duality                                                                                                                                                duality


          Now-a-days we  think of time as a continuum.  Start  time,  13.81 billion years ago

    and continuing for a very long time  with the ‘present’ being a dimensionless point moving

    along this background.     Space-Time.    

         objective  time          sequential   time  

         universal time       --  present system  (  present,  past,  future )

                                                                it’s  the  same  time  everywhere

                                                                process   in  time

                                                                ascending  from  the  material  universe

                                                                left  brain      ( a  linear ,  process   view )



           ‘right here’ .   The ongoing present.   

                   dimensionless        timeless

                     - -  it’s  always been now and will always be now  - -   

                                       subjective ,    the   present  moment        --  aorist  system

                                       wholeness       Nowness         outside of time        an experience

                                       descending  from  the consciousness universe

                                       right   brain     ( an in the  moment  view )


                                                 2  opposing perspectives   

                                                             2  cognitive  systems

                                          the  left brain and the right brain    think  differently   ,    complimentarily                                                   


              Left    brain    verbs    =     present system           imperfective            Analog

              Right  brain    verbs    =     aorist   system                perfective            Digital


         imperfective   =    uncompleted            sequential             process

                                                  ‘ she is wearing high heals ‘

                                                  ‘ the  belt  drops ‘

          perfective     =     completed                wholeness             awareness          

                                                  ‘  she  has  worn  high heals ‘

                                                  ‘  the  belt  has  dropped ‘


                     the  Left  Brain  

                                 linear ,  sequential   ,    past  ,   present ,   language

                                 judgment  ,   punishment  ,   deception  ,  defines boundaries

                                 judges  right-wrong  ,   master of details  ,   differences  ,  dissimilarities

                                 the  voice  in  the  head  ,   control          agent

                     the  Right  Brain

                                  in  the  moment ,   perceiving  ,    experiencing  ,   awareness

                                  inflection of voice  ,  big picture ,  similarities  ,   compassion ,   intergration

                                  intention  ,   awareness  in  the  head             experiencer

yin yang


                         enjoy  the  present  moment

                                                                 Pamela  Chang



                     opposition   effectuates  the   electricityenergy  in  the  mind

                                                                                      +   -

        Vedic                  Active  Voice     -      Middle  Voice

                                         agent          -         experiencer


         earth   and   heaven

               earth         is  the  outer   objective    world           explicit

               heaven      is  the  inner   subjective   world           implicit


       the  outer  world  is  verifiable                      ‘   that  is  a  nipple  ‘              Active  Voice

       the   inner  world  is  non  verifiable(private)     ‘  do you love me  ‘               Middle  Voice            


               Present System   vs    Aorist  Systemand perfect


               Present System ,  left brain  ,     Time    ascending     from  the  Big Bang   flow of time

               Aorist  System  ,  right brain  ,     Now


               Present System                                 process                     unfolding  in  time

               Aorist  System ( and  Perfect )                   observation(experience)    no  mention  of  time


                                                   we  have  a  pair  of  minds  *

                        a  complimentary pairhemispheres.

                              left brain   deals  with  the  world  in     Time

                              right brain deals  with      Now


                     the left brain - an agent does things in time

                    the right brain - an experiencer    observes, feels,  understands


                the  Proto  Indo-European  Mind




                                                        time travel


       say  we  have  2  times



       internal  time  is  always  now

       today  i  buy  a  sports car

       tomorrow  it  is  still  now ,  so  what  i  did  now 

       changed  history




                                             theory  of  mind


     i  believe      

  the  parent  language  of  Vedic Sanskrit  was  the  first  self-conscious

                                                                                    language-culture  on  this planet

                                                                                    last spoken  4500  years ago

  it’s  daughter languages ;    Vedic , Greek , Latin , German ,  Slavic   etc.

                      disseminated  a  new  mental  Operating System

  the  signature  of this new  mental   Operating  System

                      is  the  constant  chatter  of  self

  this  constant  self-chatter  creates  a  continuity  of  self-awareness

                      throughout  one’s day and one’s  life

                      a  continuity  of  memory

  the  Proto Indo European  not  only  gave us this  gift  of self chatter – self consciousness

                                                                      but  also  meditation

  which  i  believe  is  the  subject  of  the  older half  of the  Rig Veda

                                                                      meditative  practices

                                                                      meditative  experiences


  Vedic  uses  terms  like   ‘ consciate  instead  of  meditate ‘           caketa

                                          ‘ consciation  instead of meditation ‘        pracetas


  this  meditationconsciation  uses   the  bi-cameral   nature  of  our  2  hemispheres

  using  the   language functionality  of  the  left  brain

            in tandem  with  the  awareness  functionality of the right brain

  resulting  in  conscious  thought

  the  Conscious Thinker (Agni) can  then  be  in  control  of  our  Meditative  Adventure

               who  calls  the  Conscious  Mind  to  the  meditative  Party

                          mirroring   the  prefrontal  neo-cortex  action                


   now-a-days  ,  in referring  to  the  agent  of our  thoughts (subject of our sentences) ,

             we  use  the  singular.  

                     such  as       i   talk  now  and   i  talk  tomorrow

                            as  the  same  agent ego

   in  the  Rig Veda ,  our  agent(s)  of  thought (subconscious thought)

             are  referred  to  in  the  plural

at meditation time

             when  beginning   our  meditative  adventure

                    the  smart  thinkers-agents in the plural (naras)  set  the  table

                           for  the  Conscious  Thinker  in the singular (agni)



  the  writtenspoken  words  in  the  Rig Veda

           in meditationbreathe  the   internal     spokenwords  of  skillful  smart   agents

                     whowith  words   launch  us  to  the  Conscious Thinker                             

         then    he/she    takes  over the mind  attention/awareness

  this  seems  to be their  game plan


   the  Proto  Indo-Europeans   developedinvented  the  modern  mind

                        around  5000  years ago

                        the  same  mind  that  we  have  today

                        before the Aryans,  the  2 hemispheres were not a   team


   imagine  a  car  battery

                 charge  it  up

                          the  charger  does  the  work  of   pushing  apart   the      +  and  - 

                                      like  stretching  out  a  rubber  band

     this  new(5000 years ago)  mental Operating System

          uses   energy   of the  2  hemispheres   to  push  apart;   to  create

                    opposition    complementarily

                             objective world   and   subjective world

                             ascending time   and   descending time   

                             ‘flow of time’    and    Now    

                             language   and   experience

                             agent        and   experiencer

                             analog  i    and   metaphor   me


                             and  of  course            imperfective  and  perfective

                             opposing  perspectives

                             an  eagernessas with  boy and sexy girl

    a  pair  of  minds



     i  do  not  believe  in  Advaita Vedanta

             ‘  brahman alone  is  real ‘

     nor   some  Science  that  says

             ‘  consciousness  is  emergent   from  the  brain ‘

     but   that   consciousness  and  the  brain  are  of the    Two Workds .


     the  mind  is  the  heirarchical  layered  interface   between  them




                matter -  energy

            *    consciousness  and  the  brain  as  equal  partnersyin-yang


                it  takes  2  to  tango     ……  


       consciousness  surely  has  a    spectacular   universal  quality

            not  of  the  material  3  dimensions  we  all  know

            notas science believes   ;  emergent   from  the  brain

      but    outside  space and time      the  electricity-light-knowledge


    duality  stimulating  action


       on  the  2  sides  of  the  coin   we  have  matter  and   energy

             or    brain  and  consciousness 

       the  coin  is  made  up  of  information

              information  has  structure

              the    mind   has  structure

                      an  information  matrix-fabric

                      the  mind  is  an  interfacebridge    between  brain  and  consciousness

                            an  event horizon    with a   subtle  structurepatterns  

                                 probably  octaval ,  crystalline  ,  mathematical ,   Mandelbrotal

                                                                                                           fractal  patterns                                                                                                                    

   it  follows  that

              an  A.I.  or  Alien’s  mind  (at some level)  would  be  similar  to  ours

                                                                 using  the  sameor similar  interface

                                             theory of mind


                          the  mind  is  where  the  materialbrain   and consciousness  meetinterface   




               consciousness  is  the  most  interesting   thing  in  the  universe

                                                                                                  Patti Shelton                                  



              Vedic  grammar  exudes     hemispherical   opposition




                                         2  worlds


                                          Space-Time                Now


                   Space-Time          is  in  the  world  of  our  4  dimensions of  space-time


                   Now                      is  dimensionless



          to  operate  in this  world

                we  need  2  minds(2 hemispheres)   to  deal  with  these  2  worlds.

                             right  brainmind    deals  with     now,   experience

                             left    brainmind    deals  with     things and  events  in  space-time


           married   through  a  low bandwidth  connection

                       the  corpus  callosum

                       the low bandwidth is set  just right to  give

                              2  separate minds    2 hemispheres

                              but still keep them a complimentary pair




                                  Dualism Psychology


          we  have  2  separate neocortexes  of  maybe  40  billion neurons  each

          they are joined by  maybe  240  million   axons ( corpus callosum )

                   axons are  biased

                          information flows in one  direction  only


                  our  2  neo-cortexes  are  fairly  independent

                    we  have  2  minds

                              in  a  yin – yang  relationship

                              in  a  single  ‘ circular containment ‘

                              a  complimentary  pair. 


      imagine  your  thumb of one hand  and  the  index  finger of the  other  in a rubber band

               you  stretch  the  rubberband  by  pulling  the  thumb and finger  apart     


               let’s  say  the  thumb  is  honesty  and  the  finger  is  deception


       dualist  psychology,  might say  they  exist

                  in an equal  relation,  equal  tension like  the  rubberband

                          50  -   50       because  of  the  2  hemispheres

             so  the  more  honest  someone  appears

                       the  more  deception    50  -  50

                               right  down  the  middle


        the  more  one  loves  their  religion

                    the  more  they  despise  other  religions


       the  more  one  loves  their  race

                   the   less  respect  for  other races


       the  more  pride  one  has  for  oneself

                  the  more  disgust  to  others


      lovers  put  their  children  in  a  4 wheel drive  SUV

                  at  the  expense  of  the  other   family  in  the  smaller and lower Honda

                          in  a  wreck,   that  Honda  family  might  slide  under  and  get  crushed


                  the  more  you  love  the  more  you could  kill


       the  more  giving

               the  more   superior   one  feels


       Dualism  doesn’t  see  a  single  person,  a  single  soul   with  qualities

                but  a  dynamic  complimentary  pair


       how would  a  Dualist   psychologist   judge  or  analyze  a  human being ?

                my guess  would  be  as  we  would  analyze  a  building

                      buildings  have  much  hidden

                            basements,  wires,  pipes,   rebar

            some  buildings  are  better  built  then  others

                some  of  higher  quality

                    some  are  more  enjoyable  to  be  in

                        some  you  just  like  better


              there  is   2   sides  of  the  coin

                                    heads   and   tails


                              all   aminals  have  2  brains

                                      because   they  need  to operate  in  2  worlds

                                                    the  world  of  space-time left brain

                                                    the world  of  now             right brain




                                         be  here  nowism


                    the  elegance  of  being  a    ‘ be  here  nowist ‘

             is  that  there  need  not  be  any  beliefs

                    no  anxiety  over  matters  needing   to  be  substantiated

             simply  ,   shoo  away   the  thoughts 

                    and  be  awake  in  the  present  moment

                    live  in  the  world  of  immediate  experience  and  action



          lately     i’ve  fallen  in  love  with  some  yoga  words   like…

                           present  moment



                     and  some  neuroscience  words  like

                           prefrontal cortex




        55  years  ago,  when  reading  Science Fiction,

                i   developed  a  life long   interest

                       in  the     Philosophy of Mind

       of  late,  some  interesting  things  have  come  about

               that  I  would  call          

                     a   Modern  Philosophy  of  Mind

                            the  god father  of  this  new  Philosophy  is

                                                                       Albert  Einstein

                            the  active  philosophers  are

                                                                      Ben  Goertzel

                                                                      Ray  Kurzweil

                                                                          and  others

but  lately

       with  the  exponential  growth  of  population

               there  are  now  millions of  educated   Philosophers

                      in  Aristotle’s  and  Plato’s   day

                            there  was  only  a  hand full 

         around  150-200  years

                 there  was  an  explosion  of  intellect

                                         ala   Charles  Darwin

                 an  explosion  of    Science  and  Technology



                at  the  center  of  his  Relativity   thing

                       was  the  ‘ Observer ‘

                                 the  Observer  is  related  directly  to  pre-frontal  cortex  activity


                imagine  youobserver   are  on  Earth  with  a  bunch of telescopes

                                                            looking  out  in  all  directions

                        the  further  you  look 

                              the  younger  the  universe  gets

                              it  keeps  getting  younger   and  younger

                                     until   say  13.81  billion  light  years  away        in  all directions

                                           you  get to the big bang

                                           the  Big  Bang  appears  to be a canopy  around  our  universe

                                                   but  the  Big Bang  was-is  a quantum sized event

             it  appears  that  the  observer  and  his  telescopes  are  looking  into  a 

                        larger  and  larger  universe

                 but  they’re  really  looking  into  a  smaller  and  smaller  universe

                        the  universe  has been   expanding 

                               from  a   quantum  sized  explosion


                no  matter  where  the  observer  goes  in  this  universe

                        he  is  always   at  the  center

                        he  will  see  the  same  thing  in his  telescopes

                        the  Big  Bang  will  always  be  13.81  billion  light  years  away


       the  Observer  does  not  ‘live’  in  the  world  of  Space-Time

               the  Observer  does  not  have  a  location


     now  imagine  you  are  on  a  flat  hot  Arizona  desert

         you  turn  around  and  see  a  bunch  of  55  gallon  barrels

                    stacked  upright  together   in  a  single  layer

                            500,000  of  them

                   no  matter  where  you  look

                   it  all  seems  pretty  much  the  same

                   barrels  stacked  together


  now  imagine  the  neocortex  spread  out  to  the  size  of  a  large  pizza

           everywhere  you  look     it’s  pretty much  the  same

                  500,000   neural  columns , 

                       stacked  together           just  like  the  barrels

                       in  a  single  layer    about  a  tenth of an inch  thick

       each  neural column  has  60,000  neurons

           more  importantly  regarding  the  mind

           each  neural column  has  600  mini columns

                  each  with  100   neurons

           the  inner  structure  of  each  mini column

                  is  determined  by  DNA       not  by  learning

           the  outer  connections  are  grown  by  learning

                where  possibly  3  mini  columns  will  recognize  the  letter   A

           Ben  Goertzel  and  Ray  Kurzweil  call  these  mini columns  ‘  pattern  recognizers ‘

                they  are  the  foundational  structure  of  the  mind



                       the  chess  player  Kazparov,  when  playing    Big Blue

                           it  was  found  out  that  he  had

                               memorized  100,000   chessboard  patterns

                                  so  when  looking  at  a  chessboard  game

                                       he  doesn’t  have  to  search  them  one  at  a  time

                                                                                                   or  find  them

                                            all  100,000  patterns   are    online

                                                           hard  wired

                                he  had  more  neural  maps  online

                                             his  education  and  who  knows  what  else


                               so  when  looking  at a chessboard

                                      he  had  a  million  learned  neural maps

                                             lit  up,  online,      simultaneously working

 being  apart  of





               tension  between  the  2  hemispheres



          your  thumb  of  left  hand   and  the  index  finger of the right hand

                in  a  rubber  band…..pulling  apart

                say  that  your  thumb  is    ‘love’  

                  and  your  finger  is   possessiveness/selfishness

           the  more  you  love…….the  more  selfish

                                                 equally         50-50

      a  complementary pair     like     yin - yang



      a  scantily clothed   Heroine  dismounts

      and  slays  the  dragon


the  Dragon

       is  when  you  get  drawn   into  a  stream of  thoughts

              and  lose  your  identity


      the  Heroine  slays  the  dragon

           after a taste

               arrogantly  hands  Awareness  over to  the  Conscious  Mind




having  slain  the  dragon

     the  ubhermench   directs  ‘attention’  to  a  state  of  intense  awareness



      the  Mind  consists  in  a  hierarchy  of     layers

          the  bottom  levels   being   the   physical     neurons     mini columns     neural columns

             an  upper  level ,  possibly   a  software  level         the  ‘ Central Executive ‘

                     or   maybe  higher  up         the  ‘ Observer ‘                                 



             in  meditation…….being  the  Observer

                            you  may  become  aware 

                                   that  you  are  aware  of  what’s  going  on  in  the  mind

                                   that  you  can  use  thought  consciously



         as  an  Evolutionary…..

