shields massive in the middle


          | _  _ | _   .      .  | _  . . | _    _  | _  .  .  | _   *

 361   θώρηκές τε  κραταιγύαλοι  καὶ μείλινα δοῦρα .                                          θώρηκές τε κραταιγύαλοι καὶ μείλινα δοῦρα .

  and corselets strongly hollowed and the ash spears were worn forth.        and  corselets strongly hollowed and the ash spears were worn forth.


          | _  _  | _      .    .  |_ *     . | _    .   .  | _  .     . | _    *               30:27

 362    αγλη δ' ουρανὸν ‘κε,  γελσσε δὲ πᾶσα περὶ χθὼν                           αίγλη δ' ουρανὸν ‘ῖκε, γέλᾱσσε δὲ πᾶσα περὶ χθὼν

    The shining swept to the sky and all earth was laughing about them               The shining swept to the sky and all earth was laughing about them

                                             ao.           ao.

          | _     .   . | _    .    . | _      .   .  | _   .    .   | _   .   .  | _   

 363   χαλκοῦ ‘υπὸ στεροπῆς:  υπο δὲ κτύπος ρνυτο ποσσὶν             χαλκοῦ ‘υπὸ στεροπῆς:  ‘υπὸ δὲ κτύπος ώρνυτο ποσσὶν

    under the glitter of bronze and beneath their feet stirred the thunder                 under the glitter of bronze and beneath their feet stirred the thunder


          | _    _    | _   .    . | _  *     . | _    .  . | _ .   . | _   *

 364   ανδρῶν:  εν δὲ μέσοισι  κορύσσετο δῖος Αχιλλεύς .                     ανδρῶν:  εν δὲ μέσοισι κορύσσετο δῖος Αχιλλεύς .

 of men, within whose midst brilliant Achilleus helmed him.                                    of men, within whose midst brilliant Achilleus helmed him.


          | _     .  . | _    _   | _     .  .  | _   .  .   | _   .    .  | _  *

 365   τοῦ καὶ οδόντων μεν  καναχὴ πέλε,  τὼ δέ ‘οι σσε                    τοῦ καὶ οδόντων μὲν καναχὴ πέλε,  τὼ δέ ‘οι όσσε

    A clash went from the grinding of his teeth,  and his eyes glowed                 A clash went from the grinding of his teeth,  and his eyes glowed


          | _    _  | _     _  |_  *     . | _    .    .    | _   .    . |_  *

 366   λαμπέσθηνως εί τε  πυρὸς σέλας,  εν δέ οι ῆτορ                        λαμπέσθηνως εί τε πυρὸς σέλας,  εν δέοι ῆτορ

    as if they were the stare of a fire, and the heart inside him                                    as if they were the stare of a fire, and the heart inside him

               impf. dual

          | _    .   .  | _ _ | _       .     . | _    _  | _   .   . |_  *

 367   δῦν' χος τλητον:   ο δ'αρα Τρωσὶν μενεαίνων                                δῦν' άχος άτλητον:  ‘ὸ δ' άρᾱ Τρωσὶν μενεαίνων

    was entered with sorrow beyond endurance. Raging at the Trojans                          was entered with sorrow beyond endurance. Raging at the Trojans

             ao.                                                                                     part.

          | _  .  .  | _   .   . | _    .    .  | _   _  | _    .   .  | _   *

 368   δύσετο δῶρα θεοῦ,  ταοι Ἥφαιστος κάμε τεύχων .                           δύσετο δῶρα θεοῦ,  τάοι Ἥφαιστος κάμε τεύχων .

 he put on the gifts of the god, that Hephaistos wrought him with much toil.            he put on the gifts of the god, that Hephaistos wrought him with much toil.

                ao.                                                                              ao.        part.

          | _  _ | _    _  | _     *     . | _  _  | _ .  . |_ *

 369   κνημῖδας μὲν πρῶτα  περὶ κνήμῃσι θηκε                                    κνημῖδας μὲν πρῶτα περὶ κνήμῃσι έθηκε

    First he placed along his legs the fair greaves linked with                        First he placed along his legs the fair greaves linked with


          | _ _   | _   .  . |_ *   . | _   .  . | _  .  . | _  *

 370   καλὰς αργυρέοισι  επισφυρίοις αραρυίας :                                      καλὰς αργυρέοισι επῑσφυρίοις αραρυίας :

 silver fastenings to hold the greaves at the ankles.                                                 silver fastenings to hold the greaves at the ankles.

