1.19 maruts agni
1. prati tyam cārum adhvaram
toward this
pleasant ceremony
tya dem. pronoun
gopīhāya pra hūyase
for-shepherding you-are-called-invoked
hū pass.
2sing. mid.
marudbhir agne ā gahi
with-the-maruts O agni have-come
gam ao. imper. 2sing.
2. nahi devas na martyas
for no god
nor mortal
mahas tava kratum paras
great your
will is beyond-afterwards
marudbhir agne ā gahi
3. ye mahas rajasas vidur
those-who have-known
the-great airy-realm
vid perf.
viśve devāsas adruhas
all gods unhostile-deceitless
druh to be hostile
marudbhir agne ā gahi
4. ye ugrā arkam
the-strong-ones who
have-chanted thechant
arc perf. 3pl.
to praise
anādhṛṣṭāsas ojasā
are unassailable
dhṛṣ to dare ubj to force
marudbhir agne ā gahi
5. ye śubhrā ghoravarpasas
the brilliantmaruts who of-ferocious-form
sukṣatrāsas riśādasas
good-warriors overthrough-enemies
riś to
kill as to throw
marudbhir agne ā gahi
6. ye nākasya adhi rocane
those-who of-the-firmament in-the-luminous-realm
over above
divi devāsas āsate
in-heaven as-gods
ās 3pl.
marudbhir agne ā gahi
7. ye īṅkhayanti parvatān
those-who throw
īṅkh caus.
3pl. swing
tiras samudram arṇavam
across surging-sea
marudbhir agne ā gahi
8. ā ye tanvanti raśmibhis
those-who stretch here with-reins
tan 3pl.
tiras samudram ojasā
across sea
marudbhir agna ā gahi
9. abhi tvā pūrvapītaye
toward-near you
sṛjāmi somyam madhu
i-emit-pour-forth sweet soma
sṛj c6
marudbhir agne ā gahi
1. prānāyāma
2. ardha
3. utkaṭāsana
4. garuḍāsana
5. daṇḍayamana jānuśīrṣāsana
6. daṇḍayamana dhanurāsana
7. tulādaṇḍāsana
8. daṇḍayamana bibhaktapāda paścimottānāsana
9. trikoṇāsana
10. daṇḍayamana bibhaktapāda jānuśīrāsana
11. tāḍāsana
12. pāḍāṅguṣṭhāsana
13. śavāsana
14. pavana muktāsana
15. bhujaṅgāsana
16. śalabhāsana
17. pūrṇa śalabhāsana
18. dhanurāsana
19. supta vajrāsana
20. ardha kūrmāsana
21. uṣṭrāsana
22. śasaṅgāsana
23. jānuśīrṣāsana paścimottānāsana
24. kapālabhāti
25. ardha matsyendrāsana
26. uttānāsana
27. kumbhakāsana
28. sūrya namaskāra
29. caturaṅga daṇḍāsana
30. ūrdhvamukha