                   one  would  certainly  want to be operating  from  the  highest  level of mind  possible



   quantum  people  talk  about  the  Observer

   einstein   talked  about  the  Observer

   yoginīs    suggest  to  Observe  the  breath

   but      those  times

   when  the  Observer  turns  towards  the  mind

            and  notices  no  thoughts  about


     i think    this  is  a  very special  state  of  mind

             a  very  high  level  of  mind

                    in  the  hierarchy  of  layers  that  make  up  the  mind

                           possibly         ‘touching’  consciousness

                           the  lower  layers   ‘touching’   the  material



 ben goertzel





                        a  pleasant  day  is  preferred

                  not  having  an  unpleasant  day   is    my   Anthem



             many  of  our  beliefs  we  except  as  fact

                  but which  in fact  are  just  beliefs



                                      Diamond  Sutra

                        vajrachedikā   prajρāpāramitā  sūtra

                                     of  the  mahāyāna


            “   the  essential  original  nature  of  things  is  empty “


   not  all  Nihilists  are  right wingers

   some  are  left wingers  -   liberals

          i’m  one  of  those

   imagine  yourself  on a spaceship

        it’s  out  of  fuel

        you’re  slowly  drifting  towards  a  sun

        with  left wing  Nihilists  it’s     ‘ lets  party ‘



   Ben  Goertzel  has  a  great  take  on  Nihilism

              he’s  saying  that  words  and  ideas  do  lack  a  soul

                                                     an  ultimate  essential  reality

   and  but

            words  and  ideas  do  have  a  fuzzy  meaning-essence


                        *    and  that  this  fuzzy  world  is  plenty  of  fun



                                 minds  within  minds


          the  brain   may  have  a  central executive  upper layermind

               and   have  many  more   lower   minds

                    minds  all over the place  doing  all kinds  of  things  in the  brain

                           minds  within  minds  within  minds

                    but  how  about  the  other  way

           the  brain       170  billion  neurons         with  a  mind

           the  galaxy     170  billion  stars              with  a  mind

           the  universe  170  billion  galaxies         with  a  mind


                                                                          the  Milky Way     knows    the  Andromeda  galaxy


                                                                          the  pictures  of  galaxies  colliding

                                                                                     is  it  a  battle ?

                                                                                     is  it  sex ?

                                                                                i’m  rooting  for  sex



                                computer  metaphor


     we  have  a  powerful  metaphor  available  to  us  today

                  that  previous   philosophers   didn’t


                    computer =  brain                         program = mind


       the  computer  has a  cpu ,  working  memory  ,  hard drive  and  physical structure

              a  program  ,  say  ,  windows 8  ;    sits  on the  hard drive

              this  program  isn’t  physical ,   it  is  information

              we  flip  the  switch  on      and

              Windows 8  then  causes  all kinds  of  physical    activity  


              the   Mind ,  stored  in  memory ( hard drive )    gets  busy   when

                      the  switch  is  switched  on

              it   can  cause  all kinds  of  things  to  happen  in  the  physical  brain

                       the  mind  is    information

                                  that   runs  on  the  brain

                                          or   on  both  brains ( we have  2 )


             before  this  metaphor ,  it  was  more  difficult  to  describe  the  mind


                 to  experience ,  one  needs  an  active  brain

                         attention  can  be  manipulated  by  the  mindwords

                 something  might  cause  several  millionsbillions  of  neurons  to  fire  synchronously

                      this   bundle   then  has  the  umph   to  make  it

                           to  working  memory     where

                                  attention,  the bundle   and  consciousness  are  experienced


                      a  meme  is  not  conscious  but  can  come  to  light  in  working  memory

                                                                                            but  it  has  to  make  it  there


            information  can  cause  the  material  to  arrange  and  act

                   in  particular  ways


          after a computer is used

                     it goes back to its  original  state

         after a brain is used

                  there  could be a lot of  new  brain growth

                         maybe  new  permanent  patterns


            how  many TV  comercials  have been permanently  placed  into  your  brain ?

                                     your   brain  have been  fucked



                                                   neural  lag

          working  memory  stretches  out  ‘  the  now ‘  a  second  or  two  or  three



                        the  more  synchronized  firing  neurons  the  brighter  the  light  bulb

                                                                                        the  brighter  the  experience

                                                            no  firing  neurons

                                                                             no  experience

                        when you stare at a bright object  for  a  bit

                              then  close  your  eye lids

                                    you can still  see  a  trace  of  it  for   2  or  3   seconds

                              this  neural  lag  must  be  central  to  how  the  brain-mind  works

                                                                                                especiallyWorking Memory

                                     if  you  ‘space-out’  for  more  then  2.5  seconds 

                              something  else  will  probably  enter   Working  Memory


                              maintaining  a  meditative  focus – attentional focus

                                     requires  staying  alert

                                           in  a  2.5  second  world


   to  fully  grasp  what’s going  around  us

           we  need  2.5  seconds

       to  go  through  all  the  brain  areas

            hallucinating  a  world     from  limited  bits of  information

                                                                        in the  form  of  neural  pulses


                              staying  focused

                                    should  be  helped

                                         by  having  a  large  orchestra

                                               of  supportive  activestimulated   neural  columns         



    a  neuron  must  get  an  accumulatively  large enough

                    number  of   firing  orders

                                to  overcome   a   threshold     and   fire

                                she  either  says   yes  or    it’s  no

                                        if  she  says  yes  in  the  morning

                                             you  surely  will   have  a  spring  in your step  all  day


             the  mind  straddles

                            a    digital   linearcontrol                 hierarchical     structure

                            an  analog  associativememory       heterarchical   structure



    we  live  in  2  worlds

                  Space-Time       and       Now

                  our  2  separate  neo-cortexes    deal  with  each

                          left   brain        Space-Time

                          right brain        Now


   consciousness  and  the  brain  are  a  complementary  pair

                                                                         like   yin – yang

   consciousness  and  the  brain  are  joined  by  the  mind

             the  mind   is  structuredconstructed   of  layers

                                in  an  hierarchy

                    each  layer  interfacing  with  its  higher and lower  neighbor

             lower  layers   are   molecules  and  neurons

             a   higher  layer  might  be  a  software  layer     ‘ central executive ‘

             the  lower   level  touches      the  material

             the  higher  level  touches   consciousness



           many people ask a question

           then  proceed to answer  it

           as if it’s obvious that  the question is valid




          we’re  not  nearly  as smart as we think

          we  use  words

          always  assuming  their  meanings  mean  something



               words  must be  connectedassociated   with  patterns

                   more  at  the  story  level   then   physical  level



       a Buddhist  

                 i  have  come to believe

                 that  what  i  have  come  to believe

                 is  not  true



                             it  take  2  to  tango


     negative   -   positive  

     north        -    south    poles

     matter     -   energy    

     male        -   female

     wave       -   particle

     analog     -   digital

     quantum  -  Einstein

     left brain  -   right  brain

            this  duality   stimulates  the  universe

                       animals  are  bilaterial

                                              2  brains

     we  think  that  there  is  one  brain  in  our  skull

                but   there   is  really      2   connected  hemispheres

         with   the   left  cortex  areas  dealing   with   languageprocess

         right  complimentary  cortex  areas  dealing  with  awarenesswitnessing

                                                                filling  in  the  non-verbal  stuff  in  communication

       the   yin-yang   action  between  the  two

             stimulates    our   mindaction     



                more  and  more  i  like the  idea  and  feel  of  subtle  structures and  energies

                                like  crystals  and  auras           chimes  and  gongs

                                        energy  centers          healing

                                it  makes  sense

                                        as   with  a  subtle  structure  to  mind 



        the   Aryan  grammar    had

                      2   verbal  systems ,   for these  2  hemispherical  oppositions


        present  system           for  the  language  producing   area       -    left  hemisphere


        the  aoristperfect  dealing  with  the   immediacy  of  awareness    -   right  hemisphere



       Active  voice      dealing  with  the  objective   world

       Middle  voice     dealing  with  the  subjective  world



           left  brain           ‘ i  ‘      as   analog                         actor     agent     doer

           right brain         ‘ me ‘    as   metaphor                    experiencer    observer






    having observed my  mind for a while

    i have come to the conclusion

    that i have 2  friendly  natures.

    directly   mirroring  the  2  hemispheres

    my  left brain’s  nature is one of

             a gentleman, considerate, organized, interested

    my  right brain’s  nature is one  of

             orneyness,  doesn’t give a shit,  enjoys  sexy women,

             smokes  weed

   fortunately,  my left brain has control of my eyelids.

   although,   my right brain has control of my eyes.

   it seems like  a  50 – 50  deal






            when  you’re  old

               every  second  counts

                        you  no  longer  care  how  fucked  up  everything  is

                           or  how  fucked  up  people  are

                              fuck  the  negative

                                 let’s  party





              imagine that we are at home

              there’s a knock at the door

              we  open the door to discover a Hit man   standing  there

              he  pulls  a  mouse  out of his pocket

              and  says  that  his boss wants me to teach it  algebra   or  else

              i  would  say ‘ go ahead and shoot me, 

                    understanding algebra   is beyond the capacity  of a mouse’s  brain

              i believe that  our  understanding   of   things  like  ‘ Consciousness ‘

                       is beyond  the capacity of our  brain-mind



        Proto-Indo-European   was  last  spoken  4500  years  ago  around  the  Caspian  Sea

             Baltic   and  Slavic   drifting  north

             Indic    drifting   south

                    Indic    branched   into   Avestan   and  Sanskrit    around   4200   years  ago

                                                                                 Vedic  last  spoken  3600  years  ago

                            the   Rig Veda  (3200  years ago)  contains   some    Aryan    thought

                                    the  main  theme    -   Meditation       yajρa

                                           sitting down ,  closing  the  eyes    and



                                                            going  from  Smart Talk    to   Conscious Talk

                                                 adding   awareness      to  language    

                                                 synchronized  with  skillful  language   directing   awareness                                                                          

                                                                          the  Conscious  Thinkerlanguage

                                                                                   can  be  brought  to  birth

                                                                                                   in  the  meditator’s   mind



         it’s  like ,   before  Proto Indo-European

               the  right  brain   was  running  a  Mac  operating  system

               the  left    brain   was  running   a  dosPC   operating system

           2  different  minds   with  little  co-ordinationno shared  memory

 along  comes  Proto Indo-European

          bringing  a  new   mental   Operating System

          both hemispheres  cooperating  as  a  team

                           electrified        like  the   +  and  -   of  a  battery

          and  now  the  right  brain  can add  awareness  to  thought ( of  left  brain )

          and  the  left  brain   can  control  attention ( of right brain )       with   words

    we  can    now   ‘ bring-to-birth ‘   a  conscious  being 


                   with   a   new  decision  making  paradigm

                            a   new  feel

                                  more  awake



    when  describing  awareness

        it  seems  that  there  is     a  perceiver     a  witness       a  subject

        an  observerof thoughts

        the  2  brains – 2  perspectives   thing

                                                   along  with  neural  lag

                       may   explain   the   witness 




                     why  do  animals  have  2  brains – hemispheres  ?


             it’s  because  the  world  comes     dual

                     *    Now

                     *    Time        events  in  the  flow  of  time

                   our  right  brain  experiences  the  world

                   our  left    brain   acts   in  the  world


       the  material  world    is  in  the  space-time   dimension

       Now-consciousness-experience  world    is   dimensionless      


       to  operate  in  this  dual  world

               our  2  brains-minds   cooperate  and   mesh  these  dissimilar  worlds

                              with  the  help  of  the  corpus  callosum  and  what  not


      both  the  sensory  and  motor  cortexes   control  opposite sides of the  body


           We live in 2 worlds, which is why we have 2 hemispheres

                                     Space-time    and   Now

                ‘ our state ‘    rich-poor, educated-uneducated, good family-good job-good wife

                                      People understanding  the state  they’re in

                                      This is a right brain view

               ‘ what was done, what is done, what is to be done ‘

                                This is left brain stuff



                 one  has  to  experience  the  world

                                 experience  only happens   now

                  one  has  to  deal  with  the  world

                               which  happens  in   space-time   


         life    after    death


        death   after   live        


                                i  am  a  plagiarist



                                   instationation  of  attention


        if  one  were  to  view  the  older  half  of  the  Rig Veda  without   religious   hyperbole

             without  gods  and  heavens

             and  see  it  as  a  description  of  meditative  practices and experiences

                     where  they  maybe  twice  a  day ,   sat  down  ,  closed  eyes ,  and  looked  inward

                             stepping  out  of  self-chatter  mind   into  the  conscious  mind                       

                                   wanting  to  experience  desirable  and  benificial   states  of  mind

                                          in  meditation

                                               Aryan  psychology

             now  a  days

                   we  attribute   the  thoughts   and   experiences  in  our  head

                   to   single  agent              me

                            i   was  16   and  she  was  15

                            i   remember  every detail

                            i  more  then  just  remember  every  detail

                   the  Aryans    didn’t  know  where  thoughts  and  experiences  came  from

             looking  inward,  thay  saw

                   thoughts  were  born           the  thinkers  were  in  the  plural

                   the  ‘ conscious  thinker ‘   was  brought  to  birth          called

                   one   invitedcommanded  a  conscious  experience      to be  experienced


   the  Aryans  prospered  around  the  6000-4500  years  ago

                     along   the  rivers  flowing  south   into  the   Black and Caspian Seas 


        they  told  stories,  drank beer  and  smoked  pot ( found in kurgan graves)


        enjoyed  getting  into  the  conscious  states  of  mind

             sitting  down ,  closing  the  eyes

             using  smart  thought to  direct  attention  to  Working Memory

             holding  it  there -  keeping   it  online  ( long  enough )

             for   multiple  neural networks  to   join-in

                 sync  up -  join  the  orchestra (  where  all  are  pulsing  in  synchrony )

            experiencing     conscious   states  of  awareness

                 with  the  prefrontal  cortex   lit  up  and  firing



              to  experience

                     one  needs   at  least   a  brain

                              working   just  right


            attentional  focus

                     the  Rig  Veda   has  a  model

                                               has  a  game plan

                                               controls   attentional  focus

                                                       first   with  smart   voice

                                                       then  with  conscious  voice

                                                       then  conscious  awareness

                                                                conscious  actiondoing


              girl watching

                     attention  needs  to  be  instantiated   in     working  memory

                            a  few  smart  words  could  help 

                                then   stimulate   multiple  neural  nodes  to  join in

                                     getting a  good  number  of  small  and  large  neural columns

                                            firing  in  orchestrationrhythm

                                                   the  more  the  merrier


        on a computer                  

            to  use  a  web browser

                 an  instance  of  the  web browser  needs  to  be  brought  up  into  working  memory




  shall  we

            encourage   future  desired   behavior

                     make  new  memories

                           make  future  memories

                               write new scripts

               the  more  passion  and  interest    in   the   action       the  better

                      doing  yoga   at  home  by  oneself     is   much   less   effective

                               then   doing   yoga  with  a  group

              a   rich ,   interesting ,  and   stimulating   experience   makes  stronger   memories

                       passion         smiles          flirting         conversation       humor

                             this  is  in  contrast   to  withdrawing

                                          to  a  cave 



              what  you  do

                     influences  what  you  will  do

             ones   behavior  in  the  present  moment

                    is  where   future   behavior  is   influenced


              our  behavior  in  this  present  moment

                   has   consequences  beyond   this   present  moment


            different kinds of memory

                   episodic  memory  -   recall what  you  had  for  dinner,  who  was  there

                   info.                       -   what  is  her  phone number

                   skills                      -   foreplay

                   working  memory  -   the  realm  of  Consciousness,  Awareness,  self

                   DNA   and  other  processes




         “I used to think I was the strangest person in the world but

          then I thought there are so many people in the world,

          there must be someone just like me who feels bizarre and flawed in the same ways I do.