                                                               perf. part.

          | _   .   .  | _    _ | _  *     . | _  _  | _  .  . | _ *

 371   δεύτερον α θώρηκα  περὶ στήθεσσι δυνεν .                            δεύτερον αῦ θώρηκα περὶ στήθεσσι έδυνεν .

      Afterward he girt on about his chest the corselet,                                             Afterward he girt on about his chest the corselet,


          | _   .    . | _    _ | _     .  . | _  .   .  | _  .    . |_ *

 372   αμφὶ δ' ρ' μοισιν  βαλετο ξίφος ργυρόηλον                           αμφὶ δ' άρ' ώμοισῑν βάλετο ξίφος ᾱργυρόηλον

    and across his shoulders slung the sword with the nails of silver,           and across his shoulders slung the sword with the nails of silver,


          | _   .   .  | _   .    .| _   *    .  | _    .   .  | _   .   . | _   *

 373   χάλκεον: αυτὰρ πειτα  σακος μέγα τε στιβαρόν τε                    χάλκεον:  αυτὰρ έπειτα σάκος μέγα τε στιβαρόν τε

    a bronze sword,   but     then     shield,   big  and    heavy                            a bronze sword,   but     then     shield,   big  and    heavy


          | _  .  .  | _      .    . | _   *    . | _    .   .   |_ . . | _   *

 374    ‘ελετο, τοῦ δ'απάνευθε  σελας γένετ' ηΰτε μήνης .                       ‘είλετο,  τοῦ δ' απάνευθε σέλᾱς γένετ' ηΰτε μήνης .

      took  next, and from it the light glimmered far, as from the moon.              took    next, and from it the light glimmered far, as from the moon.

               ao.                                                               ao.

          | _      .       . | _    _ | _ *     . | _     _  |_ .    . | _ *           31:34

 375   ως δ' ‘τ' ν εκ πόντοιο  σελας ναύτῃσι φανήῃ                               ‘ως δ' ‘ότ' ὰν εκ πόντοιο σέλᾱς ναύτῃσι φανήῃ

    And as when from across water a light shines to mariners                                And as when from across water a light shines to mariners

                                                                         ao. subj. p

          | _ .  . | _ .    . | _     *     .  | _ .  .  | _  .    . | _   *

 376   καιομένοιο πυρός, το  δε καίεται ‘υψόθ' ρεσφι                           καιομένοιο πυρός, τὸ δὲ καίεται ‘υψόθ' όρεσφι

    from a blazing fire, when the fire is burning high in the mountains                  from a blazing fire, when the fire is burning high in the mountains

                part.                                             pres.

          | _      .    . | _ .  . | _      _   | _       .  . | _    .   . | _ *

 377   σταθμῷ εν οιοπόλῳ:  τους δ' ουκ εθέλοντας ελλαι                      σταθμῷ εν οιοπόλῳ:  τοὺς δ' ουκ εθέλοντας άελλαι

    in a desolate steading, as the mariners are carried unwilling                                    in a desolate steading, as the mariners are carried unwilling


          | _    .     .  | _  . . | _ *    . | _   .   . | _   .    . | _   *

 378   πόντον επ' ῑχθυόεντα  φιλων απάνευθε φέρουσι :                    πόντον επ' ῑχθυόεντα φίλων απάνευθε φέρουσι :

 by storm winds over  fish-swarming sea, far away from their loved ones;       by storm winds over  fish-swarming sea, far away from their loved ones;


