1.48 uṣas bṛhatī satobṛhatī
1. saha vāmena nas uṣas
along with-a-thing-of-value-prosperity to-us
O Dawn
vi uchā duhitar divas
shine-out O daughter of heaven
apart distinct profoundly vas
c1 imper. 2sing.
saha dyumnena bṛhatā vibhāvari
along with lofty
brilliance, O radiant goddess
rāyā devi
along-with-wealth O goddess
dās vant f
2. aśvāvatīr gomatīr viśvasuvidas
possessing-horses-and-cows, all-good-knowledges
(energetic-power, intuition / thoughts from higher mind) vid
horse cow
bhūri cyavanta vastave
in-abundance have-pleasantly-arrogantly-bestirred to-shine
cyu c1 ao.
inj. 3pl. stir, move to and fro, shake about vas dat. inf.
ud īraya prati mā sūnṛtās uṣas
arouse toward
me pleasantnesses O Dawn
īr c2
caus. imper. 2sing.
move, rise, arise
coda rādhas maghonām
stimulate generosity of-benefactors
cud c1
imper. 2sing. impel,
incite, animate, hasten
rādh to
succeed, be successful
3. uvāsa
uṣā uchāt ca nu
dawn has-shone(before) and will-shine now
vas c1
perf. 3sing. vas
c1 subj. 3sing.
devī jīrā rathānām
the lively
goddess of-chariots
ye asyā ācaraṇeṣu dadhrire
they-who have-placed(themselves ready) at-her-approaches
dhā c3 perf.
3pl. mid.
samudre na śravasyavas
like on-the-sea devine-sound-seekers
4. uṣas ye te
yāmeṣu yuñjate
Dawn, the-wise-who at-your-journeys yoke forth
yuj c7 3pl.
manas dānāya sūrayas
their-mind for-giving the-wise
atrāha tat kaṇvas eṣām kaṇvatamas
here that seer of-these foremost-seers
nāma gṛṇāti nṛṛṇām
sings names
gṛ c9
3sing. sing
5. ā ghā yoṣeva
journey here
uṣā yāti prabhuñjatī
uṣas like-a-pleasing-maiden
yā c2
journey pra bhuj
c7 enjoy meal, consume, drink
jarayantī vṛjanam
padvat īyate
wakening the-footed-community go
jṛ caus.
pap f vṛj twist i c4
mid. 3pl.
ut pātayati pakṣiṇas
she-makes the-winged-ones fly up
c1 caus. 3sing.
6. vi yā sṛjati samanam vi arthinas
she-who disperses
the-assembly disperses the-active-ones
vi apart,
separate-from, distinct sṛj c6
eject, cast, emit,
padam na
veti odatī
she-grasps like a-footstep gladdening
vī c2
take eagerly, grasp, victory ud c7
pap f
vayas nakiṣ ṭe
paptivāṃsas āsate
the birds having-flown none
pat perf. pap ās
c2 3pl. to sit
viuṣṭau vājinīvati
at-your-shining O you who are rich in-prize-mares
vi vas
to shine
7. eṣā ayukta parāvatas
this-one has-hitched from-afar
yuj. ao.
mid. 3sing. yoke parāvat abl.
sūryasya udayanāt adhi
from-the-rising of-the-sun above, over
śatam rathebhis subhagā uṣā iyam
with-100-chariots this well-portioned Dawn
vi yāti abhi mānuṣān
drives out
towards man
yā c2
8. viśvam asyā nānāma cakṣase jagat
every moving-creature has-bowed to-her-gaze
nam perf. 3sing. cakṣ dat.
jyotis kṛṇoti sūnarī
the good-lady does
the light
kṛ c5
to do , make
apa dveṣas maghonī duhitā divas
away hatreds the
generous Daughter of-Heaven
uṣā uchat
Dawn pleasantly-arrogantly-shines away
vas c1
inj. 3sing.
9. uṣa ā bhāhi bhānunā
O Dawn radiate
here with-brilliant-radiance
bhā c2
2sing. imper.
candreṇa duhitar
with-brilliant O Daughter of heaven
āvahantī bhūri asmabhyam saubhagam
conveying hither abundant
good-fortune-happiness for-us
vah c1
pap f
viuchantī diviṣṭiṣu
shining out in-sun-lit-days
vas c1
pap f
10. viśvasya hi prāṇanam jīvanam tve
for everyone’s breath
aliveness in-you
jīv c1
to live
vi yat uchasi sūnari
when you-shine-out O beautiful-lady
vas c1 2sing.
sā nas rathena bṛhatā vibhāvari
with your lofty
chariot O radiant-one
śrudhi citrāmaghe havam
hear our call
O you of generous-brightness
śru 2sing.
11. uṣas vājam hi vaṃsva
O Dawn win
vaj to be strong van 2sing.
imper. mid. to win
yas citras mānuṣe jane
when you-win brightness for-man
tenā vaha
sukṛtas adhvarām upa
by-it convey
vah c1 2sing.
ye tvā gṛṇanti vahnayas
conveyors-who sing-awaken to-you
gṛ c9
12. viśvān devām ā vaha somapītaye
all the gods convey
here for-soma-drinking
vah c1 2sing.
antarikṣāt uṣas tvam
from-the-midspace O dawn
sa asmāsu dhā gomat aśvāvat ukthiyam
amoung-us cow horse effective-words
dhā c3
2sing. imper.
uṣas vājam suvīryam
O Dawn prize
13. yasyā ruśantas arcayas
whose gleaming
ruś to shine pap arci
prati bhadrās adṛkṣata
towards auspicious-beautiful have
dṛś s ao.
3pl. mid
sā nas rayim viśvavāram supeśasam
to-us shegives riches
cherished-by-all fair-of-form
uṣā dadātu sugmyam
Dawn does-give
dā c3
3sing. imper. gam
14. ye cit
tvām ṛṣayas pūrva ūtaye
because even
those previous seers to-aid-protect
av dat. inf.
juhūre avase mahi
have-called you
to-help O great one
hū perf.
3pl. mid. av dat. inf.
sā nas stomām abhi gṛṇīhi rādhasā
as-such our
laud greet-awaken with-success
gṛ c9 2sing
imper. mid. rādh accomplish
uṣas śukreṇa śociṣā
O Dawn with-generosity with-lustre
15. uṣas yat adya bhānunā
O Dawn
when today with-radiance
vi dvārau ṛṇavas divas
the-2-doors you-will-open-push-apart of-heaven
vi ṛ c5
2sing. subj.
pra nas yachatāt avṛkam pṛthu chardis
to-us extend-forth broad
shelter without-wolf
yam c1 2sing.
imper. prath to spread
devi gomatīr iṣas
O goddess extend-forth-to-us clear-thoughts
iṣ c6
to desire wish
16. sam nas
rāyā bṛhatā viśvapeśasā
minglewith-us with-lofty-treasure with-all-ornaments
jewelry, feminine attire
mimikṣva sam ilābhir ā
mingle together
miṣ c3
2sing. imper. mid.
to mix
sam dyumnena viśvaturā uṣas mahi
together with-brilliance
all-surpassing O great Dawn
sam vājair vājinīvati
together with-prizes O
prize mare possesser