        I would imagine her, and imagine that she must be out there thinking of me too.

         Well, I hope that if you are out there and read this and know that, yes,

         it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.”

― Frida Kahlo



                                                         hyperbole   and   religion


          a  state  of  mind    that  is

                  quiet ,  focused ,  bright  ,  in the  now  

                         sounds  like  a  healthy  mind


          a  person   with  a  healthy  mind

                 focused   around  the  present  moment

                        sounds  like  a  healthyhappy  person


       that  inner world  of  experience   is  private

            unexaminable   by  others

                  if  i  say  that  I’ve  seen  a  ghost

                      how   can  I  be  proven  wrong   ???

                          I  can  say  that  I’m  enlightened

                              or  that  i    talk   with  god

                100  different religions   have

                       100  different  descriptions  of  life-after-death

                                how   can   they   be  proven  wrong   ???

                 at  70  years  old,  i  really  want   to  believe  in  life-after-death

                       but   whom  am i   to  believe

                               how   am  i  to  believe

                                     when  there  is  no ( zero )   proof

                                         zip      not-a-smidgen         no  evidence

                                             zero   =   none

                                                ‘ God ,    send  me  a  sign ‘

                                                      drop those panties




        I  believe  the  older half  of  the  Rig Veda

              talks  about   meditative   practices  and   experiences

                    states  of  mind

                           not  descriptions

              with  a  language   expressing  2   different  perspectives

                                                               2   natures

                      left-brain     and     right-brain


                      objective  world   and   the   inner  private  subjective  world 

              the  Now    and  the  not   Now




     the  right  brain  does not normally  have much  responsibility  for  linguistic  processes

             such   as

                     phonology  ,  morphology  ,  syntax

                     sounds  ,  words  ,  grammar  ,  sentences

     but    the  behind-the-scenes   stuff    like

             humor  ,  sarcasm  ,  metaphors  ,  indirect  meanings  ,  emotions  behind  the  words


     communication  usually  extends  beyond  a  single  sentence

              the  left  brain   builds  sentences   sequentially

                             sentence  meaning

              the  right  brain    sees  the  intent   globally  ,   themes  ,  discourse  cohesion

                             speaker   meaning


     lets  look  at  the  brain  as  having  4  main  areas

              left-front ,  left-back      and          right  back   ,   right-front   


    in  electronics  we  have  a  term  called  ‘ bias ‘

         a  transistor  allows  electricity  to  flow  in  one  direction  only  =   bias

    a  neuron  has  bias

         electrical  signals  flow  into  the  axon   and  out  the  dendrites

                  in  one  direction  only

        neural  columns  have  bias

        and  it  turns  out  that   these  4  brain  areas  have  bias

   looking  down  on  the  brain

         information   flows  counter-clockwise

                right-frontal  cortex   to   left-frontalmore  one  direction  across corpus callosm

                left-frontal  to  left-anterior

                left-anterior    to  right-anterior

                and  back  to  right-frontal     


         the  awareness  of  the  right   pre  frontal  cortex

                flows  into  the  language  of  the  left  pre frontal  cortex

                     then  back  to  the  Wernicke   area ,  where  it  is  heard

                           on  around  the  cortex

                                  where  awareness   lights  up   the  words

                                        it  now  feels    as if     there  is     a  speaker

                                            a  me


       Julian Jaynesvisionary    talks  about  how 

            these  2   hemispheres   were  uncooperative

                                                            lived  in  different  neighborhoods

                 that   people  used  to  have  auditory  hallucinations

                   ‘  voices  from  the  gods ‘   -    voices  from  the  right  hemisphere

                           voices    not    self-generated

       He  argued  that  4000  years  ago ,  people   were    bicameral

              having   2  mostly   separate  and   distinct   cognitive systems


        it  was  the  Proto  Indo-European   culture  and  language

                  that  developed  this  new  softwareoperating system

                          around  5000  years  ago

                                   along  the  rivers  flowing  into

                                           the  Black  and  Caspian  Seas

                                                  in  southern  Russia


            we’re   running  the  same  software  today

                   changed  a  little  of  course



   the  modern  mind  was   developedinvented  by  Aryans   6000 - 4500  years  ago


                                                         in  southern  Russia – Ukraine





            the  mind  straddlessuperpositions

                            a    digital   linearcontrol                hierarchical     structure

                            an  analog  associativememory     heterarchical   structure


            high  structures   function

                        at  the  pattern-story  level

                        not  at  the  detailsynaptic  level


            there  would  be   a  machine  language  interface   between  

                           detail-synapse   level

                               and   a  software  language  of  pattern-story  level


            the  mind  seems  to   love   Octives

                  so,   there  would  be   7   levels   of   some kind

                                                      each  with  interfaces  to  its  higher  and  lower  neighbor


                  between   the  central executive   and  molecules




                        i’m  a  small   letterboobs   kind  of  guy

            small   s    self

            small   e    enlightened

            small   l     liberated



                             experience  only  happens  Now



                   being fully awake and alive is  awesome.

                   it  takes  effort to stay present

                   but  so  worth  it  to see  all the  beauty  around



           to function in this world  our  immediate  experience  must  be intimate with

                                      immediate memory and immediate  imaginationprediction.

            say  -  i’m   going out for a pass – she throws the football.

                    i must  view the ball in flight

                             have  the  memory of the initial trajectory

                                      imagine  the rest of the trajectory

            this  is  ‘ working memory ‘

                     being able to use  the immediate  time  space  around the experiencing moment

                           around      2.5  seconds

                           a brain function developed by evolution  and  natural selection

                                   made  possible  with  neural  lag

                                   and  a  heirarchy of  processes

                           a  signature   human quality




                  the gray mattercortex  in our brain , spread out ,

                                              is about the size  of  4 sheets  of  typing  papers

                       1/9th  of an inch thick,   containing   around  85  billion neurons                        

                  the white matter  is  zillions  of  wires, connecting  all  these  neurons

                     each  neuron   can  have  several  thousand   input wires   and

                            several  thousand   output  wires

                       these wires  mostly  get ‘ hard wired ‘  when we are young children

                       language   is  primarily  how  it’s  done

                       most brain structure   and    memories        are  somewhat  permanent

                       our  brain  to  some  degree   becomes  fixed,  hard wired


                   the brain is a very busy place

                           “ your  head is hummin’  and it won’t go in case you don’t know “

                                                                                                               lead zepplin


   the  brain  may  contain  around 170 billion  neurons

                 there  may be  around  170  billion  stars  in  our  galaxy

                         also  may  be  around  170  billion  galaxies  in  our  universe

                     this  could  be  a  Chaos-Complexity   threshold  number

                                where   the  light  bulb   turns  on


                 observe the mind    and  you will  see  sentences  streaming  by

                       one  after the other     after  the  other     after the other


                 can  we  become masters of our mind

                 can we control our thoughts

                 can  we  change  what our mind will  do

                 can  we  improve   the  health  of  our  mind

                 more so from higher states of mind     i  think


                 we  have  at least  3  memory  systems

                         working   memory

                         short term   memory

                         long  term    memory

                these  memory  systems  feed   the  language  machine  ( our thoughts )

                the  working  memory  system  is  different      and    we   can  use  it

                        it’s  a  short space        2  to  2.5  seconds

                        this  is  where  we can  meditate 

                                make  conscious  observations

                                make conscious sentences  -  thoughts

                                         a  thought  resulting   in  a  verb and  a  couple of nouns

                  this  is the working memory-mind,     the meditative  mind

                                                                             a  2  second  world

                      this  is where we can  ( for a while )  choose  to  be conscious 

                      or  the     Central Executive in the Prefrontal Cortex    ‘chooses’  to  be  conscious

                            until    the dark  forces overwhelm     of course

                                  dark  forces  being  the  flood  of  subconsciously generated  thoughts

                        sitting  down  to meditate

                             we  can be aware of our  immediate  mind  space

                             we  can  see  thoughts  entering  this  area    and  dismiss  them

                             we  can  master  our  mind  space




         the  Rig Veda   has  around  1000  hymns

               i  don’t  think  hymn  is  the  right  name  for   these   things

                    song ,  poem    doesn’t  work  either

                           i  like  mantra   a  little  better  -  here’s  why

              in  computers  we  have  a  term   ‘  instance ‘

                    when  you  call  up  a  program  into  working  memory

                           it’s  called  an   ‘ instance ‘

                    when  you  click  on  the  web browser  globe

                          you’re   instantiating    an  ‘ instance ‘  of  the  web browser

                                        into  working  memory

                          if  you  click  it  again,   you  call  up  another  separate  ‘ instance ‘


              these  mantras  aren’t   things   like    hymns,  songs,  or  poems


             processes -  a  process  of  calling-up  an  ‘ instance ‘   into  working  memory

                             of    hopefullyconscious   thoughtthinker    ~   awareness




                   my passion has always been   ‘ freedom of mind ‘      

                              to  think

                                    to  imagine    

                                              to  experience

                            that    of my choosing




       2   brains


     that    Proto-Indo-European  and   Vedic Sanskrit   having  2   verbal systems

           has  lead  me  to  believe  that  their  mind 

                                  began   a  complimentary   bicameral   polarity


    the   left  brain

           linear  ,   sequential  ,  linguistic                             present system


    the   right  brain

           perceiving  ,  experiential  ,    momentary               aorist  system




    some  think  that   we   can   multitask   2    things   rather  easily

               but    when  you  add   a  third   task,    it  crashes

               some  say  that  each  hemisphere  can  multitask  2  things


        PET   scans   have  shown  that   this  is   the   case

                   because  of  our   having    2   hemispheres



    the   Rig Veda   may   have  2    types   of   hymns

               praise-invitesmart thoughts         and         experience


      they   may   have   nailed   the   2   hemisphere    thing  

                       inventing  our  modern  mind





                      in electronics  we  have a principle  known  as  ‘ bias ‘

                             the  flow of elections  is  allowed to flow  in  one  direction  only

                             some research has  purported  that  our  brain  has bias

                                   looking down  on  brain

                             the vast majority of  electron flow  is

                                   from  the  right prefrontal  across the  corpus colossus(mostly in one direction)

                                   to  the  left  prefrontal

                                   then  back  and around  to the right  prefrontal

                                           and  back   around

                                                  in  time  while still  neural  fresh


                       I’m  convinced ,  that  this  half-second  delay

                       is  where  we  get  the  feeling    

                                              of  a  witness 

                                                    of thoughts and words


                I believe  that  this  situation  is  what  the  Aryans  brought to this planet

                a  new  mental Operation System

                    that  causes  electrons  to flow  in a counter clockwise direction  around  the  brain

                         the  left brain  involved  with  language

                         the  right brain  involved  with  awareness,  observation

                 the  right brain  appears to be controlling  the  creation  of  thoughts

                         but  is   usually  a  half  a  second  behind



                                                             a  goertzelesk  train

  how  limited  are  our  choices  ?


which  train ?

              our  state  of  mind  should be  our own  responsibility

              and  where  do  we  go ?

     our  choices

               presented  to  us  by  our  brains’  buzz  of  information  patterns

      that  we  habitually  call  reality

      she  hides  her  nipple   but  not  that  tattoo  on  her  right  breast



              i  feel  intelligence  when  reading  Ben  Goertzel’s  ‘ hidden pattern ‘




      “ Nor  should  we  overlook  the  probability  of  the

        constant  inculcation  of  a  belief  in  God  on  the

        minds  of  children  producing  so  strong  and  perhaps

       inherited  effect  on  their  brains  not  fully

       developed ,  that  it  would  be  as  difficult  for  them  to

       throw  off  their  belief  in  god ,  as  for  a  monkey  to

       throw  off  its  instinctive  fear  of  snakes “



                                       thoughts  are  limiting





             young  children   inundated  with  language

                    grow  a  language  machine  in  the  brain

                          trillions  of  eventually  permanent  connections-pathways

                          axons   and   dendrites   get  laid   down

                          later  growth  happens  more  at  the  synapses

                    beliefs           could be  axonal  and  dendrital

                    details           synaptical 

        after  the  brain  becomes   somewhat   hard wired

                                 at  the axonal  and  dendrital  levels

        changing  beliefs  might  be   tuff

         losing    syntactical  detail   may  take  a   shrink

         but  adding  new   syntactical  pathways-associations   should  be  easy


          ‘  how  many commercials  have you seen in your    entire     life ? ‘

                 those commercials  wereare  craftily  and  permanently  placed  in  our  brain

                       our  brains  has  been  fucked




                                       Friedrick  Nietzsche


   2350  years  ago  Pyrrhus   accompanied  Alexander 

   on his conquest of Northern  India

   he  was  upper class and educated

   but  then  all  men  were  drafted  into  the  Army

   when  there  he  studied  Buddhism

   upon  his return to Greece

   he  started   the  school  of  Skepticism

   Skepticism  is  a  practice ,  not  so  much  a  philosophy

   where  one  suspends

                   thoughts  and  beliefs  in the  non-evident

                   suspends   beliefs  in  matters  that  can not be  substantiated

       cease  or  suspend  judgment

                   about  claims beyond  the present  immediate  experience

       angst  and  suffering   is  felt

                   when  thinking  about  ambiguous  non-evident  stuff


                  eschew  thoughts  and  beliefs

                  and  live  in the world  of  immediate  experience                      


    Skepticism  was  quite  popular  in  Rome  and  Greece

                 until  pushed  into  oblivion  by  Christianity

        and  in  India

                 until  pushed  into  oblivion  by  Hinduism 

                           Buddhism (skeptic like)  also  was  pushed  out  of  India

    Nietzsche  was  a  noted  professor  of  ancient  Greek  philology

               and  reignited   Skepticism .

