


    pra    vas    mitrāya    gāyata    varuṇāya    vipā    girā  /

     forth     you-all      to-Mitra     sing     to-Varuṇa     that-inlightens    with-word

                                                                                  imper  2  pl.


    mahikșatrau    ṛtam    bṛhat  //

         great-force           truth      vast



      samrā    yā    ghṛtayonī    mitras    cobhā    varuṇas  ca  /

             2rulers      who    ghee-home        Mitra        yes-both         Varuna   and

      devā    deveșu    praśastā  //

            2gods    amoung-gods   praised

                                                                              pra  śas




    tā    nas   śaktam    pāthivasya    mahas    rāyas    diviyasya  /

         these2     us     let-be-able    of-earthly      great        wealth        of-heavenly

                                 Vedic   imper. 2  dual

                        may-they-2 be-powerful    may  they  help

    mahi    vām    kșatram    deveșu  //

         great    your         force         among-gods



      ṛtam    ṛtena    sapantā    ișiram   dakșam    āśāte  /

             truth     by-truth    attaining      impelling-force    judgment    possess

                                                                     pap    dual                adj.  acc.                acc.                        perf.   

                                                               sap   serve  caress                                                                   mid.  3  dual

                                                                   class1                                                                                  attain   class5

     adru    devau    vardhete  //

          not-hurters      O gods        grow

         druh    be hostile



      vṛșți-dyāvā    rītiyāpā    as    pa    dānumatyās  /

            rain-heaven      streaming-water    (  )   masters    ( )

           turning  heaven to rain,  winners  of the  streaming  movement,  masters  of  that  forceful  impulsion


       bṛhantam    gartam    āśāte  //

            vasting           home           have-attained

               bṛh   class1    to make  big                                    perf.  

          class6    tear

                      you   take  possession  of  your  vast  home