          | _    .    . | _ _ | _    .  . | _   .   .   |_  .    . | _ *

 379   ὼς απ' Αχῑλλῆος  σακεος σέλας αιθέρ' ‘ίκανε                              ὼς απ' Αχῑλλῆος σάκεος σέλας αιθέρ' ‘ίκανε

    so the light from the fair elaborate shield of Achilleus                                          so the light from the fair elaborate shield of Achilleus


          | _ _   | _   .  . | _      .  . | _    .   .  | _  .  . |_  *

 380   καλοῦ δαιδαλέου:  περι δὲ τρυφάλειαν αείρας                                 καλοῦ δαιδαλέου:  περὶ δὲ τρυφάλειαν αείρας

 shot into the high air. And lifting the helm he set it                                                    shot into the high air. And lifting the helm he set it

                                                                        ao. part.

          | _   .   . |_   .  . | _      _ | _     _  | _   .   . | _   *

 381   κρατὶ θέτο βριαρην:  η δ' στὴρ ‘ς απέλμπε                                   κρατὶ θέτο βριαρήν:  ‘ὴ δ' ᾱστὴρ ‘ὼς απέλᾱμπε

    massive upon his head, and the helmet crested with horse-hair                         massive upon his head, and the helmet crested with horse-hair

                      ao.                                                                     impf.

          | _    _  | _   .     . | _ *    . | _    _ | _ .     . | _  *

 382    ίππουρῑς τρυφάλεια,  περῑσσείοντο δ' έθειραι                                         ίππουρῑς τρυφάλεια,  περῑσσείοντο δ' έθειραι

    shone like a star, the golden fringes were shaken about it                                            shone like a star, the golden fringes were shaken about it


          | _   .   .  | _   _ | _     *     . |_   .   .   | _  .    . | _ *

 383   χρύσεαι, ‘ς Ἥφαιστος    ιει λόφον αμφὶ θαμειάς .                                   χρύσεαι, ‘ὰς Ἥφαιστος ‘ίει λόφον ᾱμφὶ θαμειάς .

    which Hephaistos had driven close along the horn of the helmet.                                 which Hephaistos had driven close along the horn of the helmet.


          | _  _ | _   _   | _     *    .|   _  .  . | _ .   . | _  *

 384   πειρήθη δ' ‘ο αυτοῦ  εν ντεσι δῖος Αχιλλεύς ,                                           πειρήθη δ' ‘έο αυτοῦ εν έντεσι δῖος Αχῑλλεύς ,

    And brilliant Achilleus tried himself in his armour, to see                                                     And brilliant Achilleus tried himself in his armour, to see

              ao. p

          | _   .  . | _    _   |_ *    .   | _  .   .  | _  .  . | _  *

 385     ει ‘ο εφρμόσσειε  και εντρέχοι αγλαὰ γυῖα :                                                ει ‘οῖ εφαρμόσσειε καὶ εντρέχοι αγλαὰ γυῖα :

    if it fitted close, and how his glorious limbs ran within it,                                                      if it fitted close, and how his glorious limbs ran within it,

                        ao. op.                           op.

          | _     _ | _    .   . | _   *    . |_ .   .  | _   .   . | _  *

 386   τῷ δ' ευτε πτερὰ γίνετ',  αειρε δὲ ποιμένα λαῶν .                     τῷ δ' ευτε πτερὰ γίνετ',  άειρε δὲ ποιμένα λαῶν .

 and  armour became as wings and upheld shepherd of the people.              and  armour became as wings and upheld the shepherd of  people.

                                       impf.      impf.

          | _    .    .  | _  _ | _     _  | _ . .  | _   .    .   | _  *              32:36

 387    εκ δ' ρα σύριγγος  πατρώϊον εσπάσατ' γχος                                      εκ δ' άρα σύρῑγγος πᾱτρώϊον εσπάσατ' έγχος