                       which  rings  familiar  to    eastern  philosophies

        Nietzsche’s  ubermench  was  not  a  superman

                     but  a  conscious  man

                                                  one  who  lives  in  the  real  world


     His  first  publications  were  about  an  ancient  Greek

                    named   Diogenes  Lertius

                          who  wrote a book  called

                               ‘  the Lives  and Opinions  of  Eminent  Philosophers ‘


     Diogenes  went  around  Athens  listening  to  eminent philosophers

-       the  twisted  path -

          Diogenes  was  rich  but  a  dolt,  an  idiot

          after  listening to philosophers

              he  came  home  and  dictated  to  his  slaves

                   who  wrote  this stuff  down  on papyrus ( short lasting )  

                   recopied  on  papyrus , eventually  paper

                           by  many  people,  including  Christian monks


-       the  problem –

       what  did  the  philosophers  really  say

       how  accurate  is  the  final  rendition



The  Rig  Veda

       codified  orally  for  over  1500  years

            i  wander :     did  any  of  these  memorizers

                                         have  mental  problems

                                                  memory  problems

                                                  emotional  problems

                                                  political  problems

                                                  religious  problems

                                                  woman   problems

                                                  IQ  problems


    i  like  Nietzsche

                  for  proving  to meDiogenes    that -

                        the  Rig Vedic  rendition      we  have  today

                              is    estranged   

                                   from  the  mental  world  it  ‘quotes’


   i  like  Nietzsche

                      for  awakening  in me  the  understanding

                               that  the  real  world  can  be  found  in  the  Now



                     take charge of your mind

                         elevate your perspective



           when  the  prefrontal  cortex  is  firing and  lite  up

           you’re  probably  in  a  conscious  state  of  mind



                                           x  yoga              y    yoga


  x   yoga   -   beautiful      gratitude ,  compassion ,  prayer ,  surrender , empathy ,  service  


  y   yoga   -   in meditation  heroic  effort ,  conquer ,   battle ,  win ,  dominate ,  rule ,  victory


           i  have  a  masculine  nature  and    relate  to   y     yoga

           taking  control  of  my  mind  and  reveling  in  the  victory

           arrogantly  enjoy  the  conscious  mind

           winning  a  clear  mind,  is  fucking  fun


           the  older half of the Rig Veda  was    y  yoga


           the  newer half  started  the  movement  towards     x   yoga                   

      in  my  opinion




    say  the  mind  can attend  to  only  one thing  at  a  time

                                this  state  of  mind  is  usually  accompanied  with  a  feeling

       meditation…   self regulateschooses    whatwhere   that  attentionstate   is

       meditation…   we  go  from  mind  concerned  with  not-now

                                        to   now

                                        to  the  more  conscious

                                   and  maybe  choose  enjoymentmy favorite

       meditation…   works  best  in a group,  with  a  guide

                                                                                      i   prefer  90% - 95%  silence


       meditation…     notice  a  clear  mind

                                become  aware  of  being   awake  in  the  conscious  mind     

                                    and   feel   arrogant  victory

                                                           or  choose  another  feeling

      meditation…     observe  the  mind

                                             notice that there  are  no  thoughts






               meditation  practice    starting  with      smart talk

               and  then    proceeds    to  conscious  talk

          the  conscious  thinker  invites  indra  to  the  meditation  party

                        indra,  the  conscious  mind,   correlates  to

                               prefrontal  cortex   activity

                               *   conscious  of  what’s  in the  mind

                               *   conscious  action

                                            swat away intruding  subconscious  shit

                                            the  choice  is  yours

                                     being  ‘ central executive ‘  is  orgasmic  i  think



                                    pracetā  vīrasvarā

                                             a   virile  conscious voice




                                            Hot Yoga


    imagine  a   yoginī   guiding    the   meditation

             she   does   some relaxing stuff   and  then  might  say

                           ‘ observe  the  floor  underneath  you ‘

            a  few      minutes  later   she  might  say

                           ‘ observe  your  hands ‘

            a  few      minutes   later   she  might  say

                           ‘ observe  your  breath ‘

            a  few    minutes  later  she  might  say

                           ‘ observe  your  mind ‘

            a  few   minutes  later  she  might  say

                          ‘ observe  the  absence  of  thought ‘

            a  few  minutes  later  she  might  say

                          ‘ observe  your  mind ‘

 that  woman  knows  how  to  party  !!!



                            unasking   with   caffeine  


            many  meditators  like  to  relax  to a state  of  peace


             others  may  take  the  path  of   conquest

                       taking responsibility  for  our  thoughts

                       choose   experience

                       wide  awake

                       fight  for  clarity

                     rule  the  mind


         prefrontal cortex   of  both  hemispheres    in  action

               left brain                  actor    agent

               right  brain               experiencer


     the  right brain’s mind  is  aware  of  what  is  going  on in the  mind

                                               is  aware  of  what’s  being  experienced

     the left  brain’s  mind   will  docontrol  action

                  swat  away  the   intrudingsubconscious

                  chooses  what’s  going  on in the mind


         keeping  predominant  neural  activity     in  the  prefrontal  cortex




    i  believe      the  older half  of  the  Rig Veda  was  written   by

             brāmin  priests  some  400-500  years  after

             Vedic  had  melted  away  into  Prākritic  cultures.

             and  is  a  religious  recollection  of  an  older  (foreign-bardic) line  of  thoughtsong

                    Aryans  never  talked  about  soul,  life after death  or  morality

             They  talked  about  (conscious) states  of  beingmind

                    and  how  to  achieve and  enjoy   them

          Vedic  was  last  spoken  maybe  3600 - 3700  years  ago

                    the  Rig  Veda  started  compiling  about   3200  years  ago

   in my opinion


          drum circle

                        it  seems neurologically,

                               that we live in a 2 second worldworking memory

                        a  reminder  drum beat every 2 seconds

                              could be   the  sweet  spot


                        we  need  around  2  seconds  to  subjectively  understand  an  event

                        says  neuroscience



                                                  self  deception


          our   senses  ,  subconscious   and  unconscious  certainly  give  us  misinformation

          but   could  you  call   it   deception ?

          can  we  consciously   deceive  ourselves  ? !

            the  French  philosopher  Pascal  came  up  with  an  argument

                  saying  that  it  could  be  rational   to  do   so

                       such  as   the  case  of  believing  in  god

                       one  might  not  believe  in god ,  because  of  the  absence  of  evidence

                          but  Pascal  says  that   even  if  there  is  only  a  .001 %  chance  that  god  exists

                          one  might  want   to  consciously  deceive  oneself   here

                             because  of  the  immense  consequences

                                believing  in  god  means  spending  eternity  in  heaven

                                not  believing  means    spending  eternity  in  hell

                           can  a  person  just  choose  what  to  believe  ?            

           republicans  believe  that  they  are  more patriotic  then  democrats

                they  define  the  word   and  then  say  that  they  are  more  patriotic

                     but  are  they  deceiving  themselves  ?

           is  there  a  ‘ patriotism ‘   or  is  it  just  made  up   by  the  mind  ?

               is  there   a   ‘ self ‘   to  be  deceived  or  is  it  just  made  up  by  the  mind 


           we  might  be  in  a  situation  where

                a  something   that   is  made  up  by  the  mind

                is   being   beguiled   by   something   that  is  made  up  by  the  mind



                                  what  if  there’s  no    after  life





             The  theory  of  Supervenience states  that

             there  is  a  hierarchy  of  properties  in  a  system.

             Where  lower  properties  determine  the  distribution

             and  structure  of  higher  properties.

             And  that  the  higher  order  properties  supervene  on  the  lower  properties.

    such  as

            chemical  properties  determine  the  distribution  and  structure of  the  brain,

            The  brain  determines  the  distribution  and  structure  of  the  first  order  mind.

            The  first  order mind  determines

                     the  distribution and   structure  of  the  second  order  mind.


         The  second order mind  can  supervene  on the  first order mind.

         The  first  order  mind  supervenes  on  the  brain.

         The  brain  supervenes  on  chemicals


        the   universe   mind  supervenes  on  galactic  mind

        the  galactic mind  supervenes  on   earth  mind



               there’s  probably  a  cultural  mind  involved  also

                             both  historical  and   contemporaneous

                             additionally     the  future  has    Strange Attractorschaos      pulling


               our  minds  interface  with  our  individual    memorypatterns

                               as  well  as   our  cultural   memorypatterns



           i  wonder if the reason that  some  music makes it to the top  of the  charts

                   is  because  of  some  similar pattern  

                                in  the  collective  unconscious

                                in  some  subtle  pattern  process  

                     that   was  established   from    some   previous   culturial  deed



      thoughts  may  trick us into believing that other people cause our suffering

             when ,  more likely  it’s ,   our  thoughts  cause  our  suffering



the  brain  is  very  creative  with  its  sense   data

    then   we  add  language


    with  language  we  communicate  with  others

    and    ourselves


    when  we  talk  with  ourselves

         is  our  right brain    witnessing    the  language  centers   of  the  left  brain

             adding  a  touch  of   awarenesswitness  to  the  words

                 ‘ she  hide  her  nipple  but  not  that  tattoo ‘



                                the bottom line

                                is state of   mind




   quantum  people  talk  about  the  Observer

   einstein   talked  about  the  Observer

   yoginīs    suggest  to  Observe  the  breath

   but      those  times

   when  the  Observer  turns  towards  the  mind



          the  older  half  of  theRig  Veda   may  be  describing   a   technique   of  meditation

                      using  the   Prefrontal cortex  and  working memory

                                to  Wake-up,  step  into  conscious  experiences

                                         to   get  into   the   Here  and  Now

                         not   a  permanent   change

                                        but     sitting   down   twice    a  day

                                                        and    meditating

                                        with  the   Will   to  be  Awake   


                  Meditation   was  seen  as  enjoyable

                                stepping  out  of  incessant  self  chatter

                                           into  the  conscious  mind


                  Meditation  is  done  by  controlling  attention  ( the  Offering ,  havis )

                        initially  with  voice

                            guiding   attention   to   conscious   thoughts  

                                                            and  conscious  awarenesses



        if  we  attach  ourselves to a stream of thoughts

              we  leave  the realm   of   experience

        detaching   ourselves  from this  stream of thoughts  ( stream of English  sentences )

               we  can get back to the  realm  of experience

               but  this is a mind  without  memory

               how  do  we  remember being here

               just on the edges of our present moment

                     this   Working Memory    function of  the brain

                            is  where   heaven and earth  meet

                                  the  realm   of   the   awaremind



        thanks to evolution  and  natural  selection

         surviving   human beings developed   a  brain function   called  ‘ working memory ‘

                                                                                              probably  using  neural  lag

           located  in the prefrontal cortex – home of the Central  Executive -  our  ‘ light bulb ‘

              it  possess   a little  leeway  ( some room)    around  the  ‘ present moment ‘

                      a  second or 2  or  3

        this  can  be the realm  of  Agni,    the  conscious thinker

                 he  can  ‘ set the table ‘ 

                             for  conscious  experiences

                             for  conscious   functions

                             possibly  conscious  journeys



        4500  years  ago,   the  Aryans   saw  a  different  world

               they  didn’t  know  what  the  sun  was

               or  that  the  earth  rotated

           but  outside  of  thought -  outside   the thinking  mind

                 there  are  experiences   common  to  all human  beings

                like     sex ,   the  site  of  a  beautiful  woman,   ice cream

                         universal  expriences

                                in particular ,    meditation  -  a  state  of  mind

            the  Rig Veda   could  then    be  understood    if

                 a  quiet,  alert,  awareconscious   mind -  is   what   they’re   talkin’  about

                 and  it  could  be   because

                      this  state  of  mind  is  a  common  natural  human  experience

                             a  special   state  of  mind   -    blissful


                          Take charge of your mind



         In language there are 2 main categories of words

                                  verbs  and  nouns

             left brain  -  verbs             right brain - nouns

                   Nouns are an understanding of  some ‘thing’    (no  time )

                   Verbs   set  action  ( in  time )        



                                                     rap  music


        now a days  when someone  writes an article

               it  is  put  in writing   and  published

                      it  stays  in  that  form       forever


         we  project   this   process   onto   the  oral  tradition

         4000   years   ago

             we  imagine   someone   composing   a  hymn or story   at   a  certain  time

                  publishing   it   ( memorized  by    some  people )

                        and  repeated   accurately?   for  1500  years

                        very  doubtful  scenario


                               rather    a  Bardic  tradition  


          Milman  Parry  and  others   have   put   forth   a  much  more  likely  Bardic  scenario


         called   the  Oral  Formulaic  Hypothesis

             where   an  original  story  or  hymn   had  a  general   theme

                     thousands  of  phrases  were  memorized

                          and  remixed  on  the  spot

                               remixed  formulisticly

                  using   some   repeated   clauses

                  modular   like  phrases



                  and  some   Chomsky 

                         where  a  semantic  idea  generates

                                an  appropriate  phrase 

                  all  done  within  the  formula  ,  metre ,   and  what  not

                              from  a  large  group  of  memorized  phrases

                  the  bard   was   creative  not  with  semantics   but  with  syntax

                              they  rearranged  memorized  phrases  at  each  performance

                  the   themes  stayed  pretty  much  the  same

                        the  bards  had  some  impromptu

                        some  of  these  people  were  undoubtedly  rock  stars

                                              rap  music


                 our  memories  are  stored  at  the  micro-molecular  level

                 but   the  memory  system   functions   at  the  story  level

                 we  recall  a  memory  at  the   story  level

                       then   access   the  finer grain   stuff


           they  would  use  the  story   to  get  at  the  finer  grained

                   words  and  phrases

                          with   some   on-the-fly   composition

                                using  for  the  most  part ,  ready  made   modules




                               there  are  lots of   mentalworlds to get lost  into

                                       the  Now  is  probably  the  best   bet




                          the  condom


         there  could  be  17  fundamental  elements;

                                    quarks       up                charm             top

                                                                             down            strange           bottom     

                                    leptons       e-neutrino     m-neutrino      t-neutrino

                                                                              electron        muan              tau

                                    bosons       photon          z                     w                    gluon               higgs



    At  the  heart   of   each  of  the  17  fundamental   elements  that  make  up  our  universe

         is   a   one   dimensional   vibrating   string

            each  of  the  17   strings        vibrate  differently

                     this   string   resides   in  a   sphere – sheath – condom


         from   earth   we   can  look  out   in  every  direction

             the  farther  we  look,  the  younger  the  universe  looks

                  until  we  get  to the  big  bang

             and  say  at   13.81   billion  light  years    away

                                 ( no matter where  we  are in the universe, we are always at the center )

                        we  reach  the  Big Bang  in  all  directions

                         what  appears to be a canopy  surrounding  the  universe

                                      is  really  that  tiny quantum sized  sphere

                                                surrounding   the  fundamental   string

                         they  are   one and  the same


              that  shining  conscious   awareness  in  our  eyes

                         must  be  universal

                                     not  separate  sources             


                      experience only  happens  now


                         interesting words   are  fuzzy

                  they’re   lacking  a  capital  M  Meaning

                  they’re   soulless



                                    information  is  non-material


          the  mind  happens  with  neural  activity

                the  mind  could  be  information  processing  other  information

                                                         effecting  information  at  other  levels

                                                         biased    activity (one direction)

                                processes  happening  at  different  levels

                                        layers  interfacing  with  its  neighbors

               information  amongst  information

               information  within       information


               information  may be stored  in  memory

               but  there  needs  to be  neuralactivity  for  the  mind  to  be

               mind  =  information  patterns  being  processed  intelligentlywith some conscious

                   the  mind  interfaces   the  brain  and  consciousness

                       and  may  have  7  layers

                           with   octavesovertones   going  in  both  ways


                   maybe  our  upper  layer  of  mind

                                                      where  the  self  is experienced

                                                      where  experience  is  experienced

                             overtones  to  the  cosmic  scale

                             cosmic  overtones   resonating   down  to  our  head


                each  layer  in  the  Hierarchy

                               being  friendsinterfacing  with its  neighbors

               the  mind manomayakośa  would  not  understand or speak 

                                        the  deeperlanguage   at  the  synaptic  level   annamayakośa

                          but  more so  with  neighbors       below     feelings       prānamayakośa

                                                                              above      intellect       vijρānamayakośa



    i am most conscious, awake, self-aware

               when the colors and textures of the world

                         are  there



   Emotions are viral programs running  in the subconscious recesses of the mind

   Feeling      are    new     fresh      of the moment





                                                 And    Or


     (Or)       the  left  brain  is  Hierarchical

                 the  Army






                                                     foot  soldiers

          each  layer   has  it  own  action  algorithms

                   a  control  structure

                   each   layer   manipulating  different   information

                   each   in control  and effective  with  it’s  own  predictions

                   higher  levels  can   direct  and  discipline   lower  levels

                         lower  levels  provide  feedback -  results       to  higher  levels

                   linear      biasdirectional


   (And)       right  brain  lives  in  a world  of  patterns

                                                     physiological   associations

     fractal     memory  network

             clusters  within  clusters   within  clusters   within  clusters

             memory  associations(analogies)   at  the  story  level 

                                layered  down  to  the  physicalsynaptic level

               patterns  flowing   into  a   region of state

                                the  "strange attractor."    such as -      the  result  of  a  google  search

                                       who  was  the  movie  star   in   Prometheus  ?

