have same subject
as main verb
subordinate to main
aham tvām kantum
i you to-love want
āp obtain āptum
iṣ want eṣitum
see īkṣitum
kath tell kathayitum
kup angry kopitum
drag karṣṭum
kṛand cry out karditum
kliṣ distress kleśitum
kṣal wash kṣālayitum
khan dig khanitum
khād eat khāditum
khid tear khettum
gam go gantum
gāh plunge gāhitum
grabh seize grahītum
gras devour grasitum
ghuṣ sound ghoṣayitum
cal stir calitum
cint think cintayitum
cur steal corayitum
jan generate janitum
ji conquer
jīv live jīvitum
tud push tottum
tuṣ be content toṣṭum
tyaj forsake tyaktum
dah burn dagdhum
dā give dātum
div play devitum
diś point deṣṭum
see draṣṭum
dhāv run dhāvitum
dhṛ hold dhāryitum
nam bend nantum
naś lost naśitum
nind revile ninditum
nī lead netum
nud push nottum
nṛt dance nartitum
pac cook paktum
paṭh read paṭhitum
pā drink pātum
puṣ thrive poṣṭum
pūj reverence pūjayitum
pracch ask praṣṭum
budh know bodhitum
bhakṣ partake eat bhakṣayitum
speak bhāṣitum
bhū be bhavitum
bhūṣ attend upon bhūṣayitum
bhram wander bhramitum
man think mantum
muc release moktum
mud be merry moditum
mṛ die martum
yaj offer yaṣṭum
rakṣ protect rakṣitum
rac produce racayitum
ram content rantum
ruh ascend roḍhum
labh take labdhum
likh write lekhitum
vad speak vaditum
vas dwell vastum
vah carry voḍhum
vid know vettum
vid find veditum
viś enter veṣṭum
vṛt turn vartitum
vṛdh grow vardhitum
śams praise śamsitum
śam be quiet śamitum
śram be weary śramitum
ślāgh extol ślāghitum
sad sit sattum
sthā stand sthātum
touch spraṣṭum
smṛ remember smartum
laugh hasitum
hṛ take hartum
80% of
infinitives in the
Rig Veda are Dative infinitives
ā +
e = ai
adds e
parādai to give up prahye
to send
miye to diminish tire to cross
mahe to be glad mihe
to shed water
bhuje to enjoy dṛśe to see
consonant grabhe to seize idhe to kindle
to thrust
pṛche to ask
vāce to speak vidhe to pierce
ayase to go cakṣase to see
as carase to fare puṣyase to thrive
bhiyase to
fear śriyase to be resplendent
i sanaye
to win dṛsaye to see
to rejoice
yudhaye to fight
ti iṣtaye to refresh pītaye to drink
vītaye to enjoy sātaye to win
tu attave to eat etave to go
otave to weave kartave to make
gantave to go pātave to drink
bhartve to bear away yaṣṭave to sacrifice
vaktave to speak vastave to shine
volhave to convey avitave to refresh
caritave to fare savitave to bring forth
sravitave to flow havitave to call
jīvātave to live
etavai to go otavai to weave
tavā gantavai to go pātavai to drink
mantavai to think sartavai to flow
yamitavai to guide sravitavai to flow
iyadhyai to go gamadhyai to go
dhyā caradhyai to fare sayadhyai to lie
to praise
pibadhyai to drink
pṛṇadhai to fill huvadhyai to call
to cause to disappear vartayadhyai to cause to turn
trāmaṇe to protect dāmane to give
dharmaṇe to support bharmaṇe to preserve
to know
van turvaṇe to overcome dāvane to give
samidham to kindle sampṛcham to ask
ārabham to reach āruham to mount
śubham to shine pratiram to prolong
pratidhām to place apon pramiyam to neglect
otum to weave dātum to give
praṣṭum to ask prabhartum to present
anupravolhum to advance
ātṛdas being pierced avapadas falling down
sampṛcas coming in contact abhiśriṣas binding
nimiṣas to wink
etos going gantos going
janitos being born nidhātos putting down
śarītos being shattered sotos pressing
hantos being struck kartos doing
dātos giving yotos warding off
vyuṣi at the dawning saṃcakṣi on beholding
sam-dṛśi on seeing budhi at the waking
dhartari to support vidhartari to bestow
neṣaṇi to lead parṣaṇi to pass
abhi-bhūṣaṇi to aid śūṣaṇi to swell
sakṣaṇi to abide gṛṇīṣaṇi to sing