accents Sentence
accented only
at beginning of
sentence first syllable
agne sūpāyano bhava
O Agni, be easy of access
hotar yaviṣṭa sukrato O most youthful
skilful priest
finite verb in a main clause
unaccented unless first
īle agnim vipaścitam i praise Agni the
restrictions of
above rule
1. a
sentence is regarded as capable of having only
one verb
all other
verbs connected to
that subject accented
teṣām pāhi,
śrudhī havam
drink of
them, hear our
asmabhyam jeṣi
conquer and fight
for us
taraṇir ij jayati,
kṣeti, puṣyati
the energetic man conquers,
rules, thrives
jahi prajām nayasva ca
slay the progeny and bring
(it) hither
2. verb ,
though not beginning
a sentence
accented if
it coincides with
beginning of a Pāda
( which is
treated as the beginning of a new sentence )
atha te antamānām | vadyāma
3. vocative
at beginning of
a sentence is
treated as extraneous
verb following
it is considered
as first word
agne juṣasva no haviḥ
O Agni, enjoy
our sacrifice
indra, jīva, sūrya,
jīva, devā, jīvata
O Indra, live;
OSūrya, live; O gods,
4. sometimes
before id and cana accented
adha smā
no maghavān carkṛtād id
then be
mindful of us,
bounteous one
na, devā
bhasathas cana
( him ) O gods,
you two never
subordinate clause accented
usually introduced
by the relative
ya and derivatives
or contains
particles ca and
ced if
ned lest
hi for
kuvid whether
yam yajñam paribhūr asi
what offering
you protect
gṛhān gaccha
gṛhapatnī yathā asaḥ
go to the
house, that you
be lady of the house
indraś ca mṛlayāti
no, na naḥ
paścāt agham naśat
if Indra
be bracious to us, no hurt will
thereafter reach us
vi ced ucchanti, aśvinā, uṣāsaḥ, pra vām
brahmāṇi kāravo bharante
when the dawns shine
forth, O Aśvins, the singers offer ther prayers to you
mā ciram tanuthā
apaḥ net tvā..
tapāti sūro arciṣā
do not long delay your work,
lest the sun burn you with his
tvam hi baladā asi
you are a giver of strength
tam, indra,
ā gahi, kuvin nv asya tṛpṇavaḥ
come to this
gladdening drink, O Indra ( to see) whether you may enjoy it
first 2 clauses is virtually
subordinate in sense
if or
sometimes accented
sam aśvaparṇāś caranti no naro,
when our men winged with steeds come together
asmākam, indra,
rathino jayantu
may the
car-fighters of our side,
O Indra win the victory
first 2 clauses are antithetical
in sense
anya-anya , eka-eka , vā-vā , ca-ca accented
pra-pra anye yanti, pary anya āsate
(while) some go on and on,
others sit about
sam ca indhasva
agne, pra ca
bodhaya enam
both be kindled,
O Agni and waken this man’s
ud vā
siñcadhvam upa vā
either pour out or fill
verb of both
clauses is the
same first
dvipāc ca sarvam
no rakṣa, catuṣpād yac ca naḥ svam
protect both every
biped of ours and whatever quadriped of our own
second clause , on other hand , accents
it contains an
imperative and follows clause
with imperative
with i , gam or yā go
eta, dhiyam kṛṇavāma
come, let us
make prayer
tūyam ā gahi, kaṇveṣu sacā piba
come quickly, beside the Kaṇvas drink
thy fill
prepositions generally
precedes verb ,
often separated
accented in
main clause
ā gamat
may he come
jayema sam yudhi spṛdhaḥ
may we
conquer our foes in fight
gavām apa vrajam vṛdhi
unclose the stable
of the kine
gamad vājebhir ā sa naḥ
may e come to us
with booty
there are 2
both accented
upa pra yāhi
come forth
pari spaśo ni ṣedire
the spies
have sat down around
upa prayobhir ā gatam
come hither
with refreshments
agne, vi paśya
bṛhatā abhi rāyā
Agni, look forth towards
(us) with ample
prepositions in
subordinate clauses
generally compounded
with verb regularly unaccented
.. niṣīdathaḥ
when you
2 sit down
when separated accented as
well as verb
vi yo mame rajasī
who measured
out the two
yas tastambha sahasā vi jmo antān
who with might propped earth’s
ends asunder
2 prepositions
either both
are unaccented and
compounded with verb
yūyam hi,
devīr, ṛtayugbhir aśvaiḥ
for you, O
goddesses proceed around
with steeds yoked by
eternal order
sam yam āyanti dhenavaḥ
to whom the
cows come together
first only is
separate and accented
yatra abhi samnavāmahe
where we to
(him) together shout