    Next he pulled out from its standing place the spear of his father,                        Next he pulled out from its standing place the spear of his father,


          | _   .   . | _    .  . | _       .    . |   _   .   .   | _   .   . | _   *

 388   βριθὺ μέγα στιβαρον:  το μεν ου δύνατ' λλος Αχαιῶν                  βριθὺ μέγᾱ στιβαρόν:  τὸ μὲν ου δύνατ' άλλος Αχαιῶν

    huge, heavy, thick, which no one else of all the Achaians                                          huge, heavy, thick, which no one else of all the Achaians


          | _    _   | _   .    .  |_  *   . | _  .   . | _   .   . | _   *

 389   πάλλειν, αλλά μιν οος  επίστατο πῆλαι Αχιλλεύς :                        πάλλειν,  αλλά μιν οῖος επίστατο πῆλαι Αχιλλεύς :

    could handle,   but Achilleus alone knew how to wield it,                                    could handle,   but Achilleus alone knew how to wield it,


         |  _  . . | _  .  . |_    _   | _   .   . | _   .  .  | _    *

 390   Πηλιάδ μελίην,  την πατρὶ φίλῳ τάμε Χείρων                                      Πηλιάδᾱ μελίην,  τὴν πατρὶ φίλῳ τάμε Χείρων

    the Pelian ash spear     which Cheiron had brought to his father                           the Pelian ash spear     which Cheiron had brought to his father


          | _  . .   |_   .   . | _      .    . |  _   .    .  | _ _| _ *

 391   Πηλίου εκ κορυφῆς  φονον έμμεναιηρώεσσι :                                          Πηλίου εκ κορυφῆς φόνον έμμεναι ‘ηρώεσσι :

    from high on Pelion, to be death for fighters in battle.                                                    from high on Pelion, to be death for fighters in battle.



              _     _   | _     .   . | _     .     .  | _  .   .  | _  . . | _   _

 392      ίππους δ' Αυτομέδων τε  και Άλκιμος ᾱμφιέποντες                        ους δ' Αυτομέδων τε καὶ Άλκιμος ᾱμφιέποντες ζεύγνυο :

            Automedon and Alkimos, in charge of the horses,                                                 Automedon and Alkimos, in charge of the horses, yoked them,  


              _     . .  | _   .    . | _  .     . | _      .    .   | _   .   . | _  _

 393     ζεύγνυο : αμφὶ δὲ καλα  λεπαδν' ‘σαν, εν δὲ χαλνοὺς                              αμφὶ δὲ καλὰ λέπαδν' ‘έσαν, εν δὲ χαλινοὺς

 yoked them,  and put  fair breast straps about them, and forced  bits home                 and put  fair breast straps about them, and forced  bits home

                 impf.                                            ao.

              _   _ | _   .  . | _      .   .  | _   . . | _   .   . | _  _

 394     γαμφηλῇς βαλον,  κατα δ'‘ηνία τεῖναν οπίσσω                                         γαμφηλῇς έβαλον,  κατὰ δ' ‘ηνία τεῖναν οπίσσω

    between their jaws, and pulled the reins back against the compacted               between their jaws, and pulled the reins back against the compacted

                                  ao.                                      ao.

              _  _  | _   .   . | _    .      . | _   _   |_ .    . |_  _

 395     κολλητὸν ποτὶ δίφρον.  ο δὲ μάστγα φαεινὴν                                 κολλητὸν ποτὶ δίφρον.  ‘ὸ δὲ μάστῑγα φαεινὴν

              chariot seat, and one, Automedon, took up the shining                                chariot seat, and one, Automedon, took up the shining


              _  .  . | _     .  .  | _  .    . | _    _ |_ .   . | _  _

 396     χειρὶ λαβὼν αραρυῖαν  εφ'‘πποιϊν ανόρουσε                                         χειρὶ λαβὼν αραρυῖαν εφ' ‘ίπποιϊν ανόρουσε

             whip caught close in his hand and vaulted up to the chariot,                             whip caught close in his hand and vaulted up to the chariot,

                     ao. part.      perf. part.                                  ao.

              _  .  . | _      .  . | _   .     . | _   .    . | _    .  . | _    _

 397     Αυτομέδων: πιθεν δὲ  κορυσσαμνος βῆ Αχιλλεὺς                        Αυτομέδων:  όπιθεν δὲ κορῡσσαμένος βῆ Αχιλλεὺς

             while behind him Achilleus helmed for battle took his stance                               while behind him Achilleus helmed for battle took his stance

                                                       ao. part.             ao.