                                       the  question  ‘  who  am i ‘

                                             would  be  the  strange  attractor

                                             associatedfound  patterns   whirling   information(concept)   into  the  vortex

                                                                                              the  answer


                     wegemini  are in  the  chariotmind   pulled  by  2  spirited  horseshemispheres   

                                 one horse  named   And

                                               the  other   Or

                 her  eyes made me forget





           it  seems  like  i  have  2  equal  and  friendly  personas-natures

           relating  directly  to  the  2  hemispheres

           When  i  stop  my car  for  a  lady  to  cross  the  street ,

           half  of  me  is  a  considerate  gentleman ,

           the  other  half  of  me   is  checking  out  what  wiggles.     


                            don’t be a victum of your thoughts

                                elevate your perspective

                                    be the Thinker of your thoughts





           we  live  in  2   worlds

                     heaven   and  earth

                             the  world  of   Now   and  the  world  of   Time

                                     Now   =    is   the  only  ‘place’  where  we  can  experience

                                                     Now    verbs  do  not  express  time

                                     Time  =    things  and  events    in  Space-Time

                                                     Time  verbs  express  time


                  the   Now  ‘exists’  outside  of  Space-Time

                          Now  is  dimensionless

                                   consciousness  does  not  have  a  location


                   i  believe  that  this  why  we  have  2  complimentary hemispheres

                                  right  brain/mind    deals  with   Now

                                  left    brain/mind    deals  with  events  in  time

                            melded  by  the  corpus  callosum


                    operating  in these  2  complimentary  worlds    

                            we    experience     and     act


             say  we  have  2  people  standing inside a big rubber  band

                    they   push  apart

                             creating  a  tension  or  pull

                        they  remain  separate  observers

                              but  share  an  equal  experience

          this  shared  experience  is  the  interface  between  2  complimentary  pairs

                           yin     yang

                          consciousness    brain

                          Now       Time



                               3  dimensional  chess


   the  2  hemispheres  of  our  brain  may  reflect  the  world  that  we  see .

            matter  -  energy  ,        particle  -  wave  ,         digital  -  analog


  the  left  brain   does  language  ,                        agent

  the  right  brain  does   awareness  ,                   experiencer


  the  Proto  Indo-Europeans  used  the

                                         Present System  for  left    brain   verbal  expression

                                         Aorist   perfect System  for  right  brain   verbal  expression


  it  was  not  unusual  for  them  to  use  a  sentence  with  2  clauses

                             subordinate  clause    -    main  clause


  one  clause  could  use  a  Present System  verb

                        the  other  an  Aorist  System  verb


  in  one  sentence ,  they  could  convey  both  views


  sort of    like  3  dimensional  chess



   the  singular  Big Bang  is  to  the   billions  of  Black Holes

   as   the  self          to  the  billions  of  neurons

   universal  structures

         simple  to  complex

         complex  to  simple

    no  Absolutes

    no  start  or  finish  to  the  universe

    but  Relativity


                                     brain   ~   mind


                                brain  ~  consciousness


  there  are  over   100,000,000   processors 

                                 at  the   small(100 neurons)   column  cortical  level

                                 each  one  does  algorithms

                                            input - processing – output

           the  patterns  at  this  level

                       are  grandparents   to  the  central  executive  level


       like  in  Apocalypse  Now

                    helicopters  saying         ‘ death from above ‘

       well,   it  turns  out 

                    it’s  death  from  both  ways



                                         My  case  for  the  Vedic  Verb


            Last spoken  3700  years ago,  Vedic  was a natural spoken language

                        with  no  cadence ,  with  word  accent

                                music  and  poetry   have  cadence

            Classical Sanskrit  was  not a  spoken  vernacular  language

                        but  a  formal, literary,  poetic  language

                                with  cadence  and  no  word  accent

                        it’s  quite different from  a  vernacular  language  like  English

            many  things  were  reduced  in  Classical      

                        the  Aorist  and  the Perfect  systems  were  dropped.

     And  when  they  used  the  Perfect  form,  it  was  changed  to  a  type  of  simple  past

           The  Present  System   was  also  greatly  simplified,  by using  lots  of  participles

                  the  beautiful  complex  Vedic  verbal  system   was   destroyed

                           and  replaced  by  a  simpler  system of  participles  and  gerunds



           i’m  making  the  case  that  the  Vedic  Verbal  system   was  rich  in  Information


           i  see  the  Vedic  Verbal  system  as  representing  2  cognitive  systems

                        tense                time    of  event      ascending  time         imperfective

                        aspect              shape of  event      descending  time        perfective



         Middle  voice     dealt  with  the  subjective  perspective

         Active   voice     dealt  with  the  objective  perspective


           in  the  old  days  they  may  have  distinguished   different  kinds  of  Past

                   before  today

                   today         the  18  hours  of  contiguous   awareness

                                     this   18  hour  period  has  a  Past,  Present,  Anticipation

                   Meditative  period  of  say  30  minutes     ( Rig Veda )

                                     this  30  minute  period  has  a  Past,  Present,  Anticipation

                   the  all  important  Working Memory  of   2  to  3   seconds

                                     this  2  to  3  second  period  has  a  Past,  Present,  Anticipation

                                     Working  Memory  can  stretch  out  the  Now  for  the  mind  to  work

                                     the  sand  box  of  Consciousness , Awareness, Experience


                  now a days  we  see  events  happening  in  the  Future

                                We  go  to  the  events

                 in  Vedic  times  they  saw  events  coming  to  them  in  the  Now

                               anticipation  of  something  happening  here

                                      they  didn’t  have  a    Future  Tense

                                                 but  the   subjunctive  ( expectation )


                 Tense  also  has  a  reference  point



        Now  the  other  side  of  the  coin

                  Aspect  =   shape  of  an  event


        The  human  mind  seems  to  see  7  distinctions

                         7   colors   in  the  spectrum

                         7   notes    in  the  scale

                         7   declensions  of  nouns


                                   7   types   of  intelligence


 1.        Verbal-linguistic

 2.        Musical

 3.        Math- Logic

 4.        Athletic

 5.        Artistic


               think in pictures

 6.        Social


               understands   feelings  of  others

  7.        Self-awareness



                  aware  of  inner  activities



      the  mathematics of the mind  should  be  built  around the  Octave

                  the  higher  levels   would  be  software

                  the  lower   levels   would  be  material

                     probably   7  levels   but  many  octives

                  crystalline one would think


                         where   the  harmonics  of  an  Octave

                                                                   repeat in both directions

                                                                   folding  back  onto  itself  eventually  

                                                                                                                                                                                 13.7 billion light years away

                                each  octave  being  understood or  known  by  it  neighbor

                         patterns  within  patterns  within  patterns  within  patterns

                   the  piano  player  always  sits  at  the  middle of  the  Octaves

    makes  you  wonder,,,   if  you   keep  going  in  both  directions

                                                                      do  you   finally  get back to where you started


              there  is  no  meeting  ‘place’

              no   base

              no  ultimate  explanation

              no  there  there

     but  a  continuum  of  some kind


          there  probably   is  no  Theory of  Everything

          no  pot  of  gold  at the end of  the  rainbow   


     life  is  not  sad  because  there  is  no  Santa Clausgod


     life  is  exciting,   fun,   interesting


   consciousness  adds  lightintelligence   to  the  material or  lower  levels


   if  the  universe  is  a  collection  of  interrelatedharmonic  patterns

     then  each  patterns’  imageoctave  may be  familiar   with   its   surrounding  patterns

              close patterns   can  interface

                     in  hierarchy



      assuming       there  are  different  kinds of    IQs

            the  IQ  in     ‘ understanding the experience  you’re  in ‘

                  Jenna has  that    i think



                possibly  7  distinctions  of    Aspect


1.          instantaneous       a  gun  shot       momentanious

2.          continuous

3.          end of  process                      i  divorced  her              fuzzy  until  divorce

4.          start of  process                     i  married     her            marriage  then  fuzzy

5.          iterative     repetitive     intensive

6.          change  of  state

7.          culmination         resulting state


     the  Aorist  system  expresses   Aspect

i  add   that  the  7   classes  of  the  Present System

                   are  also  involved  describing  an  event


the  Aorist  is  a  right  brain  verbal  expression             perfective – Descending  time

the  Present System   is  a  left  brain  expression        imperfective -  Ascending  time


          the  viewpoint  of  the  perfective  is  of  the  whole      complete

                      with  the  end points  of  the  event   in  view

         the  viewpoint  of  the  imperfective  is  of  process

                     internal  stuff  of  an  event        the  event  boundaries  outside  of  view


     the  Perfect

                   a   State  or  achievement   

                               that  is  the  result  of     a  completed  past  event

                   i  ate(past tense)          says  that  i  ateprocess   at  some  time

                   i  have  eaten(perfect)     says  that  i  have  eaten  and  am  i’m  still  sitting  at  the  table

         some  hubris

                   i  have  arrived        says  that  i  have  arrived  and  i’m  right  here



                                              yin   yang


                  Yin           left    brain

                  Yang        right  brain


           voice    decends   with   Yin

                       ascends   with   Yang





                            some statements


         ‘ those  2  nipples  are  a  pair ‘

                                    can  be  verified


        ‘ there  is  a  ghost  in  that  house ‘

                                       evidence  please

        ‘ there  is  life  after  death ‘

                i  really  want  to  believe  in  this  one

                       god , send  me  a  sign

                              drop  those  panties



                     the center  of  the  universe


   we  are  standing  at  the  middle

   the  Universe  can  talk  to  us   from  2  directions

   from  above

   from  below

   we  assume  that  (from above)  and  (from below)   had

                                                   starting  points

                                                   starting  places


            many  philosophers  for-at-least 2400 years   disagree


            Relativity    is  the  cool  philosophy

                    above  and  below  are  relative

                    no  matter   how  many  floors  the  elevator  takes  you

                                                            you’re   always  at  the  middle

                    as  with  Time           

                                           before  and  after   this  moment

                                                             we’re  always  at  the  middle




           quantum,   atomic,   synapse,   neuron, 

           small column(100 neurons)         large column(100 small columns)


      each  level  having  its  own  algorithms

                    interfaced  via  machine language      with  its  neighbor

     simple  to  complex

     or  is  it  complex  to  simple  ??

                                      or  both ??

     is  there  an  universal  structure  of  mind  ?

                                    of  machine language

                                                of  algorithms

             emergent  from  physical   structurepatterns

                             this  is  really  fucking  with  my  mind



      machinery of the mind


    the  shape  of  information-patterns  is probably  done  at  the  molecular  level

    several  layers  up ,  the   small  columns(100 neurons)

            are  probably  the  prime   engines   of  the  patterns  of   mind

       a  strange  combo  of    simple  to  complex

                                     and  complex  to  simple

              a  vector  on  up    to  the  central  executive   layer 


                 bottom  up    and    top down

                 more   intelligence  at  the  top


            patterns  on  one  level  have  an  harmonic

                   relationship  with  its  neighbours



             the  physical  is  significantly   shaped  by  atoms  and  molecules

       in  a  soup,   there  are  many  trillions  of  atoms  and  molecules

       out  of  the  soup  of  billions  of  atoms

                                                        patterns  emerge


           determines   a   basic  building  block   to  the  mind

                    its  patterns    reflecting     octavely     upward


             a  Maserati   and  a  pinto

             may  actually   emit  their  own   vibes


                         thingswords  do  not  have  a  soul

                                 no  ultimate  reality

                               but  instead       fuzzy            did  she  say  yes ?

              the  A.I.  people  define  things   as   patterns  of   processes

             multilayered   processes  that  exist  in  an  orchestra

                            with  2  conductors

                                     one  at  the  top

                                     and  a   crap  ton   at  the  bottom



        in  English   we  have  a  word   for   Wolf,     wolf  

         it  is  found in the dictionary   and  can be easily  retrieved  from  memory

        in  Sanskrit   we  can  also  use  the  memory  form  of    vṛkṣa


        Sanskrit  offers   more

          you   can  also   refer  to  wolf  by  its  qualities

             building  a  word   from  roots   on  the  fly

                ‘ a  scary  thing  with  big  teeth ‘

        instead of being   restricted   by  your  memory  paradigms

             you  can  think  more  outside of the box

                   think   more  consciously

        instead  of  memorizing   vocabulary

            build  a  word-phrase  from  a  root

                    focusing  more   on  roots   and   its  modifications

        2  different  paths


        the  stories  in the  Indo-European  languages   have  Heros

            i  think  that  these   heroic  stories  originated  from  a  culture  where   Bards

                went  around   entertaining   ( rapping )    like  rap  music

                     about  heros   

                            the   Greeks  kept  more  of   the   cowboy  hero

                                           consciousgod like  behavior  in the world

                            the   Indians   went  more  for   the   mental   hero

                                           consciousgod like  experience  in the mind




            (   theory    1)

                   is  that  3500 – 4500  years ago the human mind made a big change.

                       from     2   uncomplimentaryuncooperating  hemispheres 

                       to   a   cooperating  team 

                   a  mind  of  self chatter   and  polar  stimulation      +   -

                   this  change   was  initialized  by the Proto Indo-European  language

                   uniting   the  2  hemispheres

                          the  awareness  of  the  right  brain

                                 lighting  up  the   language  of  the  left  brain

                                          a  speaker  of  the  sentence  was  born

                                                  a   me

                   this  language  created a  new  Central Operating System in the brain-mind.

                                a single memory system, built  around a ‘me’ 

                  outside of this language, people’s minds  had   2  Operating Systems.

