2.38                             savitar


1.               ut  u  syas  devas   savitā   savāya

               this    god savitar     to-generate

                                                                                                                  sū    generate stimulate

            śaśvattamam   tadapā   vahnis   asthāt

                   most-continual    for-the-work   carrier      has-stood-up

                                                                                                    sthā   c1    ao.

       nūnam   devebhyas   vi  hi dhāti   ratnam

              now      to-gods           he-distributes      treasure

                                                                              dhā   c3

       athā bhajat   vītihotram   suastau

               also   will-distribute   to-lively-caller    in-well-being

                         bhaj   c1   distribute   subj.


2.              viśvasya  hi  śruṣṭaye   devas   ūrdhvas

                  because   of-all    to-obey   the-god   upward

                                                     śruṣṭi   dat.

         pra   bāhavā   pṛthupāṇis   sisarti

                      with-arms   broad-hands    flows-forth

                                                                                   sṛ   c3  stretch

         āpas  cit  asya   vrate   ā   nimṛgrā

              even   waters      to-his-manner-conduct     in-submission-devotion

                                                                     mṛj   attached-devoted-to    loc.

         ayam   cit   vātas   ramate   parijman

                even   this   wind       rests-stops    circling

                                                             ram  c1


3.              āśubhis   cit   yān   vi  mucāti   nūnam

                even    with-swift    driver-driving    will-now-unhitch-be-free

                                 yā   nom.  sing.                           muc   c1   subj.

        arīramat   atamānam   cit   etos

                 he-has-rested     even  wanderer-travelier    from-travelling

                  ram   c1   ao.             at    to wonder                 etu  +  as    abl.

        ahyarṣūṇām   cit  ni  ayān   aviṣyām

             even    of-snake-warriors    restraining     greed-desire

                                                           ni    yam                      

        anu   vratam   savitur   moki  āgāt

                   behaviour-manner   of-savitar     the-night   has-followed

                                                                                                             gā   to go


4.              punar   sam   avyat   vitatam   vayantī

       again      the weaver has wrapped up what was stretched out

   madhyā   kartor  ni  adhāt   chakma   dhīras

                  in-midst   of-deeds-work      has-put-down    the mindful-conscious his craft  

           ut   samhāyāsthāt   vi  ṛtūmr   adardhar

having pulled himself together, he(savitar)  has stood up

           aramatis   savitā   deva   āgāt

he has always kept the seasons separate,  as proper thinking god savitar  has  come


5.              nānaukāmsi   duryas   viśvam   āyur

the domestic blaze of fire is dispersed prominently 

       vi  tiṣṭhate   prabhavas   śokas   agne

throughout the houses , one for each, for(each one’s) whole lifetime

        jyeṣṭham   mātā   sūnave   bhāgam   ādhāt

the mother has set out the best portion for her son

        anu   asya  ketam   iṣitam   savitrā

according to his intention,  which has been aroused by savitar


6.              samāvavarti   viṣṭhitas   jigīur

 Iwhateer) was dispersed seeking gain has ben gathered together

         viśveṣām   kāmas   caratām   amābhūt

desire for home has arisen in all who roam

         śaśvām    apas   vikṛtam   hitvī   āgāt

each and evry one has come,  abandoning unfinishte work

         anu   vratam   savitur   daivyasya

following the commandment of the divine savitar


7.               tvayā   hitam   apyam   apsu   bhāgam

the watery(race) has been placed by you among the waters

           dhanvānu   ā   mṛgayasas   vi  tasthus

the wild beasts  have been dispersed throughout the wastelands

          vanāni   vibhyas   nakir  asya  tāni

das their share the forests are for birds

          vratā   devasya   savitur  minanti

no one violates these commandments of god savitar


8.               yādrādhiyam   varuas   yonim   apyam

as far as (savitar’s) benefit extends, varua(has come) too this watery womb

           aniśitam   nimiṣi   jarbhrtāṇas

restlessly  darting about at (eery)  blink(of eye)


          viśvas   mārtāṇḍas   vrajam  ā   paśur   gāt

every mortal creature, (everhY domestic beast has come to its pen

           sthaśas   janmāni   savitā   vi  ākas

savitar  has distributed  the races  according to their stations


9.              na   yasya  indras  varuas  na  mitras

whose  commandment neither indra  nor varua,  neither mitra nor aryaman,  nor rudra  violates

         vratam  aryamā   na  minanti  rudras

   nor do hostile powers---for well-being

         na   arātayas   tam  idam  suasti

I call him here  with  homage   god savitar

         huve   devam  savitāram   namobhis



10.          bhagam   dhiyam   vājayantas   puramdhim

as (we)  arouse  Fortune Insight  Plenitude   praise of men

         narāśamsas   gnāspatir  nas  avyās

the husband of the wives,   should help us

        āye   māmasya   samgathe   rayīṇām

might we be dear to god savitar at the approachof a desirable thing and at the gathering of riches

         priyā   devasya   savitu   syāma



11.           asmabhyam   tad  divas   adbhyas   pṛthivayās

 that  desirable benefit given by you has come to us from heaven 

           tvayā   dattam   kāmyam   rādha  ā  gāt

from the waters   from  earth

           śam  yat  stotbhya   āpaye   bhavāti

(a benfit) that will become weal for your praisers and your friend

           uruśamsāya   savitar   jaritre

   the singer whose recitations extend widely