              _   .  . | _     _ | _      _   | _   _ | _    .   . | _ _

 398     τεύχεσι παμφαίνων  ως τ' ηλέκτωρ Ὑπερίων ,                                τεύχεσι παμφαίνων ‘ώς τ' ηλέκτωρ Ὑπερίων ,

             shining in all his armour like the sun when he crosses above us,                   shining in all his armour like the sun when he crosses above us,


              _       . . | _    _   | _   .  . | _   . .  | _     .   . |_ _

 399     σμερδαλέον δ' ‘πποισι  εκέκλετο πτρὸς ‘εοῖο :                              σμερδαλέον δ' ‘ίπποισι εκέκλετο πᾱτρὸς ‘εοῖο :

                and cried in a terrible voice on the horses of his father:                               and cried in a terrible voice on the horses of his father:


              _    .   . | _     .  .|_  _| _   .   . | _   .     . | _    _               33:43

 400     Ξάνθέ τε καὶ Βαλίε  τηλεκλυτὰ τέκνα Ποδάργης                              Ξάνθέ τε καὶ Βαλίε τηλεκλυτὰ τέκνα Ποδάργης

             'Xanthos, Balios, Bay and Dapple, famed sons of Podarge,                                'Xanthos, Balios, Bay and Dapple, famed sons of Podarge,


              _  _   | _     _ | _  .     . | _ .   .   | _ . .| _ _

 401     λλως δὴ φράζεσθε  σαωσέμεν ‘ηνιοχῆα                                       άλλως δὴ φράζεσθε σαωσέμεν ‘ηνιοχῆα

               take care to bring in another way your charioteer back                                take care to bring in another way your charioteer back

                                 imp.                fut. inf.

              _    .   . | _   .  . | _  .    . | _     _   | _    .   . | _ _

 402     ψ Δαναῶν ες ‘μιλον  επεί χ'‘ωμεν πολέμοιο ,                              ὰψ Δαναῶν ες ‘όμιλον επεί χ' ‘έωμεν πολέμοιο ,

            to the company of the Danaans, when we give over fighting,                               to the company of the Danaans, when we give over fighting,

                                                           ao. subj.

              _     _   | _   _   | _     .   . |  _  . .  | _  _ |_ _

 403     μηδ' ‘ως Πάτροκλον  λιπετ'αυτόθι τεθνηῶτα .                                      μηδ' ‘ως Πάτροκλον λίπετ' αυτόθι τεθνηῶτα .

             not leave him to lie fallen there, as you did to Patroklos.'                                 not leave him to lie fallen there, as you did to Patroklos.'

                                             ao. imp.                    perf. part.

              _      .     . | _   .   . | _      .    . | _    .    .   |_ .  .   | _   _

 404     τὸν δ' ρ' ‘υπὸ ζυγόφν  προσέφη πόδας αιόλος ‘ππος                      τὸν δ' άρ' ‘υπὸ ζυγόφῑν προσέφη πόδας αιόλος ‘ίππος

           Then from beneath the yoke the gleam-footed horse answered him,                 Then from beneath the yoke the gleam-footed horse answered him,


              _     .    . | _     _  | _  .    . | _  . .  | _  .    .  | _  _

 405     Ξάνθος, φρ δ' μσε  καρήατι: πᾶσα δὲ χαίτη                                  Ξάνθος, άφᾱρ δ' ήμῡσε καρήατι:  πᾶσα δὲ χαίτη

            Xanthos, and as he spoke bowed his head, so that all the mane                      Xanthos, and as he spoke bowed his head, so that all the mane


              _    _   |_ . . | _    .      . | _   .   .   | _   .   . | _ _

 406     ζεύγλης εξεριποῦσα  παρὰ ζυγὸν οδας ‘κανε :                                ζεύγλης εξεριποῦσα παρὰ ζυγὸν οῦδας ‘ίκανε :

              fell away from the pad and swept the ground by the cross-yoke;                   fell away from the pad and swept the ground by the cross-yoke;

                              ao. part.                                                   impf.