                         a    dosPC   on  the  left  side        a  Mac   on  the  right

                               2   different memory systems

                               each  unaware of the other.  ( like our dream memories )


                  the    Proto Indo-European   language was  the  softwarerunning on the brain

                          the  Present  verbal  System   is   of  the  left  hemisphere

                          the  Aorist     aware  System   is  of  the  right  hemisphere



    (  second theory )

           various philosophies suggest  that we can make  decisions

                  that  we can choose between  chocolate  and  vanilla

                              between a chaotic mind and a clear-alert mind

                  that   we can decide to lose weight

           that   we  can    be  the     master of our  mind.

           so,  why  can’t  people  lose  weight  ?


           my theory,  is that there is no  ’captain of the ship ‘

                                                    no   decider   ‘ in  there ‘

                         there  is  nobody  in  there    looking  out  of  our  eyes

                         our   eyes  are  photon  receptors 

                                  sending  millions  of  pulses  through out  the  brain

                                                                         neural   pulses  coming  in


           language taught  to children         structure  the brain    as  a  language  machine

              this   ‘ roaring ‘  language   engine   creates  

                      the illusion  that   there  is  a  decider   ‘ in there ‘

                            and  that  this  mentallanguage  world  is  real


                 and  of course,    we  would  feel  that  world



   (   third     theory )

             the  world  can  be  looked   at     from    2    perspectives


                                cause  and  effect

                                linear      sequential

                                past  -  present  -  future    ( time )

                                more    noun    oriented

                                left   brain


                                things    happen     

                                perception  -  experience

                                the   perspective   is   from   the   present  moment

                                more   verb   oriented 

                                right    brain              

            Vedic  Sanskrit      had    2   cognitive systems

                     objective   world   was   described   with   the    Present  System

                                    the  left-hemisphere  perspective

                     subjective   world   was   described   with  the   Aorist  System

                                    the  right-hemisphere  perspective


               the  Indo-European  language  may  have  opened  the  door  between

                    the  2  hemispheres ,  enabling  the  development  of  the  ‘ individual ‘              

                          the  ‘ me ‘

              Homo-sapiens   have  been  around  for  maybe  200,000  years.

                 the  minds  of  ancient  peoples   were  very  different  from  ours

                       the  Rig Veda  gives  us  a  glimpse  into  a  mind   around  4000  ago.

                              doesn’t  go  very  far  back   but   still  interesting


             the  birth  of  the  ‘ individual ‘  may  have  something   to  do  with  

                         the  experience  of  consciousness

                                  existential  awareness

                                          feeling  responsible

                                                 and  thinking  about ‘ me ‘




      religious people  tend talk  of  the  capital  S    Self

      my    Theory of  Mind     is  more  about  the  little   s   self



           godconsciousness  created  the  world


           consciousness  is  emergent  from  the  brain


            these  2  positions  are  gross  oversimplifications

                                                         only  partially  helpful




       the   Rig Veda   was    composed   at a special time

                 as  Indo-European  languages  spread  a  new  mental Operating System

                 whose  signature is  self chatter

                 brought  about a  mental paradigm shift

                       to  the  modern  mind


                   cooperating  hemispheres

                   relative         hemispheres




             2 worlds      

                                     objective       ‘out there’                      

                                     subjective      ‘in   there’         needs an ‘ awake me’


                                     left  brain   perspective

                                                  the mind concerned with    ‘ outer things ‘     objects

                                     right  brain   perspective

                                                  the mind concerned with    ‘ inner things ‘      now               



                        the  theory  of  everything

                              matter   and   consciousness   be   2   sides  of  a  coin

                              and  the  coin   be   made  up  of  information

                              the  mind  interfacing  the  2

                                    artificial  intelligence  may  have  the  capacity 

                                                  to  figure  this  mystery  out



                       we  certainly   need   a   healthy  functioning  brain   to   ‘ feel  it ‘

                       scientific  instruments  can  pinpoint   the  prefrontal cortex  as  the  place

                             where  our  conscious  activities  takes  place

                                   like  meditation,  mindfulness,  decisions,  planning,  making  sentences,  feeling  awake

                         our  brain  is   ‘ yin ‘            consciousness   ‘ yang ‘

                                                a  polar  pair



         the  Octave

               the  brain

                      likes  to  distinguish    7s 

                            7    rainbow  colors

                            7    notes  of  scale

                            7     declensions   

                            7    digit  phone number

                                  7   aorists

                                  7    present  system   classes

                                              1,    4,     6

                                              2,    3,     7,       5 and 9                no         8  and  10    in  Vedic


                         trying to discover  the  7  distinctions  of the present system   seems  reasonable

                                      each  class   probably  having  its   own   semantic  color

                       the  aorist  and  present system   are  probably  processed  in  the  working memory 

                                        ( equating    the  7  thing  with  working memory )

                            sentences  coming up from the subconscious   are  processed  differently

                                   the  working memory  constructs  conscious   sentences  or  phrases

                                          we  think in  phrases


          Vedic  verbs  are  unique  in  that  they  are  difficult  to   memorize                   

                   there  are  too  many  verbal   variations   (thousands)

                         especially   if  you  were  to  say   anything  very  meaningful

                               phrases ,  particularly  verbs      need  to be  created-constructed   when  spoken

                                       Vedic  can  also  be  used  as   a  Conscious  language

                                            the  prefrontal cortex  needing  to  be  engaged 

                                                as  opposed  to the subconscious  being  the  generator  of  thoughts 



                            working  memory      -         memory in the   CPU       -     immediate   memory

                            short  term  memory   -       memory  in        RAM       -      today

                            long  term   memory   -       memory   on      Hard Drive


      i  believe  that  in  our  prefrontal cortex,   we  have   special  function

               known  as  Working Memory.   At  its  core  is  the  Central  Executive

                       this  is  where  we  can  consciously  make  sentences        

                               where    we   can  experience  being  Awake

                                        where   we  meditate

           a  subject  of  ancient    Aryan   poetry,  i  believe

                                                -  4500 years  ago - 


          some  human  experiences   are  equivalent   -  such  as

               when  the  mind  is    [ quiet,  alert,  aware ]     in  the   here  and  now     kind of thing

                       we    share   some   common  experiences

                              universal  human   experiences ,      states  of  mind

                       that  the   Rig Veda  is  describing   some   common-universal   experiences

                              is  reasonable  because     they ,    i  think ,    are  describing 

                                     states  of  mind

                                             such  as  a   special   state  of  mind

                                                    and  one  shared  by   humans  of  all  times

                         simply                       being   consciously  awake    in  the  Present  Moment

                               it    by-passes      beliefs ,  descriptions ,   and   interpretations

                       this  clean  ‘state  of  mind‘  is    basic  philosophy,    psychology,    meditation

                                   a   basic  human  experience ,   enhanced   with   regular  meditation 

                      this  could  be  the  rosetta stone  into  the  proto-indo-european   mind

                                   a  mind  that   change   the    world



         i  might  say  a  phrase    

                                      ‘  i  like  your  foibles ‘

                   it  feels  like  the  meaning  of  the  phrase  goes  with  it

                   but    actually   little  information  actually goes  with  the  symbols

                   my  immensely  complex  mental  system   says   this   

                                     spitting  out  a  simple  set  of  symbols           

                   i   send  it   to   you

                                   your  complex  mind  generates    your  meaning   of  the  symbols

                             our  minds  are  different

                                       as  with  boy  and  girl


               2   communicating   computers  use   web browsers   to  do  the  work  on  both  ends

                       one  receives   the   symbols  and  builds   up  the  intention

                       unlike  humans ,    the  web browsers   are  identical

                the  more  unlike  2   mind-structures   are

                       the  more  difficult   the  understanding

                if  the  Rig Veda  is  talking  about  a  natural  state  of  mind

                       the   meditative   state  of  mind   (  quiet,  alert, aware ) in the  present  moment – kind of thing

                                                                                                                       not    phraseswords

                then  the   Rosetta  Stone  analogy   might  work



                       everytime I close my eyes,  it’s like a dark paradise

                                                                                           Antonella      Del  rey


                  it’s  Sunday afternoon  and  the  cat  starts  yowling  and  yowling 

                         at   the  smell  of  marijuana.

                                  because  he  knows  the next  thing  coming

                                             is  a  can  of  that  gravy  shit



                            Vedic   and  classical Sanskrit  are  different

                                   Vedic  is  a  natural  spoken language

                                                no  cadence  but  with  accents

                                  Classical Sanskrit         is  not  vernacular

                                      but   formal,   poetic,  academic

                                      with  cadence   but  no  accents 

                                      no  perfective

                                      much reduced



                a  verb   has   many  variations

                           prefix          augment

                           root                      internal  ablout          strong-weak         reduplication      

                           derivational  stem  suffixes                

                           thematic      a

                           voice                                                 3 voices

                           moods                                              5   modes

                           person    number      sex                  9   persons,   3  numbers,  3  sexes

                           present  -  aorist  -  perfect               7  presents,   7  aorists,     1  perfect



                The  sheer  number  of  combinations   suggest  that  a  verb  must  be     constructed

                                on  the  fly  -   consciously                    not   from  memory

                speaking  Vedic   took  effort  ,   presence   and   education

                there  are  well  over  2000  letter combinations with  verbs

                               to  express  her  wiles

                to  get  passed        ‘ see  spot  run  ‘

                               took  an  education



                   our  thoughts  may be tricking us



        the   real  world

        unattainable  for  now

        is  promised




                         a  world without  sexy  women  ~  would be bleak 




            is  there  a  soul  ‘ in there ‘    looking out  of  the eyes

                     and directly  experiencing  the world 

                             or   is    information,  in  the  form  of  photons

                                       entering   the  eye  and  going  through numerous  neurons and  synapses,

                                               cognized  in some way  by the brain  and  ’seen’  moments  later

                                               synapses  have  molecules  moving  through  liquid  (delay)                                                        

                        so  instead  of direct experience,  there  is  a  delay

                             an hundred mph  baseball   is  really   some  inches  ahead  of  where  it’s  seen

                                the brain  has   neural lag

                       to  Experience  you  need  a  working  brain

                                hundreds of millions  of  firing  neurons

                        how could  direct experience be possible ? 

                               ancient  philosophers   described  ‘  experience ‘

                                       in   various  ways ,   in   mistaken  ways

                                       not  knowing   that  they  were  having   an  experience

                                              generated  by  the  brain-mind

-        saying   that   you   are  having  an  experience  outside  the  working  brain  -

    well      -  there   is   zero  proof   that  this  can  happen  -

                               could it be  50 – 50  ?

                               the  brain  will  always be  a  few  steps behind   the  present  moment

                    it  sure  seems  like  we  are  looking  out  of   our  eyes

                        philosophers   of  old  mistakenly   thought  this

                        but   science  tells  us   that   the  eyes  are  receptors

                        this  process   of  seeing   has  been  thoroughly   studied  and  is   well  understood

                              there  are  thousands  of  pictures  of   the  brain   areas  that

                                     are  involved  in the prossess  of  seeing

                               without  these  active  brain  areas,   there  is  no  seeing

                  the  religious philosophies  built  with  this  error  ,   should  give  pause

                          some  religious   people    are   saying     that

                             the  earth  was    created   6000 years  ago

                                   science   says  the  earth  is   around  5  billion  years  old

                  there   are  profound  differences  between

                        a philosophy-psychology  based  on  the principle  that   there   is

                                   someone ‘ in there ‘ looking  out  of  our  eyes

                                and  a  philosophy-psychology  based  on  science


                   the  older parts  of  the Rig Veda ,  I think ,  have  an  unique   perspective 

                          without  defining  or  speculating   ( or  making the above error ) ,  they  sought

                   happiness  and  health   of  a  clear-alert  mind    through  meditation

                           their  meditation  uses the  working  memory  of  our  prefrontal cortex

                                     for  conscious  thought   and  experience

                           so instead  of  shooting  for  the  direct experience  of  ‘  Now  ‘   ( or  an explanation )

                                 we  might  seek  the happiness  given  by   the  little     n     ‘  now  ‘

                                      provided  by   a  clear ,  alert ,  focused  mind   in   meditation

                                 nothing  supernatural,   no promises of  life  after death,   just  clean experience

                                       using   a  regular practice

                                              voicing   the   desire  and  respect  for   meditation


                   for  those believing  in  science   this  theory  of   older  Vedic  thought  has  potential




      if         consciousness   is  separate   from   matterbrain

      then      a  silicon  based  systemcomputer

                        should  be  able  to  use  consciousness

                        much  as  our  carbon  based  systems  do


      if    mind  is  where   matter  and  consciousness   meet

      if   this  information  systemmind   has  universal   structure

      then      computers   will    meet  consciousness  

                         much  as  we  do


       the  interfacebridge   between   matter  and  consciousness

                         would  have  similar  formstructure



  It's a new day, and every potentiality is available to you now !

  It's a new day, and you are no longer IN the past experiences that brought pain.

  You are here, now, beautiful, capable and amazing.

  Let your focus stay on this moment and all of the percolating possibilities that await.

  Thoughts of doubt and fear and  not good enough    are like little threads or

       tethers to that heavy weight you have held.

   When a fearful thought comes,

       see yourself cutting the thread to it, let it go, and remember again,

       i am here now.

   It is not possible to re-live then, 

       so with what that  "then"  taught me,  what do i want now ?

   What will i focus on now ?

   And wow - it's a new day !

                                                                   Dawn  Torres             



                    Information  Theory   talks  about  how     information

                           has  a  life  and  energy  of  its  own

                    ideas  (  packages  of  information,  memes )  when  successful

                         can  live and  replicate  in  many  minds   for  years

                   how  many  words, sentences  and  ideas  of  mine  are  memes


                   living  in  the  world  of  language   may  be  inauthentic

                   the  present  moment  may  be  the  glowing  jewel  for  an  authentic  experience

                                     not  quite   the  direct  experience  of  Now      but


           the  brain  is  much  too  active  for  a person   to  stay focused 

                                                                      in  the  present  moment  for  long

                          too much control  may even be unhealthy  for  the  brain  and mind

                   the  Rig Veda  talks  about   a   regular  Meditative  practice  where

                         the  glowing  jewel  of  happiness,  health  and  clarity   can  be  enjoyed

                                and  one  can  authentically  be 

                                         alert ,  aware ,  in the  moment ,  without  thoughts 


             the  fool   who  wants  to know 

             should  trust  whom ?



