7.88 Varuna
1. pra
śundhyuvam varuṇāya prayiṣṭhām
pure-radiant to-Varuṇa most-preened-delightful-dear
acc. f
matim vasiṣṭha mīlhuṣe bharasva
thought, to-generous present
dat. bhṛ imper.
sing.2 mid. bear
yas īm
arvāńcam karate yajatram
who to-him,
will-have-made sacrifice
acc. kṛ
root ao. subj.
sing.3 mid. yaj. acc.
sahasrāmagham vṛṣaṇam bṛhantam
a thousand
rewards bull sun
acc. acc. acc.
2. adhā
nu asya samdṛśam jaganvān
now then, to-the-sight of-him
perf. part.
agnes anīkam
varuṇasya mamsi
the-face of-Agni (to be that) of-Varuṇa i-have-thought
man s. ao.
sing.1 mid. think
svar yad aśman adhipās u andhas
when sun
in-rock master and
nom. take me to see the sun
in the rocky cave
may he drink the beautiful
soma released by the stones
abhi mā
vapus dṛśaye ninīyāt
to-see may-have-lead-taken
nom. dat. inf. nī perf.
op. sing.3
3. ā yad ruhāva varuṇas
ca nāvam
when we2-will-board, Varuṇa
and I, the-boat
ao. subj. du.1
pra yat samudram īrayāva
when we2-will-raise-urge-impel to-middle-of-sea
caus. subj. du.1
set in motion
adhi yad apām sanubhis carāva
when we2 will voyage
through the crests of the waters
pra preǹkha īǹkhayāvahai śubhe kam
we will swing on the swing for beauty
4. vasiṣṭham ha varuṇas
nāvi ādhāt
Varuṇa placed
Vasiṣṭha on the boat
ṛṣim cakāra
saupā mahobhis
skillful in his
work, he made him a seer through his great powers
stotāram vipras sudinatve ahnām
the inspired poet(made him) a praise singer on
the brightest day
yāt nu dyāvas tatanan yād uṣāsas
of days for so far as the heavens, for so long
as the dawns wil extend
5. kuva tyāni
nau sakiyā babhūvas
where have these companionshps of ours come to be
avṛkam purā cit
when previously we would have accompanied one
another without wolfish hostility ?
bṛhantam mānam varuṇa svadhāvas
of independent will, I went into your lofty mansion
sahasradvāram jagamā
gṛham te
your house
with its thousand doors
6. ya āpir nityas varuṇa priyas san
though one be your
very own dear friend and your companion
tuvām āgāmsi
kṛṇavat sakhā te
if he
will commit offenses
against you
mā ta enasvantas
yakṣin bhujema
you uncanny one.
as an inspired poet
yandhi ṣmā vipra stuvate varūtham
ever offer
protection to him praising
7. dhruvāsu
tvāsu kṣitiṣu kṣiyantas
dwelling in enduring
peaceful dwellings
vi asmat pāśam
varuṇas mumocat
(we will win)you Varuill release his fetter from us
avas vanvānā aditer upasthād
(we) winning help from the lap of Aditi
yūyam pāta
suastibhis sadā nas
do you protect us
alwys with your blessings