              _ _ | _ .     . | _ .     . |_   _| _   .   .   | _ _

 407     αυδήεντα δ' θηκε  θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη :                                                 αυδήεντα δ' έθηκε θεὰ λευκώλενος Ἥρη :

            the goddess of the white arms, Hera, had put a voice in him:                                   the goddess of the white arms, Hera, had put a voice in him:


              _  _| _     . . | _     .     . | _ .   .   |_  .     . | _   _

 408     καὶ λίην σ' τι νῦν γε  σαώσομεν βριμ' Αχιλλεῦ :                                      καὶ λίην σ' έτι νῦν γε σαώσομεν όβριμ' Αχιλλεῦ :

              'We shall still keep you safe for this time, o hard Achilleus.                                 'We shall still keep you safe for this time, o hard Achilleus.


              _ .     .  |_  .    .  |_  .     . | _  .  .   | _  .    .  | _  _              34:43

 409     αλλά τοι εγγύθεν μαρ  ολέθριον: ουδέ τοι ‘ημεῖς                                     αλλά τοι εγγύθεν ῆμαρ ολέθριον:  ουδέ τοι ‘ημεῖς

             And yet the day of your death is near, but it is not we                                             And yet the day of your death is near, but it is not we


              _ . .  | _   .   . | _  .    . | _     _  | _    .      . | _ _

 410      ατιοι, αλλὰ θεός τε  μεγας καὶ Μοῖρα κραταιή .                                         αίτιοι,  αλλὰ θεός τε μέγας καὶ Μοῖρα κραταιή .

   who are to blame, but a great god and powerful Destiny.                                                    who are to blame, but a great god and powerful Destiny.


              _  .    .   | _ .  . | _     .    . |_  .  . | _   .  .|_ _

 411     ουδὲ γὰρ ‘ημετέρῃ  βραδυτῆτί τε νωχελίῃ τε                                                   ουδὲ γὰρ ‘ημετέρῃ βραδυτῆτί τε νωχελίῃ τε

            For it was not because we were slow, because we were careless,                   For it was not because we were slow, because we were careless,


              _    .    .   |_   _| _   _| _     _   | _   .   . | _   _

 412     Τρῶες απ' ώμοιϊν  Πατρόκλου τεύχε' ‘έλοντο :                                             Τρῶες απ' ώμοιϊν Πατρόκλου τεύχε' ‘έλοντο :

  that Trojans have taken the armour from the shoulders of Patroklos,         that the Trojans have taken the armour from the shoulders of Patroklos,


              _   .   . | _  _ | _   .       .  |_.  . | _    .  .  | _ _

 413      αλλὰ θεῶν ρστος,  ον ηΰκομος τέκε Λητώ ,                             αλλὰ θεῶν ώρῑστος,  ‘ὸν ηΰκομος τέκε Λητώ ,

              but it was that high god, the child of lovely-haired Leto,                              but it was that high god, the child of lovely-haired Leto,


              _   .   . | _   .    . | _  .      .  | _   .  . | _   .   . | _  _

 414      κταν' ενὶ προμάχοισι   και Ἕκτορι κῦδος δωκε .                                  έκταν' ενὶ προμάχοισι καὶ Ἕκτορι κῦδος έδωκε .

       who killed him among the champions and gave the glory to Hektor.            who killed him among the champions and gave the glory to Hektor.

                ao.                                                                                   ao.