                                i  am  a  plagiarist    



                                   your  eyes  are  not  blue


        there  are  no  colors  out  in  world

             the  sun  emits  electromegnetic  wavesparticles                      

                    that  bounce  off  things

                    that  what  was  bounced

                              enters  the  eyes   hitting   rods  and  cones

                                 tri-sensored cones  transduce

                                    electromagnetic  wavesparticles   to  neural  pulses

                                           which  are  sent  to  areas  in  the  posterior  cortex

                                                   where  colors  are   generated


              we  are  seeing  a  colorless  world

                        as  it  was  a  quarter of a  second  ago

                                                                     with  neural  lag ,  it’s  never  live ,  never  immediate

                       it  takes  time  for our  senses  to be cognized   in  the  brain

                             through  cells ,  synapses  ,  membranes ,   molecules  traveling  through  liquid

                             how  can  direct  experience  be  possible ?

                       if  you  see  a  jet  airliner  go  by

                              it’s  actually  some  distance  ahead  of  where  you  see  it.





         a   liar     is  different  from  a   bullshitter


         a  Liar   knows  the  truth

                     and  wants  to  deceive  you


        a  Bullshitter   is  unconcerned   about  truth  or  untruth

                     his  intention  is  to   impress

                     uses  obscuration

                     fakes  stuff


                     misrepresents  what  he’s  up  to

                     leads  astray                  

                     paints  an  insincere   picture  of  himself  to  another  person   in  words.


        i  suspect  that  we  are  50 - 50

                  left  brain  dealing  in  truth - untruth

                  right  braing dealing  in  bullshit



    say   there  is  a     cat ,  dog,  and   hummingbird    in  the  back  yard

                the  cat  is  sitting  and  the  dog  is  running  around

         which   2   animals  are  most  alike

                 dog – cat                         based  on  looks

                 dog – hummingbird         based  on  behavior


     in  a  complex  system  like the brain

              where  trillions  of  synaptic actions  happen  every second

              there  surely  is  a  hierarchy  of  machinery

                 some  molecular

                 some  inbetween

                 some  at  story  level 


     to  determine  a  specific  state  of  mind

          say  of  meditative  focus

               would  be  fairly  easy

                   with  the  ‘ attractorchaos ‘  

                       being  a  simple  focus  of  awareness


         but   say      of  a  run  of   subconscious  thought

                 where  predictive   outcomes   are  most  difficult

                                           crap  tons   of   difficult   dynamic    chaos - complexity - feelings


           designing  an  ‘attractor’  for  meditation

              ( a  swirling   implosion  to   consciousness,  to  light,  to  awakesimplicity )

                         say        of  a  clear  mind

                                       an  awareness  of  being awake  in the conscious  mind

                   is  solid

                   a   Vortex   to   simplicity   and   pleasantness




                                  The  Brick  Wall


    as  you  keep  going  smallerelectons

          you  don’t  eventually  get  to a  brick wallgod

    as  you keep  going  largercosmos

          you  don’t eventually   get  to a  brick wallgod

    there  is  no  absolute  ‘there’       no  Theory of Everything

    no  ‘this is it’   inside  the  Big Bang   or  Black Hole

    no   ultimate  meaning  underlying  this  universe

           but   smaller  eventually  runs  into  larger   (relativity)

               when  you  fall into a black hole

               you may  pop  out(or get pooped out)  into  the  cosmos  as  an  Hydrogen   atom

               possibly  between  the  Andromeda  galaxy   and  the  Milky Way

                 maybe  you  get  pooped  out  of the  Big  Bang   13.81  billion  light  years  away

                                  time  has    no  beginning            no  ending



                              out  of  the  Big  Bang       into  a   Black Hole

                              out  of   a    Black Hole     into the  Big Bang




       Vedic verbs


             2 minds





                  universal  time -  things  happen in this world whether  we’re  here  or  not

                  inner  personal   time -   the  only  real  experience  is  in  the  present  moment

                                                        the  world  seen  from  my  waking  moment

                                                        experience  felt   from  this  waking  moment


           time ,  aspect , mood   may be represented  differently  regarding    the    2  views     2minds 


          some  describe  the  Vedic   verbal  system   as  having

                      2 tenses

                                    past    -    non-past

                      3  aspects

                                   perfect  -  retrospective – state

                                   aorist    -   perfective  -    completed  event

                                   imperfective   -   present, imperfect   -    incomplete, continued, repeating  events

                      4 or 5  moods

                                   indicative,   imperative,   injunctive,   optative,   subjunctive 

                      2 or 3  voices

                                   active,     middle,     passive    is probably a function of middle class 4



                   nouns     represent   descriptions    of   different  types of  individuals  and  substances

                   verbs      represent   descriptions    of   different  types  of   situations-events  



                  a    root            has  a  large    scope             a general  meaning

                           affix,   suffix,   ablaut, ,    causative,     desiderative,   intensive,    voice

                                                    brings   intention   to focus         restricts   meaning      but

                           without   knowing   Vedic context        good  luck    finding  what  was  Meant

                                       how  would you know,  if you found  the correct   context.                                                          

                                               the  older  half  of  the  Rig Veda   gives  an obscure      context



     the  language of a culture   probably  has  a  threshold   for   major  changes

     the  threshold  was   probably  met      after  so  many  generations

     changes  happened   rapidly  and

              then  things  remained  stable   for  some  generations



   unlike  monkeys,  we  have  2   cognitive  systems  ,    each  to its  hemisphere

                            hierarchical   and   heterarchical    thought

            we  are  able  to  understand  the  information  in  a  pattern

                  symbolize   it

                  use  that  symbol   in  a  sentence

                  use  that  sentence  in  a  paragraph

                  use  that  paragraph  in  a  book

                  use  that  book 

                  use  cultural   knowledge

                  and   judge  its  value



                                                                                      kṛ                                               cit

                                                          present stem                                      aorist stem                                   perfect stem

          present                                     kṛ-ṇo-ti                        ----                       ci-ket-a

          past                                          a-kṛ-ṇo-t                    a-kar-t                   a-ci-ket-t

          injunctive                                  kṛ-ṇo-t                        kar-t                      ci-ket-t

          subjunctive                               kṛ-ṇav-a-t (i)              kar-a-t (i)               ci-ket-a-t (i)

          optative                                    kṛ-ṇu--t                   kur--t                  ci-kit--t

          imperative                                kṛ-ṇu-hi                      kṛ-dhi                      ci-kid-dhi


      ablout       internal  vowel   change,  indicating         aspect

                        zero  grade           kṛ             present / imperfect

                        guna                     kar           aorist

                        vṛitti                      ke             perfect


        zero              a,  -                       i,  ī                          u,   ū                        ṛ,   ṛṛ

        guna             a,  ai                     ai   (e)                     au    (o)                    ar

      vṛddhi             ā,  āi                     āi   (ai)                    āu    (au)                  ār


       in Vedic     e = ai                       o = au                    ai = āi                   au - āu





                    probably will happen,     let it happen,  may it happen,   desire, 

                    wish,    want,   command,   request,  advice,  a direction,  shall,  should,

                    might,  must

                    probability    possibility    necessity  

                    ( speakers attitude )  to the content  of a  proposition  or  possible worlds

                    language doesn’t  just  pinpoint and relate sitituations  but

                          can  propose  multiple   possible  situations


         the  indicative   is  probably  dealing  with  the  objective   world

         the  other   moods   are  more    subjective         personal



                          subjunctive                        in assertive  clauses

                                                    expresses  future  probability

                                                    probable  state  of  affairs

                                                    doubts,   fears,   predictions,   hypothetical or guarded  statements



                                                   is a finite verb whose only grammatical features are

                                                            aspect               present / aorist / perfect

                                                            voice                 middle / passive

                                                            person / number          with secondary, non-present endings

                                                            not marked   for   tense / mood


                                                   completed action irrespective of tense or mood

                                                   usually  in  main clause        that

                                                              follows  a verb ( in subordinate clause ) that gives  tense / mood

                                                    except for     prohibitions  with      

                                                              injunctives don’t occur by themselves,  they follow  tense / mood  verbs

                                                    rarely  in  subordinate  clauses

                                                    rarely  in  recent past

                                                     tense / mood  is supplied by Context or other words


                                                           ca          can join different verbs in same  tense/mood

                                                                                or       same  verb   with different  tense/mood

                                                           but      injunctive   can  conjoin  with  different  verbs in any tense/mood

                                                    imperfect  advances  narrative,  injunctive   tells  ‘wrong’  sequence




                                                    command,    requests,    prohibitions


                                                    wishes,    choices,    preferences     


                                                   make statements,    recount facts,



                    a single event,  repetitive, continual,  instant,  duration,   finished,

                    witnessed,  remote,  simple,  complex,  temporary, permanent

                     recent,    immediate,  just happened,  state a fact,



                    now a days,       we   see   Time in terms of    ‘ past,  present,  future ‘

                    linguists say,     Aryans   saw  Time in terms of    ‘ past  and non-past ‘

                    but      say

                              ‘ it’s always been now and will always be now ‘

                                      then  the  only ‘ time ‘  is  now 

                    the  past  may be more like  a  memory ,  not  a  different  time

                    they  might  be using  2  different  time  systems

                                  universal    (  there  is  one  time  in the universe )             objective

                                  mental       (  time  is  seen  as  the  present moment )      subjective


                    the  modern  Linguistic  concept of time may be regarded  as a path structure,    i.e.

                          as  a structure  consisting  of a strictly ordered  infinite  set of immediately adjacent intervals,

                                    all of which  are connected by one and only one sub path

                    directed     -    only  one direction


       Descending time

                 start time is  now

                 i am a point of being    -      time moves past me.

                 things  happen  ‘now’       and   become memories

                 the time that operates in the mind

                 our memory records the passing parade of life

                 passive        experiences      drifts   further and further into the past

                                     desiring  an  event  to be

                 events  are  relevant only to the time of mental functioning

                                 to time that is internal to the mind

                                                 time that is contained in the event

                 Vedic  used   Descenting  time   in  the  subjective  world     ( aorist       system )

                                       Ascending   time   in  the  objective   world      ( present    system )


      Ascending  time

                 start    time   was   13.81      billion years  ago

                 an event has begun  in past  -  eventually  comes to completion  in future

                 i  will  reach the end of my life

                 i am   moving across the back ground of time

                 active       imagining  events in the future

                 time outside the functioning mind

                            universal time --  running to  ‘infinity’  in both directions

                                           time that contains the event         

             universal time

                     there is one time in the universe

                     this time flows the same for everyone



            descending time

                      everyone has their own time

                      this      moment   is  personal and private


                     i bet that there’s been  lots of people  through  the  years

                            who’ve  wondered  about  shit    like  this

                                     after  they’ve  smoked  some  weed

                                             really,  I  do  believe   that  there  have  been  many





     i  do  not  believe  in  God

                               or  that  there’s  an  ultimate  answer  to  Life, the Universe,  and  Everything

                               or  there’s  a  pot of  gold  at  the  end  of  the  rainbow

                               or  an      ultimate  explanation

                               or  an      ultimate  meaning  to  this  universe

                               no      Theory of Everything

                               there  is  no  inner  absolute   there  there

    i  believe  in  Relativity

                    a  dual  universe

                    brain   and   consciousness




       Tense and Aspect   -   are  fundamentally  different  cognitive systems

                                           different way of representing activities .

                                           different mental  systems  or  stratified mental  constructions



           the time  an action  takes  place,    often  relating   to present moment

           Vedic  may  have  maybe   2  tenses        Past   ---   non-Past

           English  has  3  tenses.    past – present - future



                 probably 3

                               perfect -      state  ,  retrospective

                               imperfect -  ongoing

                               aorist  -       completed

                 not concerned with placing  events on a time line, rather

                 makes  distinction about  kinds of actions

                                        progressive,  punctual,  habitual,   state,  achievement     


                         ongoing,  habitual,   may be simultaneous or overlapping


                         strict   sequence,   one event must be completed before the next

                                        a  state or condition  that was caused  by a previously  completed  event


                        recently  completed  event  as  seen  from   the   present moment




                         relate  facts  and objective  statements

                         fuck  suffering

                         fuck  suffering



                        expresses   probable    happenings

                         probable  state  of  affairs

                         doubts,   fears,   predictions



                        hypothetical   or   contrary-to-fact

                        wished,     choices,     preferences



                        commands,   requests,     prohibitions



                         tenseless,  moodless

                         a completed action

                         complements and follows  a verb that  gives   time / mood

                         quite  mysterious

                         maybe  having  something  to do  with  the  ‘ present  moment ‘

                         a  lot  of  this  has  been  written  while  stoned




             once    you  leave   the  present  moment   and  dive  into  language

                   you  find  yourself   in   the  world   of

                           a brain-mind  structured   and  programmed   by  culture

                           human  traits   inherited   from  evolution   and  natural  selection

                   can  philosophy  be   done  in  language  ?


                   a  loaded  or religious question  like ‘ do you believe  in  god ? ‘

                   one  might  answer  ‘  i   neither  believe  nor  disbelieve  in   x  ‘   


                           smokin’  weed  and  meditating  on  Sundays

                                     is my favorite time  now

                                           back  when  my  testosterone levels  were  higher

                                                 lovin’  was  my  favorite  time






     before  Nietzsche  most  westerners  had  one  view  of  the  self

                                   an  eternal  soul

                                           that  leaves  the  body  at  death

                  the  soul  was  put  here  by  god

                                    for  a  purpose

     but  what  if  this  is  bunk

     existentialists  posit  a  person , one  day ,  

                     waking  up  and  becoming  aware  of  her  existence

                            with  no  clue  of  purpose or  meaning

    Nietzsche  might  say    ‘  how  you  feel  is  your  responsibility ‘

       Dawn  might  say       ‘   don’t   shrink  in  that  chair,  grow  a  pair ,  stand up

                                             and  do  somethingpositive  exciting ‘

                             paraphrasing  of course



           it is life living itself, ongoingly relating with what is and what is perceived to be... 




           music, mathematics, quantum mechanics  have   structure

           quarks and atoms have a universal structure

           information should  have  a universal  structure

           as  software runs on a computer

           the  mind  runs  on the brain

           the  mind  should  have  a  structureas does software

           built  around  a  universal  information matrix-fabric

           probably  involving the Octave

           an  Artificial Intelligence or an Alien’s  mind  should be similar to ours

                     because it would have to fit the structure of mind

           this  would  give  Jung’s  ‘collective unconscious’  some  juice



           that  moment  when all  is  quiet  and   still

                              our  only  soundtrack  is  heartbeat  and  breath




            2    types of verbs

                     State     -   perfect     (state of being)  ( completed action, still relevant )  looking back


                     Event    -   perfective – aorist   ( completed action, an entire process )

                                    -    imperfective   -  present tense – imperfect tense

                                                                        ( ongoing, repeated, habitual   action )


                                Primary  verbs -   from roots

                                Secondary  verbs  -   from root stem  -  from nouns -  Present System verbs

                                                          causative, intensive, desiderative, denominative

                                                          not conjugated  in the  Subjunctive or Optative  moods


        binary opposition

                            present vs. past     

                            subjective proximate vs. objective proximate

                            narrative vs. statement of fact

                            active voice  -    middle voice


                           objective       vs.    subjective       

                           imperfective  vs.   perfective

                           order            vs.    chaos

                           multi-layer  linear  control    vs.    association         connectable  patterns 


                          primary vs. secondary endings

                                           mi,  si,  ti      -----    m,    s,    t




                    immediately before or after now                    

                    now relating  to events  in this waking   day

                    now   relating to events in my  life time

                    objective time           linear

                    subjective time          in the mind       is seen from now      from speaker

                    time parameters       (  Reichenbach  )

1.        E   -     event  time,   the time during which the event unfolds -  run  time

2.        R   -     reference  time,   the  time  referred  to -  spoken  about

3.        P   -     perspective  time,  the  ‘ now ‘  point  -     evaluation  time

4.        S   -     speech  time,   the actual  moment of utterance


             present           E    included  in   R,      P   included in   R

                                    past  perfect           E   precedes  R    precedes  P

                               present  perfect           E   precedes  R,    P   is included in  R

                                         imperfect           R   precedes  P

                                              aorist            E   precedes  Rr    

                                                                         r =   ?  recent past     current  relevance        resultive


               ‘ Julia  arrived ‘                    simple  past

               ‘ Julia   has  arrived ‘           present  perfect

                       you   would  think  that  there  were  only  2  time  parameters

                                                                                Event Time   and  Speech Time

                       but no,  there  is a third.    Reference  Time  (  time spoken about )

                              ‘ Julia arrived ‘               happened  before  Speech Time

                                                                       E and R  precedes  S

                              ‘ Julia  has  arrived ‘       happened  before  and  overlaps  with  Speech Time

                                                                      E   and  R   includes  S

     ‘ At midnight last night,  Julia arrived, kissed Margaret, had a glass of wine, and went to bed.

