

           generally   accent        last  member       mostly   last  syllable


          descriptive  type

                  where  substantive is described by an adj.   or  appositional  substantive

                  verbal noun  is  described  by   adverbial               final  syllable

                                   kṛṣṇa-śakuna            black bird

                                   mahā-dhana              great spoil

                                   ajñāta-yakṣma           unknown desease

                                   yāvayat-sakha            a protecting   friend

                                   rāja-yakṣma                royal  disease

                                   sūrya-śvit                    sun-bright

                                   pura-etṛ                       going before

                                   prathama-                 first-born

                                   prātar-yuj                     early yoked

                                   svayam-b                 self-existent

                                   duṣ-kṛt                          acting wickedly

                                   su-pra-r                      victorious

                                   a-ghārin                         not anointing

                                   a-cit                                senseless

                                   a-jarayu                          not aging

                                   a-jur                                unaging

                                   a-yoddhṛ                          not fighting

                  a-rājin                              not shining

                  a-pra-mṛṣ-ya                   indestructible

                  a-bhudh-ya                      not to be wakened

                  an-aty-ud-ya                    unspeakable

                  an-ādhṛṣ-ya                     unassailable

                  an-āmayi-tnu                   not making ill

           when  ending   in     van     man     i

               or  gerundive   used  as  a  neuter  substantive          penultimate  accented

                              raghu-patvan          swift-flying

                              puro-van             going in front

                              su-tarman               crossing  well

                              vīlu-patman            flying mightily

                              raghu-man          going swiftly

                              su-vahman             driving well

                             dur-gṛghi                  hard to hold

                             ṛju-vani                     striving forward

                             tuvi-ṣvaṇi                    roaring mightily

                             pūrva-yya   pūrva-peya   n   precedence in drinking

                             saha-śeyya                 act of lying together  n

                             amutra-bya             state of being in the other world


     first  member  accented  under certain  conditions

                            damsu-jūta          speeding wondrously

                          dur-hita               faring  ill

                            sana-śruta           famed from of old

                            puro-hiti               priestly ministration

                            sadha-stuti           joint praise  speeding wondrously

     privative  particle     a    an   when  compounded

             with a  participle ,  adj.   or  substantive            particle  accented

                               an-adant                  not eating

                               a-ditsant                  not wishing to give

                               a-manyamāna         not thinking

                               a-himsāna               not injuring

                               a-vidvāms               not knowing

                               a-kṛta                       not done

                               a-kr-a                       inactive

                               a-suṣv-i                    not  pressing soma

                               a-tandra                   unwearied

                               a-kumāra                 not a child

                               a-citti                        thoughtlessness

     particle   accented   when  it  negates

                              a-duṣ-kṛt                     not doing ill

                              an-aśva-dā                 not giving a horse

                             a-paścād-daghvan      not remaing behind

                             a-punar-dīyamāna       not being given back

                            an-agni-dagdha            not burnt with fire

                            an-abhi-śasta                blameless


    dependent  determinatives

                  usually       second  member           mostly   last syllable


                 when  second  member  is  a  root

                        verbal  noun  in  a

                        an  ordinary  substantive ( without verbal sense)

                        or    adj.   ending  in  in

                                                               usually     final   

                                   gotra-bhid                 opening the cowpens

                                   ghṛtā-vṛdh                 delighting in ghee

                                   divi-spṛś                     touching the sky

                                   patam-ga                   going by flight      flying

                                   varuṇa-dhrut              deceiving Varuṇa

                                   agnim-indh-a              fire-kindling

                                   hasta-grābh-a             hand-grasping

                                   puram-dar-a                fort-destroying

                                   uda-megha                  shower of water

                                   go-śapha                     cow’s hoof

                                    jīva-loka                      world of the living

                                    indra-se                   Indra’s missil   se

                                    uktha-śams-in             uttering praise

                                    bhadra-vād-in              uttering auspicious cries

          determinatives     second member         verbal  nouns  in      ana

                                                                         adj.                    i     van

                                                                         action nouns             ya

                                             usually   accent  radical  of  second member

                             deva-d-ana           exhilarating the gods

                             keṣa-vardh-ana         causing the hair to grow

                             pathi-rakṣ-i                protecting the road

                             some--van            somadrinking

                             talpa-śī-van               lying on the couch

                             prātar-i-t-van             coming early

                             ahi-hat-ya                  slaughter of the dragon

                            deva--ya                 invocation if the gods

                            mantra-śrut-ya          listening to counsel   n

                            vṛtra-r-ya                 conquest of Vṛtra


    dependent  determinatives 

                             second member       past passive participles       ta   na

                                                              action nouns                        ti

                                                   accent       first member      like  prepositions

                            indra-prasūta            incited by Indra

                            deva-hita                  ordained  by the gods

                            hasta-yata                guided by the hand

                            deva-hūti                  invocation of the gods

                            dhana-sāti                winning of wealth


       double accentuation

                    genative   in  first  member      almost always ending  in     pati


                              brahmaṇas-pati         lord of prayer

                              gs-pati                   husband of a devine woman

                              s-pati                      head of a family

                             sadas-pati                     lord of the seat   sadas

                             vanas-pati                   lord of the wood

                             rathas-pati                   lord of the  car  tatha

                   without  case-endings  of  first member

                            śacī-pati                       lord of might

                   without   pati

                             śunaḥ-śepa           dog’s tail

                            dasyave-vṛka         wolf to the  Dasyu

                            am-napāt           son of waters

                            tanū-napāt              son of himself     ta

                without  case  ending

                            narā-śamsa             praise of men



                            ās-tra            vessel for the mouth