              _  .  .  | _    .    . | _     _  |_  .   . | _  .  . | _ _

 415      νῶϊ δὲ καί κεν ‘μα  πνοιῇ Ζεφύροιο θέοιμεν ,                                              νῶϊ δὲ καί κεν ‘άμᾱ πνοιῇ Ζεφύροιο θέοιμεν ,

             But for us, we two could run with the blast of the west wind                           But for us, we two could run with the blast of the west wind


              _    .    . | _  .    . | _      _   | _  .   .   | _  .     .  | _  _

 416     ν περ ελφροτάτην  φάσ' μμεναι: αλλὰ σοὶ αυτῷ                       ‘ήν περ ελᾱφροτάτην φάσ' έμμεναι:  αλλὰ σοὶ αυτῷ

              who they say is the lightest of all things; yet still for you                                       who they say is the lightest of all things; yet still for you


              _   .    .  | _  .  . | _  .     .  |_ .  . |_.   . | _  _

 417     μόρσιμόν εστι θεῷ τε  και ανέρι φι δαμῆναι .                                      μόρσιμόν εστι θεῷ τε καὶ ανέρι ῖφι δαμῆναι .

              there is destiny to be killed in force by a god and a mortal.'                          there is destiny to be killed in force by a god and a mortal.'

                              pres.                                           ao. inf. p

              _   .  .  | _   _ | _    .    . |_  .  .  | _ .    .   | _  _

 418     ς ρα φωνήσαντος  Ερνύες σχεθον αυδήν .                                  ‘ὼς άρα φωνήσαντος Ερῑνύες έσχεθον αυδήν .

             When he had spoken so the Furies stopped the voice in him,                   When he had spoken so the Furies stopped the voice in him,

                                ao. part.                                ao.




              _   .     . | _    _ | _       .    . | _   .    .   | _  .   . | _    _          35:34

 419     τὸν δὲ μέγ' οχθήσς  προσεφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :                       τὸν δὲ μέγ' οχθήσᾱς προσέφη πόδας ωκὺς Αχιλλεύς :

           but deeply disturbed, Achilleus of the swift feet answered him:                                but deeply disturbed, Achilleus of the swift feet answered him:

                                 ao. part.           impf.

              _   .    . | _    .   . | _     _  | _  . .   | _  .   . | _   _

 420     Ξάνθε τί μοι θάνατον  μαντεύεαι ; ουδέ τί σε χρή .                        Ξάνθε τί μοι θάνατον μαντεύεαι ; ουδέ τί σε χρή .

          'Xanthos, why do you prophesy my death ? This is not for you.                   'Xanthos, why do you prophesy my death ? This is not for you.

                                                    pres.                                pres.

              _   .    .  | _ .    .   | _  .     . | _    .    .   | _   .    . | _   _

 421      ε νύ τοι οδα καὶ αυτὸς  ο μοι μόρος ενθάδ' ολέσθαι                   εῦ νύ τοι οῖδα καὶ αυτὸς ‘ό μοι μόρος ενθάδ' ολέσθαι

             I myself know well it is destined for me to die here                                                        I myself know well it is destined for me to die here

                             perf.                                                                   ao. inf.

              _   .   . | _     _ | _      _  | _  .   .   |_  .     .  | _   _

 422     νόσφι φίλου πατρὸς  και μητέρος: αλλὰ καὶ μπης                       νόσφι φίλου πατρὸς καὶ μητέρος:  αλλὰ καὶ έμπης

          far from my beloved father and mother. But for all that                                   far from my beloved father and mother. But for all that


              _   _ | _    _   | _    .     . | _   .  . | _    .   . | _ _

 423      ου λήξω πρὶν Τρῶας  αδην ελάσαι πολέμοιο .                              ου λήξω πρὶν Τρῶαςάδην ελάσαι πολέμοιο .

          I will not stop till the Trojans have had enough of my fighting.'                      I will not stop till the Trojans have had enough of my fighting.'

                    fut.                                                ao. inf.

              _   .      .  | _    _   | _   . .| _    .  . | _   .    .   | _    _

 424       ρα, καὶ εν πρώτοις  ιαχων χε μώνυχας ‘ππους .                            ῆ ‘ρα, καὶ εν πρώτοις ιάχων έχε μώνυχας ‘ίππους .

           He spoke, and shouting held on in the foremost his single-foot horses.             He spoke, and shouting held on in the foremost his single-foot horses.

                                                 part.    impf.