                                        E  times  are  included  in R  time


                  Aspect   =   a type of relation  between   E    and   R

                  Tense    =                     “                          R    and    P / S



                               Present     P   includes   R       evaluation / perspective  time    includes    reference  time

                            Past            R   precedes  P


                            Imperfective    (  present,  imperfect past )   R    includes   E

                            Perfective  ( aorist )       E   includes  R        event time  includes  reference time

                            Anterior   ( perfect )       E   partially  includes  R

                            Neutral                          R   overlaps  E



                 Present tense  and  Aorist  aspect   are rarely  used together


                  A  very  meaningful   phrase   needs   both   Aspect   operators   and   Tense operators


             the   Perfect  is not used for  narration       because

                     R    is included  in   P

                     even though the  Perfect  places  an event in the past,

                          a sequence of perfects  cannot provide the secessions of    R   times  that

                                      (drives the narrative forward)  because the R times  overlap

                                       one  event  does not precede  the other -  they  share  same  P  time

            the   Imperfect   is  used  for  narration

                     each   past  tense   has  its  own   R   time

                                they   all   precede     P

                                each  reset  R  time   includes  a  new  E   time  -  successive  events

            the  Imperfect  is  also used  for  ‘ remote past ‘ ,   elsewhere


           the   Aorist    is  restricted  to  recent  past  in virtue of  its  resultative  meaning


    Aorist   is  restricted  to telic  ( complete )  verbs,        resultative in character,       E  precedes   R

                      you can make an  atelic  verb   Aorist   by  adding   s    -       s  aorist   -   perfectivizing


          Verb  roots  can be grouped  into  3  Aktionsart  types

1.       Resultative  ( aorist )    accomplishment        achievement

       vṛt      turn                     vṛdh     grow             sthā    stand up         skand   leap

       krand   cry out               hṛ    take                  bhū    become           dyut     flash

       bhī    become scared    budh   wake up        vap   strew

       jan   be born                  ram   calm  down     tyaj   leave


2.       Irresultative              state                 process

      as    be                           vas    dwell                śī    lie                         ās    lie

      īṣ      move                      iṣ   desire                  bhā   shine                     blow

      rud   weep                      plu   float                   jiv   live


3.       Resultative / irresultative

        bhar    bring, carry        kram   step             ruh   climb         dhāv   run             cleanse



         aspectual  contrast  between  Aorist  and  non-aorist  Injunctives    appears  in prohibitions

               preventive  prohibitions   take       Aorist  injunctive

               inhibitive    prohibitions   take        Present / Imperfect   injunctive


                             parā   gās

                       don’t  go  away        addressed  to someone  who  is  present

                                                        ao.  inj.

                        akṣai:       dīvyas

                        don’t  gamble  ( any more )     addressed  to a gambler





     Grammatical  aspect

                           Defines    time flow    of  event or state   from point of view  of speaker

                                 is it bounded ( beginning and end ) , without reference to time flow during situation.

                                           she spanked me          aorist

                                 or  unbounded  with reference  to time flow  during  situation

                                           she  was spanking me  -  she  used to spank me        imperfect


    Lexical  aspect  


                                                A | B -----------C------------D | E


                     A     subject   in a position                 before    event   (  prospective aspect )

                     B     subject   in a position at the beginning  of event  ( inceptive aspect )

                     C     subject     with event                       in progress   ( progressive  aspect )

                     D     subject     in position  of completing  the event    ( perfective  aspect, aorist )

                     E      subject  in a position    after     event                  ( perfect-retrospective  aspect )



  English                 aspect                                 non-past                                past tense


                    performative                                 i speak                                         i spoke

                    progressive                                  i am  speaking                              i  was  speaking

                    retrospective                                i have spoken                                i had spoken

                    prospective                                  i will speak                                      i would speak


            tense  systems represent past and future as  Universe Time

                            vast stretches of time that contain   events


            aspect   represents  past  and future  in terms  of   Event  Time

                            time   with-in  the      Event


           present  Perfect  aspect,     event  represented by the past participle  only indicates

                             a past event   because it is seen retrospectively  from  the  Present     


          past  tense ,  on the other hand,   represents  event  contained  in past time

                                 is  separate and apart from  the  Present




                      universal time,     time that contains the Event

                      location in time

                      characterizes  the narrated event with reference to the speech event

                      tenses  are  typically  deictic  ‘ depends on context for meaning ‘

                                      in that   they relate time points to a moment of speech



                       is  not  concerned with relating the time of the situation to any other  time-point

                                    but  rather  with the internal  time  with-in   event     -     Event Time

                                                    time  contained  in the  Event

                       characterizes  the narrated  event without  reference to speech event                    

                       nature of action – kind of action


                       describes manner in which an   action – change of state – condition 

                                                                                      is regarded by the speaker

                       time that is contained in the Event

                       relationship between described situation and  time spoken about

                       speakers perspective on the internal time structure of a situation

                       type of action


                       temporal   structure

                       perfective aspect  --  completed situations

                       imperfective aspect  --  in progress  situations


                               own 3 slaves,      have known  32  ladies

                *       change of state

                                fight       -   process

                                defeat   -   change-of-state             has a  completion

                *      dynamic --  progress through time

                                 hate     -     state               remains  constant

                                 walk    -     dynamic          evolves  through time

                                                  often  used  with  adverbs  like  ‘ quickly ‘

                *      punctual  --  instantaneous

                                  come,  win    -     durative          achievement

                                  astonish        -     punctual         instantaneous  achievement

                *     single event

                                   know     happens   once

                                   kiss       happens  frequently



                        relation between reference time and event time

                                tense  --  between  reference time and local evaluation time

•       Imperfective aspect      ( present,   imperfect )

              Reference time includes event time

                       ‘ when I knocked on the door,  she was masturbating ’

                       ‘ when I was reading, she entered’

                       ‘ he is dying ‘      action occurring  in the present or in the past

•       Perfective aspect         ( aorist )

              Completed event  before speech time, but still holds

                     Event time included in reference time

                        ‘ i married  her    but   later  went  somewhere  else ’

                        ‘ he likes women who have winked at him’

                        ‘ to die ‘       action as a whole         an occurrence in the past

•       Perfect  aspect          ( perfect )

              Event time partially precedes or co-exists with reference time

                        ‘ I have made  love  with  her,  but  now  it’s  someone  else ’

                        ‘ the adulterer must have entered, using the back door’

                        ‘ she started walking because she was late’

                        ‘ to be dead ‘          occurred  and effecting the present

•       Neutral aspect

               General overlap between event time and reference

                        ‘ while he was dying,  his gaze fell on her  breasts ’

                        ‘ suddenly I knew that something was wrong’


                 The action of a verb can be seen from different perspectives


                          Subjective         the feelings of a subject

                                                    prospective – introspective - retrospective

                               usually      Perfect


     Objective           ingressive – progressive – egresive

                               seen  in its continuity,  at some point in its development

                               initial point end point ,   took place once or repeated

                               had an end or result

                               can be complete or incomplete, durative, inchoative, cursive,

                                     terminative  or  iterative,  habitual,  intensive


    meaning  =  layers  of     form  and  function

                     meaning  not only comes from verb form but also    Context



                     aspectual meaning may depend on





                                meaning of the verb-stem itself

                                adverb-prepositional modifiers

                                transitive -  intransitive

                                secondary verb-stems,      causative – denominative – desiderative - intensive 


                 4   functions

                             recent  past                          main  clause         in the indicative       

                             relating  to prior  event          in  subordinate  clause                   

                             statement  of fact                 usually with imperfects  in reporting  narration

                                                                                      with injunctives   in  mentioning

                             perfective  aspect ,  telic,   completed event    -    in  non-finite and modal verb forms                    

                              non-finite =  not limited  by a subject

                                                 missing-  tense / aspect / mood / number / gender / person

                                                  can’t  stand alone as  main verb

                                                  infinitives , participles , gerunds,     ‘ing

                                                  such as        to do,    doing



                   aorist and perfect       divide   the readings of the  English perfect

1.       Resultative:           She  has  caught  the  flu.                                         ( aorist )

2.       Universal:              I  haven’t  had  any  nookie  in  5  years.                      ( perfect )

3.       Existential:             Jack  has been to  Tibet.                                           ( perfect )

4.       Recent past:         She  has woken up  in  this  bed  at age  39.           ( aorist )

5.       Stative  Present:    I’ve  got (= I have)  something to tell  you.                  ( perfect )


1.       Resultative     reading      also  called   state  reading

        accomplishment    predicates        such  as    catch,   hide

                consists  of an activity  leading to a change of state

        achievement     predicates                          die,  arrive

                denotes  an  event  consisting  of a  change of state

        ‘ I have finally  realized that she was a lesbian. ‘


2.       Existential   reading      also known as the   experiential  reading

        is obtained  when the whole event denoted by

              a continuing ( atelic ) or repeated ( telic ) events      are  contained  in   E

                Jack  visited  Tibet  one or more times  during a period  E

                        extending  from some past time up to time  R,  but not currently visiting

        ‘  i’ve  often thought that she was a lesbian ‘


3.       Universal   reading     or  continuing reading

         i continue to know Rebekah  from  2011 up to  R

          needs an  adverb      always,  since

        ‘ i’ve  always known that she was a lesbian ‘


4.      Recent past

              situates an event at a time which verges on P time

                     and locates  the result state at  P


5.       Present  state

              reference  interval is included  in the resulted state

              change of state is not assigned a time  but remains implicit



   Perfect        anterior  aspect

                                       partially precedes – co-extensive   with  Reference Time

                   overlaps  with  speech time          ‘ she arrived ‘

                   past perfect   selects a past time  as its evaluation time

                   present perfect    reference time overlaps with evaluation time

                   past completed action    still   relevant


                   situation that is obtained as a result of an event

                   aspectually  stative and presuppose a prior  event.

                   a state  or  achievement    resulting  from a previous  event

                   actions of varying completion that in some manner affect the present

                   completed action with a continuing effect



                   achievement verb  -  stative presents

                          predicates only the state itself, not the change of state that brought it about

                          has   strictly  present time  reference

                          coordinated  with  present tense verbs

                  imperfects  denote  individual / collective ( single-event )  continuing

                  perfects  denote   distinct multiple events

          stative  presents   such as

                veda,  ciketa  ‘ knows ‘  ( from vid, cit  ‘ find out ‘ ),    jujoṣa  ‘ enjoys ‘,      cakāna  ‘ likes’,

                bibhāya  ‘ fears ‘,            taṣṭhau  ‘ stands ‘,               śiśrāya  ‘ rests on “,

                dadhāra  ‘ holds ‘,           ānaśa  ‘ has ‘,                     babhva   ‘ is ’


                       yabhyate      is-fucked

                        yabh      fuck         yabhyate             intransitive ?                 



      a  completed  event   as  opposed  to a divided event

         has boundaries –  discrete – completed events  located in the immediate  past

         situations  included in reference time

         doesn’t refer to time of action, instead  describes  action’s state of completion or singularity

         a completed, singular action

         has  no  part that is outside the reference time

         event  has been terminated prior  to speech time

         no exact notion  of  duration

         event happened at some indefinite time in the past

         punctual,    monentary,  instantaneous

         to see – to look,   to find – to search,    to hear – to listen

                first one is Aorist – singular, momentary, finite action, a beginning and end

                second on is  Imperfect – ongoing process, repeated, habitual

                                            cannot be isolated to one moment or action

          reference time is contained in the event

          emphasizes  a state resulting from the completion  of event, still holds at speech time

          event time    cannot  last longer then  reference time



               The Vedic Aorist often expresses actions or processes ‘which have occurred

             in the past with reference  to the present.

                Immediate past

                Not so much ‘I did the action but I was effected by the action.

                Imperfect -- continuance

                Perfect – completeness

                Aorist   deals with neither  continuance or completeness

                            rarely  state or activity verbs  or change-of-state  or imperfective

                            momentaneous,  no durational – punctual-factual,  single event

                perfect  --  state a fact                  

                aorist  --  statement of fact        proximate past

                imperfect  --  narration          distant past                      

                aorist inj.  Prohibitive --   situation stops before now

                present inj.  Prohibitive  --   situation  stops  in the present

                is the meaning of a sentence, determined by its constituents ??

                tense, aspect, mood   are prime constituents

               desiderative   are usually  state  verbs , having few Aorist stems      

               past progressive    reference time  included in event time

                                             ‘ I was winning the race ‘

               Simple past           ‘ I won the race ‘


       Present system

                          ongoing  action,    not complete,  durative,  continuative

                          does not say anything about its completed nature

               in the old days        each Class probably had its own aspectual significance

                              thematic       1,  4,  6

                              athematic      2,  3,  5,  7,  9               5 and 9   may be sisters

               Class  3       may signify   the       iterative

                                   jigāmi          i make step after step       i am walking



   accented  nouns

                          strong declensions =   nom.    acc.

                          weak  declensions =    inst.     dat.     abl.    gen.   loc.

                if   noun has  ‘ underlying ‘  accent,    it  keeps  the   stress

                if    no   ‘ underlying ‘  accent

                           strong ending  -  syllable immediately preceding it      takes stress

                           weak  ending  -   stress  is in   ending


                      marut                                      vac

          marut           marutas                       vāk          vāca:

          marutam      maruta:                       vācam      vāca:

          marutā         marudbhi:                    vācā        vāgbhi:

          marute         marudbhya:                 vāce        vāgbhya:

          maruta:        marudbhya:                 vāca:       vāgbhya:

          maruta:        marutām                      vāca:       vācam

          maruti          marutsu                        vāci         vākṣu


            vocative   is unstressed - except   sentence-initial,    first  syllable    stressed

            if   no  ‘ underlying ‘   accent -   first syllable   receives   stress




   accent    verbs

              main  clause         verbs   unaccented              except

                        1. all  sentence – initial   or  pāda – initial    words  are  accented

                            contiguous   verbs       second verb is accented   ( considered new sentence )

                            words between verbs ( belong to first verb )   second verb is accented   ( new sentence )

                            verbs  preceded by    sentence – initial  Vocatives      are accented


                         2.      verb  accented   when  immediately preceding   id        indicates  emphasis


              subordinate   clause     

                          1.    verbs    accented


             antithetical  clause       

                         1.        first verb usually accented        anya – anya          ca  -  ca            -   


             etā       2nd  pl.  imp.      come

                         1.      when following this verb in a clause         accented


                        clitic  elements  tend  to follow the  sentence – initial  accented  word


            with   Vocative-initial  words,    first  syllable  gets  accent          agni    instead of   agni  

                     Vocatives   are   usually   unaccented


            enclitics     are    unaccented

                      ( enclitic -  depends on  preceeding  word )

            iva        ‘like’    unaccented,  it follows  the word with which the comparison is made.  treated as  suffix 



      Vedic clause

                    Assertive clause -  knowledge shared by speaker and hearer -  common ground

                    Directive clause -  knowledge should be realized  by hearer – putting in order

                    Interrogative clause -  mutually agree to attempt to answer - possibility



                   The  perfect characteristically expresses the condition attained by the subject

              as the result of a preceding action.

                  If that action (often a repeated or continuous one ) is continued into the

              present so as to include the latter,  it may be translated by the Present ;

                 if it is regarded as concluded before the present,  by the Present Perfect.



   i  know  this  moment  will  die,   it’s  so  wonderful

       i  will  miss  life    if   i  remember  to  remember

           footprints  in  the  sand

              rage    rage    against  the  dying  of  the  light


  thank you  for  reading  my  stuff


  these  phrases  exploded  out  of  my  near-last   moments

                                                       of  my  non-existent  soul


                                     Ben  Darras